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Results 51531-51540 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I have received the Letter you did me the Honour to write me, on the 28th. of April. I most Sincerely congratulate you, on the most essential Aid you have obtained from the Court of Versailles, who upon this Occasion have done as much Honour to their own Policy, as essential Service to the United States. By a Conduct like this, which it is easy for France to hold, and which does as much...
Copy: Massachusetts Historical Society I have the Honour of yours of the 29th of April, and according to your desire, have inclosed a List of the Bills accepted with the Times of their becoming due, and Shall draw for the Money to discharge them, only as they become payable, and through the House of Fizeaux & Grand. I Sincerely congratulate you upon the noble Aid obtained, from the French...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am favored with yours of the 25th ultimo with Copies of two Letters from D. also your Power. I see that D. takes no Notice of the receipt of your Letter of the 8th March which I forwarded him according to his own Direction— I wish there was any prospect of my being able to do any thing with this Man, but I fear all is forlorn hope as to what can be done...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I forwarded my bankers Messrs. J. Cottin & fils & Jauge, a small bill drawn by Jas. Clark Esqr on you for 18 dolls—viz No. 2693. dated 28th. Decr. 1780 in favr. Mary Jenkins & indors’d to me by James Daggett— Messrs. Cottin’s advise me that the bill is by some means lost— If you can negotiate the ammount with them in consequence of the above discription...
51535General Orders, 8 May 1781 (Washington Papers)
As the badness of the weather prevented the inspection of the first brigades of Massachusett and Connecticut yesterday they will be inspected on thursday—the second brigades of Massachusett and Connecticut on saturday—and the third Massachusett and Stark’s brigades on Monday next; the time and manner of inspection to be the same as already pointed out. Colonel Hazen’s regiment to be held in...
I have duly received the Letter, which you did me the honor to write at Hartford on the 2nd of this month. In consequence of the application to Congress, respecting the appointing of Colonel Champlin Barrack Master to the French Army; the Quarter Master General has been authorised to make out that Appointment , which I have the pleasure of transmitting to His Excellency the Count De...
I have been honored with your favors of the 30th April and 1st Instant. After a conference with Mr Cornel I ordered as much Cloathing as could possibly be shared from hence to be immediately forwarded to the southward with one thousand Muskets and one thousand Cartouch Boxes which appeared as many as could be sent from hence upon a comparison of our own probable wants with our stock on hand....
I came to this Place Last Night before Last, On my way to Camp I met your Excellencies Orders of the 19th Ult. I had all the men with me Excepting two that were so Lame that they were not Abel to March Out but on Reicet of your Excellencies orders Respecting those that had Families that their Circumstances were Dystressing I Sent back Eight men whose Particular Circumstances I Shall make A...
Distressed beyond expression, at the present situation & future prospect of the Army, with regard to provisions; and convinced with you, that, unless an immediate and regular supply can be obtained, the most dangerous consequences are to be apprehended, I have determined to make one great effort more on the subject—And must request that you will second & enforce my representations to, and...
His Excellency (who has just rode out with Colonel Menonville first Deputy Adjutant General of the French Army) desired me to inform you, that he will be at West Point tomorrow Morng if the weather is fair : that he must return before dinner, and will expect the pleasure of your company up the river, if your health, & occasions will permit. I have the honor to be With perfect respect Dear Sir...