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Results 51531-51580 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Middlebrook [ New Jersey ] June 2, 1779 . Describes British and American troop movements. LS , in...
I am favourd with your letter without date, & will attend to your observations relative to the...
I beg leave to inform that I wish a continuance in Service haveing selected Arms for a profession...
You will doubtless be surprised to find that I am here. It was my intention to have remained in...
I have received your Letter of Yesterday, assigning the Reasons which had induced you to decline...
I shall leave your deed with Mr C. Lee, after having procured the most probable attendants on the...
I have been favored with the receipt of your Letter of the 15th inst. concerning the reduction of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have been Wittness whilst I was in America of a Cir...
your Excellency’s Favour of yesterday’s date I just now received—It gives me very great Concern...
Summary ( LC : Madison Miscellany). The summary is in a calendar, probably prepared about 1850 by...
I have recd. yours of the 23d. inclosing a letter from Mr. Baker, with the draft of an answer;...
51542General Orders, 19 October 1775 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
During my stay here the subject of opening an intercourse between our government and that of...
New York, April 27, 1799. “I have reflected on the idea of furnishing the Regimental Quarter...
51545[Diary entry: 14 January 1799] (Washington Papers)
14. Heavy Morning but No Rain & but little wind. Mer. at 38. Foggy & thick through the day.
Treasury Department, November 17, 1792. “The Collector of Frenchmans Bay in his letter to me...
Colo. Innes has just returned to Town and Genl Marshall, on a conversation with him, has formed...
5154811th. (Adams Papers)
I went down with Charles and Billy to Mrs. Quincy’s, in the afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Gannett were...
We are told here that there is a British officer coming on from Cornwallis’s army to be executed...
Letter not found: from Major General Stirling, 26 Oct. 1779 . GW wrote Stirling on 29 Oct. : “I...
(Private) My dear Sir, Mount Vernon Octr 14th 1791. I have been under a strange mistake with...
It is With diffidence that I again resume the liberty of Soliciting a favor that Will Necessaryly...
The affectionate sentiments of esteem and approbation which you are so good as to express towards...
A Heart like your Excellency’s will forgive the Exertions of Humanity in others—being fully...
When you shall have received certain intelligence of the Enemys retiring to Philadelphia—it will...
Letter not found: from the Northampton Committee of Safety, 4 Jan. 1776. On 24 Jan. Robert Hanson...
§ From James Bowdoin. 18 December 1805, Paris. “I had the honour to write to you very fully on...
a Mail from Falmouth having been captured, sundry original letters have been sent to Congress,...
I write these few lines unto your Excellency, with hope, when they arrive at Your Hands, that you...
I have endeavored to obtain a final order for the American prisoners at Roscoff. I was promised...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Le mémoire que je prends la liberté d’addresser à Vôtre...
You must feel interested in knowing how our affairs stand with France, I give you a summary of...
M r . Jay presents his respectful Compliments to Lord Grenville, and requests the favor of his...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , August 2, 1775. Early in May the voluntary organizations of...
This will be accompanied by a letter from Congress, which will inform you, that a certain...
I have this moment got the letters design’d for me last night & mention’d in my Express of to day...
The Secretary of the Treasury presents his respects to the President. the state of health of his...
Pardon the liberty I take, and permit me to call to your Excellency’s recollection, a Person who...
ALS : American Philosophical Society In my last to you, I acquainted you of my Intention to...
I trouble you with the inclosed Papers lately sent to me—respecting Prisoners sentenced by Court...
I once more take the liberty of addressing your Excellancy on the subject of my private concerns...
The underwritten, has the honor to set forth, that previous to Your Excellencys taking the...
I threatened you with a great deal of Egotism for the public good. I was chosen by my native Town...
Draft: Historical Society of Pennsylvania I have your Favour of the 21st of March in which you...
51575[Diary entry: 28 August 1772] (Washington Papers)
28. Surveyd Mr. John West’s Land in my Neck at his request.
I this morning received a Letter of the 7th Instant from Genl Schuyler, a Copy of which and of...
If you was not a firm believer in that Holy Religion which comforts in affliction & Solaces us...
I have the pleasure to inform you that I have just arrived from Cadiz, after a pleasant passage...
51579[Diary entry: 22 March 1770] (Washington Papers)
22. Wind at No. West and very hard. Snowd fast till abt. 9 or 10 Oclock then clear and cold. Wind...
Was I to draw the Portraits of the two Characters You mention, of the first I should say that he...