George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Gilbert Simpson, Jr., 7 May 1781

Washingtons Bottom May 7th 1781

honoured Sr

This is to inform you that thrue Gods mercy I and all my family are in good helth and the negros and stock of Every kind sems to incres fast I have maid it my indevor to make what meadow and pasture I Could possable from the first of my settleing and I now begin to find the benefit as our Range are Eat out I should be glad to wright more particular to your onnor but opertunity will not permit I beg you would not think hard of my not setleing oftener than I doe as times are very pecarious with ous but still shall give you or yours a just accompt of all I hope I have settled five tennants on the Land according to your instruction I shall have a Considerable parsel of young hosses to sell in one yeare more your mill has made you Good profet & within this year past Sr I am yours who prays Gods blesing to attend you [thu all] your undertaking

Gilbt Simpson

DLC: Papers of George Washington.

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