51511From George Washington to James Clinton, 7 May 1781 (Washington Papers)
Your Letter of the 4th Instant, by Express, was received in the course of the last night: by Mine...
51512To George Washington from James Clinton, 7 May 1781 (Washington Papers)
I have the Honor to inform your Excellency that this Day, a reasonable Supply of Provision,...
51513To George Washington from David Cobb, 7 May 1781 (Washington Papers)
Your Letter of the 21st ulto, I receiv’d, and cou’d wish to have immediately obey’d its summons;...
51514From George Washington to John Hancock, 7 May 1781 (Washington Papers)
Your Excellency will oblige me by having the inclosed delivered to Major General Howe should he...
51515From George Washington to Robert Howe, 7 May 1781 (Washington Papers)
I have received your favors of the 12th of April from portsmouth and 19th from Boston. Business...
51516To George Washington from John Paul Jones, 7 May 1781 (Washington Papers)
As I understand it has been insinuated to your Excellency that I have been to blame for the...
51517To George Washington from Anne-César, chevalier de La Luzerne, 7 May 1781 (Washington Papers)
J’ai l’honneur d’envoyer copie à Votre Excellence d’une lettre que j’écris à Mr le Chevalier...
51518From George Washington to François-Louis-Arthur Thibaut, comte de Ménonville, 7 May 1781 (Washington Papers)
The very obliging kindness his Excellency hath heard with, yesterday evening my observations on...
51519From George Washington to Timothy Pickering, 7 May 1781 (Washington Papers)
Since I wrote to you the last Evening, respecting the transportation of the salted Provisions, I...
51520To George Washington from Timothy Pickering, 7 May 1781 (Washington Papers)
Orders will be given forthwith to have a vessel got ready to carry a 100 barrels of flour to...