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Results 5221-5230 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have Just returned from the Springs after an absence of 4 or 5 Weeks, and had concluded, since you was here, that as the last settlement between us has been, standing some time it may be best for all parties to make a new and now, agreeable to the Papers here with the bond you can sign and return to me, and the old one will be sent you as stated in the a/c ViU : David Higginbotham Letterbook.
I duly recieved by the hands of mr Short the diploma with which the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia has been pleased to honor me as a Correspondent of their association, and I accept it with due sensibility as a mark of their favor. at my advanced age and great distance I can little hope to contribute to the stores of science of which they will be the depository . my only returns I...
I am very sensible, gentlemen, of the favor done me in proposing to make me an honorary member of the Franklin society of Brown university in Providence. I accept the honor with thankfulness, and as a mark of your good will, altho’ conscious that at my age and distance I can add nothing to the treasures of science of which it will be the depository. prayers for it’s success can be my only...
The Lord God in the richness of his mercey hath arisin in the majisty of his power to visit & revisit the children of men for the purpose of purifying by the opperation of his own Love, their rational souls—and thereby prepare them to be happy, supremely happy, in the enjoyment of the Divine presence admitting that all external objects should to give joy or consolation—Whilst my mind (in the...
M r Coolidge having mentioned to me in conversation the measures you had taken not long since to enlarge and establish a correspondence in the different countries of Europe in the book-selling line, it occurred to me that it might be convenient to our University and of some profit to yourselves were you to establish a branch of your business with us on a small scale at first, enlarging it...
You perhaps remember that in February last, I took the Liberty of requesting a letter from you, in your own hand writing, which I intended to preserve in honour of you.—and I would here acknowlege the receipt of said letter, which I can assure you Sir, is of more real satisfaction to me than you possibily can imagine,—and the Subject (15 th Psalm) as you well remarked, could not be “more...
In your letter of Aug. 26. you suggest a disposition, among other lines to write that of my self, with an assurance that any materials I could furnish would be used with care and candour: of this I am satisfied and that the subject would be treated with more talent and partiality than it would merit. but in truth, Sir, I possess no such materials. I have gone on thro’ life acting as well as I...
I have this day received from M r Bernard Peyton for your account, twelve hundred & eight dollars 20/100 in a draft on the Mechanic’s bank of this City,—for the disposal of this Sum, I shall wait your instructions—I am respectfully MoSHi : Thomas Jefferson Collection (formerly Bixby).
The idea which you present in your letter of July 30. of the progress of society from it’s rudest state to that it has now attained seems conformable to what may be probably conjectured. indeed we have under our eyes tolerable proofs of it. let a philosophic observer commence a journey from the savages of the Rocky mountains, Eastwardly towards our seacoast. these he would observe in the...
I have duly recieved your favor of the 28 th ult. and lose no time in acknoleging the honor you do me in proposing to submit to my judgment your translation of Homer. but of all men living I have the least exercisised myself in the office of criticism. I never had the qualifications, the taste or talent of a reviewer. I have uniformly also declined giving opinions on the merit of books, to be...