Thomas Jefferson Papers

Patrick Gibson to Thomas Jefferson, 6 March 1815

From Patrick Gibson

Richmond 6th March 1815


Your favor of the 25th ulto is received I should be much pleased to find your opinion to be correct, with regard to a rise in the price of flour in April, we know at present nothing of the markets in Europe on which to form a correct judgement, but my present impression is that they will not justify higher prices, and the quantity required in the West Indies (together with our own consumpt) is too small to make much impression upon that on hand—it is now very dull, a few sales were on the first news of peace made at 7$ Cash, & subsequently on time, it continues to be the asking price, but there are no purchasers, nor do I think 6½$ could be obtain’d—. Tobacco continues to be very brisk at from 8 to 13$ and in few instances 14$— Your note in bank becoming due in a few days I inclose you a blank for your signature—With great regard

I am Your obt Servt

Patrick Gibson

RC (MHi); between dateline and salutation: “Thomas Jefferson Esqre”; endorsed by TJ as received 7 Mar. 1815 and so recorded in SJL. Enclosure not found.

TJ’s reply to Gibson of 8 Mar. 1815, not found, is recorded in SJL. He indicated in his financial records for that date that he had “Renewed my note in bank” (MB description begins James A. Bear Jr. and Lucia C. Stanton, eds., Jefferson’s Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767–1826, 1997, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Second Series description ends , 2:1306).

Index Entries

  • Bank of Virginia (Richmond); TJ’s loan from search
  • flour; price of search
  • flour; sale of search
  • Gibson, Patrick; and TJ’s bank note from Bank of Virginia search
  • Gibson, Patrick; and TJ’s flour search
  • Gibson, Patrick; and TJ’s tobacco search
  • Gibson, Patrick; letters from search
  • Gibson, Patrick; letters to accounted for search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; loan from Bank of Virginia search
  • Richmond, Va.; flour prices at search
  • Richmond, Va.; tobacco prices at search
  • tobacco; price of in Richmond search