James Madison Papers

To James Madison from James Maury, 5 July 1803

From James Maury, 5 July 1803

Liverpool 5th. July 1803.


I had this pleasure on the 1st. Instant. In your circular of 1st. August 1800 you have given me ample instructions in respect of foreign vessels purchased here by, or for, our citizens. I now request you will be pleased to give me farther instructions for my conduct in sanctioning the sale of American registered vessels. In these three cases, I presume, I may sanction Vizt. 1st. when purchased by an American citizen resident in this Country, but partner of an House established in the United States 2dly. by a person here duly authorized by Citizens resident in the U.S to purchase for them & 3dly. by such as hold the office of Consul of the U.S.A.

But the difficulty which occurs is how I am to conduct myself with respect to our Citizens out of these three cases, who may be temporary residents or ⟨i⟩tinerant in this Country. I have the Honor to be with perfect Respect Your Most obedient Servant

James Maury

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