Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from Edmund Randolph, [16 April 1794]

From Edmund Randolph

[Philadelphia, April 16, 1794]

E. Randolph, with compliments to Coll. Hamilton, incloses to him a letter from Mr. Hammond requesting the passport.1 E. R. has written to him, that by applying to Col. H. the passport will be obtained.2

LC, RG 59, Domestic Letters of the Department of State, Vol. 6, January 2–June 26, 1794, National Archives.

1On March 29, 1794, George Hammond, British Minister Plenipotentiary to the United States, wrote to Randolph: “As the causes, which have produced the interruption in the usual intercourse between Great Britain and the United States through the medium of his Majesty’s packets still continue to exist, and as at this moment it is necessary for me to have an immediate communication with my Court, I request, through you, from the President of the United States, a passport for a vessel which I intend to engage, for the sole purpose of conveying to Halifax a messenger, who will be charged with my dispatches” (ALS, RG 59, Notes from the British Legation in the United States to the Department of State, Vol. 1, October 26, 1791–August 15, 1794, National Archives).

2Randolph to Hammond, April 17, 1794 (LC, RG 59, Domestic Letters of the Department of State, Vol. 6, January 2–June 26, 1794, National Archives).

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