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Results 51571-51620 of 184,431 sorted by author
I was arrested in my intention to have left my family in time to have met the Senate on the first...
Being here on a few days visit with Mrs. Gerry to her aged parents, & having left six small...
I have read your message, with great attention & pleasure. It is clear, candid, firm & dignified,...
I have heard, Dear Sir, with no small surprize, that charges have been preferred against Doctor...
Enclosed is a letter for our commercial agent at Bourdeaux, & I shall be obliged to you for...
Here I am, my dear Sir, by the partiality of my friends, & discomfiture of my political enemies;...
I am this Day favoured with yours of the 11th. of Novr., and am unhappy to hear that the Flames...
I addressed, at the request of some Gentlemen, a line to you yesterday, introducing the Count de...
This will be delivered by Mr Jarvis lately of Boston, but formerly of this City, Son in Law to Mr...
I informed You a few Days since, that Yourself, M r Chancellor Levingston, & M r J Rutledge, were...
I Received the Letters, with which you were pleased to favor me per Mr. Fessenden on Saturday...
Your obliging letters of the 12th of may , and 21st of June, I have received; and have taken a...
Whilst the late envoys were in Paris, they recommended Mr William Lee, in a letter to Mr...
A few Days since, I rec d your Letter of the 13 th of Decr last, without either of the Arrets...
By the last Post I received from the president of the Senate of Massachusetts a Letter, inclosing...
§ From Elbridge Gerry. 7 April 1814, Washington. “I have the Honor of enclosing another letter...
After declaring that neither the Letter from Mr. Marbois nor the conversation respecting the...
I had the honor last week of addressing a line of introduction to yourself, of my neighbour John...
I addressed a line to you yesterday, with a bound collection of Edes’ Gazettes printed in 1775 &...
Since I wrote You from New York, I have spent most of my Time in endeavouring to get Information...
I am this day, Madam, favoured with your Letter of the 19th. of March, and embrace the earliest...
By my friend Mr Lee I have an opportunity of writing more freely, than by the post. The folly of...
Having transmitted to Mr Pickering, additional documents, numbered from 36 to 50 inclusively, you...
Since my last of the 3 d of August I am favoured with yours of the 26 th of June, 6 th of July,...
I am honored by your confidential letter of the 30th of Decer, & am sorry that any event should...
Here I am after a six Months Session at Annapolis, on my Way to Massachusetts, & altho my...
In a conference with the President of the U.S. at his house on a visit three days after his...
I have the honor to inform you, that there has lately been published in the Boston Gazettes, a...
I received a letter from Samuel Russell Gerry Esqr. to the Secretary of the Treasury requesting...
I am honored by your letters of the 7th and 8th instant. The satisfaction which you are pleased...
From some circumstances which have come to my knowledge, I am induced to think, that measures are...
I received your Favour of the 5th of Novr and the Enquiries relative to Vessels suitable to be...
Mr Gerry presents his best respects to the President of the United States, & sends by the bearer...
I am honored, dear Sir, by your letter of the 14th. instant in answer to mine of the 20th of...
The late President Adams communicated to me yesterday, in a friendly interveiw at my house, the...
The bearer of this, Mr. Waldo, is the Gentleman whom I mentioned, in a letter which I had the...
Since I had the Pleasure of addressing You, nothing of Importance has occurred in the Concerns of...
I now propose to finish my letter of the 15th, which was hastily concluded, to prevent...
Since my recovery from indisposition, I have had an interview with General Dearborn, who informed...
In our absence from home, you was so obliging as to address a line to M rs Gerry, which she has...
Since my last the Situation of the Camp has prevented the Committee of Congress from transacting...
I have been honored with your Letter of the 20th Instant, on a Matter of the highest Concern to...
I sincerely congratulate you on your election to the Presidential Chair: an event which has saved...
I addressed a line to you on the 5th, & am happy to learn that Colo Porter has the command of...
Since my arrival here, I have not had the honor to address you: the want of health part of the...
I addressed a line to you yesterday on a minor subject; at this time, my mind is intent on a very...
Your letters of the 11th of February has given me great pleasure. I regretted exceedingly that...
I have been honored by your letter of the 9th, & having heard of two instances only, in which is...
In a letter which I addressed to You yesterday, I omitted to mention, that you have the entire...
I have received a letter from Mrs Corran, formerly Mrs Bland, at Paris, expressing “a wish to...