George Washington Papers

From George Washington to William Heath, 8 May 1781

Head Quarters New Windsor May 8th 1781

Dear Sir

Distressed beyond expression, at the present situation & future prospect of the Army, with regard to provisions; and convinced with you, that, unless an immediate and regular supply can be obtained, the most dangerous consequences are to be apprehended, I have determined to make one great effort more on the subject—And must request that you will second & enforce my representations to, and requisitions upon the New England States, by your personal application to the several Executives, and even Assemblies, if fitting, as I suppose they will be, in the course of this month.

From your intimate knowledge of our embarrassed & distressed Circumstances, and great personal influence with the Eastern States, I am induced to commit the execution of this interesting & important business to you, And wish you to set out on this mission, as early as may be convenient. I am Dear Sir With great regard & esteem your most Obedt Servt

Go: Washington

MHi: Heath Papers.

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