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Results 51931-51960 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have received your favor of the 9 th Ins t and am sorry to find that M r Dufief had not received the money you directed to be paid to him thro’ the agency I had directed, and more particularly so, as I apprehend that another small sum, which was to have been paid to the Collector is in the same situation—Not having myself any transactions with Philad a I applied, on the receipt of your...
Your favor of the 15 th Ult o inclosing a blank note was received in the due course of mail, but too late to renew your note in bank due the 14 th for which I had to substitute another in the meantime— Flour has fallen below anything I have ever yet known, and from the great anxiety shown by the Holders to sell, there is every appearance of its being still lower it is now offering at 3 ½ $ and...
I received this morning your favor of the 20 th Ins t returning the two notes signed, but on the one payable to Tho s J. Randolph you have failed to obtain his signature, and as his power of Att y to me does not authorize my indorsing a note in his name, I send it you inclosed . On the 18 th I gave in charge to James Johnson (boatman) 2 cases of Wine and the small box of seeds, which I am...
How shall I find words to express to you my dear Sir the grief I feel in having to communicate the mournful and afflicting intelligence of the unhappy fate of my ever to be regretted and most valued friend M r Geo. Jefferson Alas! he is now no more, the memory of his transcendant worth is all that is left to us—You who have long known and esteem’d his virtues, must bitterly deplore his death,...
I hand you inclosed sales of your 67 bls: flour N t Prds $484.90 at your credit, also copy of your acco t Cur t to this day balanced by $375.25 to your debit and lest something may occur to cause me to neglect it at the proper time I inclose you two notes, for renewal of those due next month— I have received a small box of seeds from Alexandria , will you be pleased to direct the disposal of...
I wrote to you on the 2 nd inclosing $100 in small notes, and have since received your favor of the 3 d together with the blank sign’d —although, my not having received it in time to renew your note due in bank has caused me no inconvenience, it might have been otherwise, and to guard against my negligence in future, as well as accidents by the mail &c, I think it adviseable to adopt the plan...
I have received your favor of the 19 th advising sundry drafts on me, which shall be duly attended to— I send you inclosed a note for your signature to renew the one in bank due next month— Our flour market is declining rapidly the present price is 8$ for new wheat 8/.— Tobacco still keeps up notwithstanding the very discouraging accounts from Europe or rather from England , as prices on, the...
I did not receive until the 5 th ins t your favor of the 22 nd Ult o annexing your view, of the acco ts between us, which from various items, unknown to & omitted by you, differs materially from the actual state of it, as you will perceive by the acco t Sales and acco t Cur t now inclosed .
I have received your favor of the 25 th and now hand you annex’d a /Sales of your 16 bls. flour N t Prd s $59.70 at your credit, I also annex a Statement of your a /cur t to this day balanced by $1339.85 in your favor of which $500 is still due to M r Vaughan
Our banks being still unwilling to draw upon the North on the receipt of your favor of the 13 th Ins t —I wrote to Mess rs LeRoy & Bayard to draw upon me for the amount due by you which they have done say $2387.69 which is placed to your debit . I have not received from M r Robertson the money you mentiond in your letter of the 21 st ult
Since writing to you last , I have received 211 bls: of your flour of Shadwell brand viz 160 S r fine 43 fine & 8 x mid gs and 120 bls: S r f. Farm brand, of which I have sold the 120 bls: F: brand at 6 ¼ $ p ble in the course of next week, the 160 S:f:
I have received your favor of the 29 th Ult o inclosing three notes for renewal, the present amounts of which are noted at foot— Col l Nicholas has paid me on your acco t the further sum of $968— and I have paid your dfts in favor of Leitch & Gray , and M r
I am favord with your letter of the 6 th Ins t and shall attend to the several dfts as they appear, I now send you inclosed $300 in small notes—as also a note for renewal on the 29 th Ins t for your signature— I have this moment learnt from M r Higginbotham that he is going up immediately, and as there is some risk in sending notes by the mail, I have asked the favor of
I wrote to you on the 10 th ult o and have since then sold 96 bls: of your flour to Rob t K: Jones at $8 ¾ Cash, which is all I have received subsequent to my last letter — I hand you inclosed two notes for renewal which be pleased to return at your convenience— With much respect I am RC ( ViU: TJP-ER ); between dateline and salutation: “
I have received your favors of the 24 & 25 th Ins t with a note for renewal in the Virg a bank — I am sorry to say it has not been in my power to sell a barrel of your flour nor can I meet with any one to make me an offer for it—a few hundred barrels were sold yesterday at $11—but I know of no one willing to give even that price I have remitted to M r Vaughan
I have received your favor of the 10 th Ins t inclosing a letter for M r Vaughan and your dft on the US: bank for the proceeds of a note of $3000.— Col o Nicholas sent me a few days ago, your note for that sum in favor of Tho
Yours of the 18 th May came to hand in due time, I replied to it a few days after & had a copy of your account made out; but found this morning to my surprize that owing to the negligence of my Clerk it had not been sent . Inclosed is a transcript of the Account balanced by $39.67 in your favor which is now subject to your order.— The Flour Market is at present brisk at $4 & I think when we...
Your note at bank falling due on the 11 th In t Prox o I take the liberty of enclosing you one for its renewal, and as I think it probable from your last letter, that you may still be in Bedford , I shall forward a Copy of this to that place under cover to M r sam l
I have received your favor of the 30 th Ult o and shall attend to the several drafts therein mention’d Your note in bank fell due on the 30 th and was paid, as you supposed it probable that your demands would exceed the amount in hand I have had Judah’s note discounted so that you may consider the whole as received— I have not yet been able to recover the money from Philpots for the 4 Hhd s Tob o
I have received your favor of the 9 th Ins t covering three blank notes for renewal, also advising sundry dfts, which shall be attended to— Not a barrel of your Bedford flour has yet been received, which is unfortunate as it has declined since last month, and must be lower so soon as, the Mills can grind, and it can be brought freely into market RC ( MHi ); between dateline and salutation: “...
I presented to Doctor Brockenborough who return’d the day before yesterday, M r John Harvie ’s note enclosed in yours of the 21 st Ult o , he regrets that it was not sooner forwarded, as just before leaving town he remitted to M r Harvie , all the funds he had in his hands about £1000. he informs me that he is not certain of receiving any money on M r H
I have received your favors of the 21 & 22 nd Ins t , with a note for $1500. to be offerd at the US Bk and now hand you annexed duplicate of the a/Sales and a/cur t forwarded you 11 th July last ,—leaving a bal
After an absence of nearly three weeks I return’d to town yesterday, and among other letters found yours of the 11 th Ins t —I am extremely concerned to learn that you are involved with Col l Nicholas and to so serious an amount; I also am a sufferer having had to pay 3200$ on his account; I wish it were in my power to give you any advice which could tend to your advantage, but I believe...
Your favor of the 25 th ult o is received I should be much pleased to find your opinion to be correct, with regard to a rise in the price of flour in April, we know at present nothing of the markets in Europe on which to form a correct judgement, but my present impression is that they will not justify higher prices, and the quantity required in the West Indies (together with our own consumpt)...
Tho s Jefferson Esq r In Acc t /curr t with Patrick Gibson D r 1818 Jan 5 To cash  p d
I send you inclosed as requested in yours of the 9 th Ins t one hundred dollars in small notes— but little change has taken place in the price of flour, it is, if anything more dull, sales have been made on the basin at 4¾ and a little at 4½$, our mill flour has been sold at 5$ on 4 months Very respectfully I am RC ( ViU : TJP-ER ); between dateline and salutation: “Thomas Jefferson Esq re ”;...
Not having received the order from M r Tho s J Randolph as I expected by last mail, I obtained permission of the Cashier to draw the money, engaging to furnish him with the order in a few days—and have been endeavouring in vain to procure a check, or dft to remit to M r Vaughan , I have therefore written to that Gentleman on the subject, requesting him to draw upon me for $1000. on your...
I have received your favor of the 12 th Ins t and shall attend to your draft in favor of A. Robertson In your letters of the 20 & 28 th Oct r you mention a boat load of flour having been sent off on your account on that head I have only to say that I have not yet received one barrel— about that time I sold at 9¼$, now it is offering at 8$, altho not by myself as I think it must be higher...
I refer you to my letter of the 10 th and have now to inform you, that I offer’d your note for $2000 this day at the US: Bank , and am sorry to say that it was rejected— I presume Col l Nicholas wrote to you by the last mail, (as he assured me he would do) advising your sending a note payable at the Farmer’s bank , likewise endorsed by your grandson M r T: J Randolph ; which he would use his...
Mr. Jefferson having left town, and not expecting his return for some weeks, I have taken the liberty of opening your letter to him of the 11th. May inclosing an order for your Tobacco. I have not yet had time to enquire whether any of our purchasers saw it inspected, but hope many have, as however highly a crop may be recommended, it cannot command the same price, as if seen & approved of....