Benjamin Franklin Papers

To Benjamin Franklin from Samuel Hubbart, 20 March 1782

From Samuel Hubbart Two

ALS:7 American Philosophical Society

Mill Prison March 20th. 1782

Honored sir

I Wrote you the thirteenth of Feby. last8 by Capt. J. Foster Williams, wherein I informed you of my situation being taken by his Majestys Ship Recovery & Carried into Ireland, & from thence Conveyed within these Walls & being destitute of both Money & Cloths do therefore take the Liberty to write you for some, & am in hopes of your granting my Request. My Fathers family was well when I left home together with my Uncle Greenes & Mrs Mecom,9 if you will comply with my Request You will most greatly oblige your most Hble Servt.1

Saml Hubbart

Addressed: To / The / Honble / Benja: Franklin Esqr / Embassador at the Court / of France. Paris.

Notation: Hubbart M. Samuel March 20 1782.

[Note numbering follows the Franklin Papers source.]

7Which differ slightly in wording and punctuation.

8Hubbart’s letter is actually dated Feb. 12: XXXVI, 567.

9His father, Thomas Hubbart, was the stepson of BF’s brother John. His mother, who had died in 1775, was the sister of Catharine Ray Greene, wife of R.I. governor William Greene. The Greenes and the Hubbarts were great friends of BF’s sister Jane Mecom: V, 502n; XXXVI, 567n.

1Hubbart wrote a final plea on May 12. Still confined in “this horrid Place,” he begged BF for assistance. Hist. Soc. of Pa.

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