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Results 51931-51960 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
51931 Adams, Abigail Adams, Charles Abigail Adams to Charles Adams, 26 May 1781 1781-05-26 I am sometimes affraid my dear Boy that you will be spoilt by being a favorite. Praise is a...
51932 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Quincy Abigail Adams to John Quincy Adams, 26 May 1781 1781-05-26 I hope this Letter will be more fortunate than yours have been of late. I know you must have...
51933 Adams, John Dumas, Charles William Frederic From John Adams to C. W. F. Dumas, 26 May 1781 1781-05-26 I am honoured with yours of the 23d., and percieve by it that the Error I mentioned was not of...
51934 Adams, John Fizeaux, Grand & Co. (business) From John Adams to Fizeaux, Grand & Co., 26 May 1781 1781-05-26 I have the Honour of your Letter of the 17th. instant, inclosing the 66 Bills of Exchange...
51935 Morris, Robert Hamilton, Alexander To Alexander Hamilton from Robert Morris, 26 May 1781 1781-05-26 It is Some time Since I Received your performance dated the 30th. April last. I have read it with...
51936 Bache, Benjamin Franklin Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Benjamin Franklin Bache, 26 … 1781-05-26 ALS : American Philosophical Society Je vous écris cette lettre pour vous donner de mes nouvelles...
51937 Washington, George [Diary entry: 26 May 1781] 1781-05-26 26th. Received a Letter from the Honble. Jno. Laurens Minister from the United States of America...
51938 Peters, Richard Washington, George To George Washington from Richard Peters, 26 May 1781 1781-05-26 The enclosed Letters were communicated by Congress to the Board for their Information & Copies of...
51939 Scammell, Alexander Washington, George To George Washington from Alexander Scammell, 26 May … 1781-05-26 Lt Miller has just returnd from the place where the Refugees old block house stood, about six...
51940 Wayne, Anthony Washington, George To George Washington from Anthony Wayne, 26 May 1781 1781-05-26 I do myself the honor of Inclosing your Excellency a General return of the Detachment of Infantry...
51941 Lafayette, Marie-Joseph-Paul-Yves-Roch-Gilbert du … Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Lafayette, 26 May 1781 1781-05-26 The returns of the Men serving from the different Counties I have not yett been able to obtain,...
51942 Jefferson, Thomas Ross, David From Thomas Jefferson to David Ross, 26 May 1781 1781-05-26 I am exceedingly at a Loss to judge whether it be better to try the Method of Application to the...
51943 Taylor, Francis Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Francis Taylor, 26 May 1781 1781-05-26 I wrote you the 16 Instant, that a Board of Officers, who were ordered by Colo. Wood to enquire...
51944 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 27 May 1781 1781-05-27 I have written so largely to you by Mr. Storer who goes in the same vessel, that I should not...
51945 Thaxter, John Adams, Abigail John Thaxter to Abigail Adams, 27 May 1781 1781-05-27 I have been honoured with your favor of the 5th. February last. It would give me infinite...
51946 Adams, John President of Congress From John Adams to the President of Congress, 27 May … 1781-05-27 Amsterdam, 27 May 1781. RC in John Thaxter’s hand PCC , No. 84, III, f. 173–176. printed :...
51947 Washington, George General Orders, 27 May 1781 1781-05-27 The Commander in Chief is pleased to order that in future only such Men as are not expected to do...
51948 Bayley, Jacob Washington, George To George Washington from Jacob Bayley, 27 May 1781 1781-05-27 Your Excelency will be Tried to Read so many Letters from me at once however I cannot but Inform...
51949 Collyer, Thomas Langley Washington, George To George Washington from Thomas Langley Collyer, 27 … 1781-05-27 Having Informashion that I am under Sentens of Death. I was Born and Broght up In old England and...
51950 Washington, George Huntington, Samuel From George Washington to Samuel Huntington, 27 May … 1781-05-27 I do myself the honor to inform Congress that I returned from Weathersfield yesterday Evening. I...
51951 Washington, George Livingston, William From George Washington to William Livingston, 27 May … 1781-05-27 Last night I returned from Weathersfield, where I have had an interview with His Excellency the...
51952 Washington, George Reed, Joseph From George Washington to Joseph Reed, 27 May 1781 1781-05-27 I beg leave to inform your Excellency that at a late conference between His Excellency the Count...
51953 Patteson, Samuel Davies, William Samuel Patteson to William Davies, 27 May 1781 1781-05-27 Agreeable to your Instructions I have sent on four hundred stand of arms. The Waggon that brought...
51954 Adams, Abigail Adams, John Abigail Adams to John Adams, 28 May 1781 1781-05-28 I could not have conceived that a Letter written upon merely political subjects could have...
51955 Cranch, Richard Adams, John Richard Cranch to John Adams, 28 May 1781 1781-05-28 Having an Oportunity by Doctor Dexter, now bound to Europe, I gladly embrace it to write you a...
51956 Bersolle, Emmanuel-Yves Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Emmanuel-Yves Bersolle, 28 … 1781-05-28 ALS : American Philosophical Society I have Received the honour of your Letter of the 20th...
51957 Laurens, John Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from John Laurens: Two Letters, 28 … 1781-05-28 (I) and (II) ALS : American Philosophical Society I do myself the honor of acquainting Your...
51958 Paine, Thomas Franklin, Benjamin To Benjamin Franklin from Thomas Paine, 28 May 1781 1781-05-28 ALS : American Philosophical Society I have just a Moment to spare to bid you farewel— We go on...
51959 Washington, George [Diary entry: 28 May 1781] 1781-05-28 28th. The Commanding Officer of Artillery & the chief Engineer were called upon to give in...
51960 Washington, George General Orders, 28 May 1781 1781-05-28 Each regiment in the New Hampshire Massachusett Rhode Island Connecticut New York and New Jersey...