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Results 5201-5210 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I am honored with yours of Jan. 19. mine of Jan. 12. had not I suppose at that time got to your hands as the receipt of it is unacknoleged. I shall be anxious till I receive your answer to it. I was perfectly satisfied, before I received your letter, that your opinion had been misunderstood or misrepresented in the case of the Chevalier de Mezieres. your letter however will enable me to say so...
I have received your favour of 13th. May, on the subject of Dr. Franklin’s conduct on the 12th. of last January, for which I thank you. I should have been glad if you had gone more fully into it; perhaps however it is unnecessary, as the principal fact is established. I can have no objection to your communicating our correspondence on this subject to Dr. Franklin; but you will be good enough...
I must begin with apoligising to you for not writing since the 17 of June. I have really had so many cares upon my Hands and Mind, with a bad inflamation in my Eyes that I have not been able to write. I now date from Boston where I yesterday arrived and was with all 4 of our Little ones innoculated for the small pox. My unkle and Aunt were so kind as to send me an invitation with my family....
I do myself the honor of transmitting to the Senate the translation of a French letter; the original of which was addressed to Congress, and was delivered to me yesterday by the Speaker of the House of Representatives, to be translated. I have the honor, Sir, to be / with the highest respect / yo. mo. ob. serv. DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
Capt. Le Maire the Bearer tells me he saw you in Paris. In Hopes this may find you there, I write, not so much to tell you any thing of public Importance (for we have not much News) as to revive that Correspondence which Time, Distance of Situation and important Avocations have almost worn out. The Marquiss Fayette, Genl. Conway and many other french officers are gone to Canada Report says,...
I received your letter of the 6th of April. The reasons cited by your excellency have convinced me that it would be impossible toemploy, in this country, my friend Valck in the service of Congress. Because of this, he decided to emigrate, and I can assure your excellency that we are losing an enlightened and worthy citizen. I will greatly miss him. Mr. Jan Hendrick Christiaan Heineken, son of...
I cannot let this opportunity, thõ, from M r. Jefferson’s hurry, a transitory one, pass; without writing you a line. The arrangement of our foreign affairs which makes M r Jay Secretary here, & joins M r. Jefferson with you, must I think be pleasing to you, as they both have a friendship for you & are men of ability. It was my wish that the negociations might be carried on at the Hague or in...
Feby. 27 Remained at home all the morning—Mr. Adams dined with Mr. Lowndes—In the evening went to the French Ministers where Mr. A accompanied me it being their last public night—God save the King produced a great effect I understand last night, and the papers are to ring with it tomorrow—The managers—Those of whom were Members of Congress had determined it should not be played, and Mrs. Peter...
The last post brought me your Excellency’s letter of the 14. I hope Doctor Franklin will be fully in sentiment with you respecting the disposition of the Continental property, and I am happy in anticipating the pleasing close, which may still attend this hitherto unfortunate business. Previous to the receipt of your last letter I had drawn upon Messrs. de Neufville & Son for a sum of money to...
I have just been inform’d by Uncle Smith that a Vessel will sail for Holland this Day; and as I wish to let you hear from your dearest Connections here by every oportunity, I hope you will excuse this Domestick Epistle. I left your Lady and Children all well this Week, your Mother and Brother and all our other Friends are as well as usual. I have had the happiness of receiving your esteemed...