Results 51551-51580 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
The late agitated & unsettled position of the Affairs of Europe has caused me to defer my return...
I am compell’d from dire necessity once more to beg your interference with the heads of...
The business of Supervisor for Rhode island being nearly finished it has become proper according...
The arrangement you propose as to supervisors is approved. to wit Vermont. the marshal to do the...
I enclose the letters received on the subject of E. Livingston. If Mr Gelston is right in...
If the Prayer of my Son’s Letter , which encloses this, could meet your Approbation, I should be...
Rough Stone Work at the South Wing of Capitol from June 27th to July 2d 1803 Backing up the Walls...
Notes additional to those of the Secy. of state 2d. head. <382.52 totally inadmissible> 51.28. we...
 Notes on mr Eaton’s accounts, additional to those of the Secretary of state.  When we consider...
Of the itims under the first head of Mr. Eatons charge the outfit may be admitted. His Commission...
The Government of this Country has discover’d that a demand has been made by the Colonial Prefect...
I have the honor to acquaint you that the British government have deemed it Expedient to blockade...
Shortly after writing you under date 4 June, I received the original of your Letter of the 6th....
Your letter of the 10th. ult. was duly recd. The fact you state & rely on, is important; and the...
When I left washington I expected to have seen by this time the greatest curiosity of North...
1 July 1803, St. Croix . Informed JM of his resignation as consul in his letter of 18 Dec. 1802 ,...
1 July 1803, Liverpool . Wrote JM on 23 June . Has “received official notice of his Britannic...
1 July 1803, Antwerp . Reports Barnet’s absence from Antwerp since 29 May, when he went to Paris...
1 July 1803, Kingston, Jamaica . Encloses copies of his letters of 21 Jan. , 5 Apr. , and 13 May...
At the period of my resignation of the appointment of Consul for this Island, & its dependencies,...
I had the honor of writing to you on the 23d. past. I avail of the first opportunity to inform...
I profit of the oppy. of the ship New Jersey, (the first direct conveyance that has offered since...
This accompanys Copys of my letters of 21t. January, 5h. April & 13h. May last solemnly Sworn to...
Several reciprocal injuries done by individuals of the Cherokee Nation, and some of the Citizens...
Upon consulting my friends, I found most of my connections very reluctant to my seperating from...
June 1803, Le Havre . Informed JM in his last letter of 23 May that Hughes sailed in the...
My last of the 23d. May informed you of the Sailing of Mr. Hughes ⅌ the Experiment for N York...
Your favor of the 20 th: inst: came to hand yesterday, in the condition, which you have the cover...
Your favor of the 23d. has been duly recd. I have inquired into the arrangements for filling the...
30 June 1803, Hamburg . Has received JM’s circular letter of 9 Apr. The “wise provissions” of the...