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Results 51931-51960 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
[ Philadelphia ], 15 Apr. 1791 . Encloses return of tonnage for one year, including several...
I recieved the day before yesterday mr Edmund Randolph’s answer that he would execute any deed I...
Boundary Lines. As we were the first to set the mathematicians by the ears, by giving place to a...
The principle object of thi s letter is to transmit you the within Coppy of a Circular letter...
Although the last favour with which I was honoured by you on Aug. the 3 d leaves me Scarce any...
Il s’en faut bien que les hommes les plus renommés pour leur Science et leur Sagesse, soient...
I have received your two favours of the 29th and 30th with their inclosures. All the intelligence...
After repeated disappointments, a Barrel with the heavy Oats has at length arrived, containing 3½...
I have but a moment to inform you that the fever into which the Western mind is thrown by the...
How can I, in any manner, reciprocate your kindnesses? I know I can not, and yet I feel cordially...
Tis with the utmost grief. I Acq t. you: the Accident which as befallen me. at my departure from...
I take the Liberty to address your Excellency in the Cause of the most Respectable of the People...
Letter not found: from James Wilkinson, 30 Dec. 1787. GW wrote Wilkinson on 20 Feb. 1788 : “I...
51944[Diary entry: 16 October 1795] (Washington Papers)
16. Clear & Cool—Wind at No. Wt.
I received the Other day a Letter directed to me, from you upon opening of it, found the enclosed...
I am at a loss my dear Sir to find words to express what I felt at the reception of your very...
12 February 1805, Havana . “I now have it in my power to enclose to you (in the Aurora of...
During Mr. Jefferson’s Rectorship of the University of Va. it is understood that a fund was...
I have just received your letter of 24. Decr: and lament that the expression of my anxiety to...
I this day received the Letter which you did me the Honor to Write me under the 31st. Ultimo....
I recieved yesterday your favor of the 15th. which has lost a post or two on the road. mr Madison...
being a Distrest Refugee from New York—I obtaind permition from his Excelency Governor Levingston...
AL (draft): American Philosophical Society; LS : Bakken Museum I receiv’d the very obliging...
September 1803 . Encloses an account for a hogshead of “Brazil Wine … shipped by order of [his]...
A favorable occasion presents itself of dropping you a few lines by a vessel for Georgtown. It is...
The memorandum of documents printed below is the first indication that JM was beginning to gather...
I had the honor of addressing you by the way of London on the 2d. instant. Since that your’s of...
LS and AL (draft): National Archives; copy: Library of Congress; transcript: National Archives M....
Being desirous of getting from England as soon as possible one of those copying Machines invented...
I had the honor of writing to you on the 8th. of this month by the French packet & of...