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Results 51551-51560 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
No occasion having arisen, since the last account rendered by my predecessor, of making use of any part of the monies heretofore granted to defray the contingent charges of the government, I now transmit to Congress an official statement thereof to the 31st. day of December last, when the whole unexpended balance, amounting to 20,911. D 80 c was carried to the credit of the Surplus fund, as...
I now communicate to you, a memorial of the Commissioners for the City of Washington together with a letter of later date, which, with their memorial of Jan: 28: 1801 . will possess the legislature fully of the state of the public interests, & of those of the city of Washington, confided to them. The monies now due, & soon to become due to the State of Maryland, on the loan guarantied by the...
I communicate to both houses of Congress a Report of the Secretary of the Treasury on the subject of our Marine hospitals , which appear to require legislative attention . As connected with the same subject, I also inclose information respecting the situation of our seamen and boatmen frequenting the port of New Orleans, and suffering there from sickness & the want of accomodation. there is...
I now inclose sundry documents supplementary to those communicated to you with my message at the commencement of the session. two others , of considerable importance, the one relating to our transactions with the Barbary powers , the other presenting a view of the offices of the government , shall be communicated as soon as they can be compleated. RC ( DNA : RG 233 , PM , 7th Cong., 1st...
Mr. Gorham and Mr. Russel, Agents of the Town of Charlestown, have presented to Congress a Petition from the unfortunate Inhabitants of that Place, praying for a Compensation for their Losses. The Petition was drawn in very decent and handsome Terms, containing a lively Description of the Distresses to which the unhappy Petitioners are reduced, from a State of Ease and Affluence; and the...
In addition to the information accompanying my message of the 22d. instant, I now transmit the copy of a letter on the same subject recently recieved. PrC ( DLC ). Tr ( DNA : RG 233 , journals, 7th Cong., 2d sess.); in the “supplemental journal” appended at the end of the session (see Editorial Note). Enclosures: (1) William C. C. Claiborne to Madison, Natchez, 25 Nov. 1802; he sends a copy,...
In my communication to you , of the 17th. instant, I informed you that conventions had been entered into, with the government of France, for the cession of Louisiana to the United States. these, with the advice & consent of the Senate, having now been ratified, & my ratification exchanged for that of the First Consul of France in due form, they are communicated to you for consideration in your...
I have just recd. your favor of the 18 inst: inclosing one from my amiable friend Mrs. Trist. I feel pathetically for her in case she should have proceeded down the river before the news of Mr. Trist’s death got to Fort Pitt. The situation in which she will find herself at the end of her voyage bereft of the object of her pursuit, and surrounded wholly by strangers whose very language will be...
[ Boston, 1 July 1784 . Entry in SJL reads: “S. House inclosing the bill as above” (this entry is immediately below that for TJ’s letter to Madison of this date, q.v.). Not found.]
[ Annapolis, 5 Dec. 1783 . Entry in SJL reads: “Mr. Hou. enq. pri. copg. mach.” Expanded, this probably means “enquiring the price of a copying machine.” Since this is the earliest allusion to TJ’s interest in mechanical copying devices, it is most unfortunate that the letter has not been found. Samuel House, son of the Mrs. House with whom TJ lodged in Philadelphia in 1782 and 1783, and...