Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Peter Collinson, 22 February 1751

From Peter Collinson

ALS: Yale University Library

Londn Feby 22d. 1750/1

My Dear Friend

On the other Side is the Account of the Books I now send. I next must thank thee for thine of the 27: Sepr.1 with our Friend Kalms observations2 which are very acceptable to the Curious Here. I was in hopes to send thy Work which is all printed but the Engraveing is not3 so may Expect it soone. Thee art under great obligations to Docr. Fothergill who has annexed a pretty preface giving some account of the Work. Thy Last pappers and Errata came time Enough to be Inserted. There is another letter of thine in the Docrs. hands that requires Some notice but I am so much Engaged I can only add I am with much Esteem thy Sincere friend

P Collinson

Lond feby 20th 1750/1

Books &c. By Budden being Directed for thy Self and packed per Mr. Neve with Mr. Neats4 Goods

Magazene for 8br: 9br: 10br: Supplement Januy5 –: 7: 6
Doc Knights Book –: 3:
Histy of Madeira –: 1: 6
Oeconomy of Human Life 1:
Halifax, Charactr K: Ch: IId &c. 2: 6
Memoirs of Herculianum 1:
Milton Vindicated –: 1: 6
Lauder Lettr of Recantation –: –: 6
History of Moravians –: –: 4
£–: 18: 10
By Capt: Richey Shall Send 4 Transactions6 11:

I may have no Leisure to write so send for them.

Addressed: To Benn: Franklin Esqr in Philadelphia per Cap Budden

1Not found.

2See above, p. 43.

3See below, facing p. 130.

4Unidentified. Richard Neave and William Neate were London merchants; Samuel Neave and Samuel Neate were Philadelphia merchants.

5The books and pamphlets listed are: Gentleman’s Magazine, Oct.–Dec. 1750, and the supplement to Vol. XX (1750), which appeared Jan. 20, 1751; Gowin Knight, An Attempt to demonstrate that all the Phenomena in Nature may be explained by … Attraction and Repulsion (London, 1751); Francisco Alcaforado, An Historical Account of the Discovery of the Island of Madeira, abridged from the Portuguese original (London, 1750); Robert Dodsley, The Oeconomy of Human Life (London, 1751); George Savile, Lord Halifax, A Character of King Charles the Second: and Political, Moral, and Miscellaneous Thoughts and Reflections (London, 1750), which was the source of some of the maxims BF printed in his almanacs (see above, 1, 281); William Fordyce, Memoirs concerning Herculaneum, the subterranean city (London, 1750); John Douglas, Milton Vindicated from the Charge of Plagiarism (London, 1750); William Lauder, A Letter to the Reverend Mr. Douglas, occasioned by his Vindication of Milton (London, 1751); and The Contents of a folio history of the Moravians … printed in 1749 … under the title of Acta fratrum unitatis in Anglia. With … remarks … by a Lover of the Light [i.e. John Wesley] (London, 1750).

6Phil. Trans.

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