James Madison Papers

To James Madison from Elbridge Gerry, 7 April 1814 (Abstract)

From Elbridge Gerry, 7 April 1814 (Abstract)

§ From Elbridge Gerry. 7 April 1814, Washington. “I have the Honor of enclosing another letter from B General Boyd, on the subject of his rank. I do this, to comply with his manifest wish & expectation, in writing to me on the subject.”

RC and enclosure (DLC). RC 1 p. The enclosure (3 pp.) was Brig. Gen. John P. Boyd to Gerry, 24 Mar. 1814, stating Boyd’s belief that his merits and performance had not been correctly represented to JM, and repeating his request for a brevet promotion. For his earlier letter to Gerry on this topic, see Gerry to JM, 5 Mar. 1814, and n. 1.

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