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Results 51571-51600 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
As there is a great deficiency of such kind of artillery as Colo. Menonville applies for, at the...
I have just received from Colo. Hughes a letter of which the inclosed is an extract. Mr Pomeroy...
I had forgot to Inclose the paper alluded to in mine of the 4th and sent It after the messenger,...
On examining the state of the Magazines here I find that unless the most strenuous exertions are...
Richmond, 9 May 1781 . This letter is virtually identical with TJ’s letter to George Washington...
The Act of October last, for raising this States quota of troops for the Continental Army, came...
Since the Letter which I had the Honor of last addressing to your Excellency, the military...
Bristol Brown and Thomas Kemp inform us that their Families, Cloth[es] and Household furniture...
I informed your Excellency in a previous Letter of the Marquis de la Fayettes order to me to...
Upon opening your favour of April 17 my Heart Beat a double stroke when I found that the Letter...
Commodore Gillon has applied to me by letter requesting that I would furnish Captain Joyner with...
je Suis certain mon cher colonel de vous faire plaisir en vous aprenant que votre ami Laurence...
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society I have the Honour to advise your Excellency, that I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Jai lhonneur denvoyer a votre Excellence l’ouvrage de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Oserois je vous demander monsieur en quoi jai pu demeriter...
51586[Diary entry: 10 May 1781] (Washington Papers)
10th. The Q. M. Genl. representing, that it was not in his power to get the Salt Meat of...
Agreeabel to your Request I Send Inclosed A Return of the men of Capt. Spauldings Company Left at...
Major General Heath, second in Command, and an Officer whose high rank & consideration entitle...
Votre Excellênce sera informée incessament par M. Le Comte De Barras lui même, de sa nomination...
I do myself the honor to transmit your Excellency a copy of the Cartel settled for the exchange...
His Excellency directs that the Detachment which may be call’d for by the Quarter Master General...
Under the present circumstances of transportation from Connecticut, I should advise, that Mr...
I am informed that about 60 barrels of shad came down yesterday from Esopus. As this article of...
His Excellency very much approves your plan of bringing down the shad daily—only taking care to...
Your favor of this date is just received—I know not who has the Direction of the shad fishery; &...
On examining the State of the Magazines here, I find that unless the most strenous exertions are...
I do myself the honor to enclose you an Act of the United States, appointing Thomas Hutchins...
I had the honr to receive yours of the 2d instant, and entirely agree with you respecting Genl...
In my Letter of 27th ulto I was obliged to leave Your Excellency undecided on the Proposal you...
MS ( NA : PCC , No. 36, I, 179). Docketed: “Motion of Mr Madison seconded by Carroll Referred to...