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Results 51501-51550 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I have received yours of the 5 th Nov r & a Duplicate of it. I sincerely thank you for this only Favor I have received. Your Laconick Style has not forsaken you. Congress have by the same Opportunity which brought this Letter of the 5 th Nov r . received some of a much later Date. I suppose it was Deane who wrote to you from France about the Loss of my Leg. This Acc t is facetious. Let it...
On the fourth of May I did myself the Honour to wait on Peter Van Bleiswick Esqr., Grand Pensionary of Holland, and presented him a Letter containing a Copy of my Memorial to the States General &c. His Excellency said that it was necessary for me to go to the President and Secretary of their High Mightinesses, and that it was not customary for foreign Ministers to communicate any thing to the...
I have this moment received yours of 6th. I have no Objection against your Plan. I informed the Grand Pensionary and the President that I should think it my duty to publish my Memorial. I persist in the Same opinion. The manner is indifferent to me. I shall avow the Publication. Your omission of the Commission will be agreable to me. I communicated to the last Person I saw at the Hague all...
LS and copy: Library of Congress I am glad the little Book prov’d acceptable. It does not appear to me intended for a Grammar to teach the Language. It is rather what we call in English a Spelling Book , in which the only Method observ’d, is, to arrange the Words according to their Number of Syllables, placing those of one Syllable together, then those of two Syllables, and so on.— And it is...
ALS : American Philosophical Society It is with pleasure I embrace the oppertunity afforded me by Mr. Ridley of renewing our correspondence, and of assuring you of the continuance of my esteem and friendship for you— I presume you are not unacquainted with Mr Ridley’s character and person: his being appointed Commercial Agent for this State is proof of his attachment to our cause and country...
AL : American Philosophical Society Colonel Johonnot & Son present their most respectfull compliments to His Excellency Doctr. Franklin. Will do themselves the Honor to dine with Him On Thursday Next, Agreeable to His kind Invitation. Addressed: His Excellency Doctr: Franklin / at / Passy Col. Johonnot had arrived in France in March on the Alliance to conduct business and supervise his son’s...
LS : American Philosophical Society The flattering ourselves, that our Name is not entirely Unknown to You as we have the pleasure to be acquainted with Mr. Adams, Mr Searl, and very intimately with Mr. Dumas emboldens us to take the Liberty of adressing ourselves directly to you on the following Subject— We have this day Received a Letter from our freinds at St. Eustatia, in which they...
51508[Diary entry: 7 May 1781] (Washington Papers)
7th. The Wind which blew with great force from the So. East the last two days was accompanied this day by incessant Rain and was a most violent Storm & is supposed to have done damage to Ships on the Coast.
Permit me, on this first occasion of writing to you, to begin my letter with congratulations on your recovered health, & I offer them sincerely. Colo. Menonville put into my hands two days since, your favor of the 29th Ulto—If my inclination was seconded by the means, I should not fail to treat this Gentleman as the friend of my friend—and if it is not in my power to comply with his wishes on...
I had the honor to receive, last night your Excellency’s letter of the same date. In consequence of Brigadr Clinton’s information of the 30th Ulto I instantly ordered 50 Barrels of flour, & 34 of Meat (being every Barrel of the latter we had on hand) to be sent to Albany; for a partial releif of the Garrison of Fort Schuyler—I know it was very inadequate, but it was our all, since which not a...
Your Letter of the 4th Instant, by Express, was received in the course of the last night: by Mine of the 5th and 6th you will already have been made acquainted with the state of our Magazines, the partial aid we were then able to afford, and the measures, I advised, to be pursued: since which no provision of the meat kind has been received—whenever any quantity arrives, you may depend upon...
I have the Honor to inform your Excellency that this Day, a reasonable Supply of Provision, consisting of twenty-six Barrels of Pork, eight of Beef, and sixteen of Shad, with fifty Barrels of Flour, for the use of Fort Schuyler arrived here. Ten Barels of Beef were also recived yesterday, which I intended for the Escort appointed to take up the Hundred Barrels of Flour which I had procured on...
Your Letter of the 21st ulto, I receiv’d, and cou’d wish to have immediately obey’d its summons; but the necessity of my private affairs still obliges me (tho painfull) to request your Excellency’s patience ’till the first of next month; your Excellency may depend on it, that nothing shall detain me ’till then, but what is of the utmost importance to my future wellfare. I am, with the greatest...
Your Excellency will oblige me by having the inclosed delivered to Major General Howe should he be in Boston, or forwarding it to him should he be in the neighbourhood or in New Hampshire—The letter is of consequence, and I therefore hope you will excuse the liberty I have taken in addressing it to your particular care. I have the honor to be with very sincere Regard Yr Excellency’s Most obt...
I have received your favors of the 12th of April from portsmouth and 19th from Boston. Business of a very urgent public nature will oblige me to send General Heath immediately to the Eastern States—I am therefore under the necessity of desiring your Return as speedily as possible to take the command at West point, which, with all its dependencies, will be left with only one Brigadier. I am...
As I understand it has been insinuated to your Excellency that I have been to blame for the detention in France of the military Stores and Clothing for the American Armies under your Command; I beg leave to refer you to Mr Duane, who carries with him a copy of my Examination for your Perusal. My conduct from the first has been strictly examined, and meets with the Unanimous approbation and...
J’ai l’honneur d’envoyer copie à Votre Excellence d’une lettre que j’écris à Mr le Chevalier Destouches. Je Vous prie de vouloir bien étre persuadé que je ne prens sur moi de proposer une expedition à ce Commandant que sur les instances pressantes des Etats envahis; mais si elle se trouvoit en contradiction avec les plans que Vous pouvés avoir formés ou Vos vues pour la campagne, je Vous prie...
The very obliging kindness his Excellency hath heard with, yesterday evening my observations on some parts of his answer to the extract of my instructions I had the honor to deliver him, has emboldened me to take the liberty of asking from him some few questions more, in hopes I shall be excused in case some of them may appear some what indiscreet, as his Excellency can answer to them so far...
Since I wrote to you the last Evening, respecting the transportation of the salted Provisions, I have received Letters from General & Governor Clinton, informing that the Troops on the frontier, are on the point of mutinying, and the Garrison of Fort Schuyler of abandoning that Post, for want of Provisions of every kind; in consequence of which, I have thought proper to have 100 Barrels of...
Orders will be given forthwith to have a vessel got ready to carry a 100 barrels of flour to Albany. The necessary orders have been given, & in the most pointed terms, relative to the flour on the communications between this & Pensylvania; & as (other means failing) actual payment is to be resorted to, I cannot entertain an idea of disappointment. An express will go to-morrow for Boston. I...
I have been honored with Your Excellency’s favors of the 30th of April and 4th of this month. The first was delivered to me by Colo. Menonville, to whom I refer you for what has passed between us on the subject of his mission. I have received no particular intelligence from New York since that of the 29th ulto, which has been communicated to your Excellency. I very sincerely wish success to...
I have received your Excellency’s Letter of the 3d instant, and Letters from the Ch. de La Luzerne along with it. The intelligences given by the vessel arrived from L’Orient at Philadelphy, about the courts of St James, and St Petersborough calling back their Ambassadors, and about the capture of several English East Indiamen taken by the French, are very interesting and deserve to be...
I have received your favour of yesterday which his Exy has perused, he approves the mode you have pointed out to Major Scot for guarding the Lines, but does not think proper to move the Hampshire line at present. This days orders will I think acct for it I congratulate you on the occasion—I suppose that when your detatcht is formed your Return will procure the necessary Camp Equipage—will you...
This is to inform you that thrue Gods mercy I and all my family are in good helth and the negros and stock of Every kind sems to incres fast I have maid it my indevor to make what meadow and pasture I Could possable from the first of my settleing and I now begin to find the benefit as our Range are Eat out I should be glad to wright more particular to your onnor but opertunity will not permit...
I was honored with your favor of the 18th Ultimo, an extract of which I immediately laid before Congress & the Executive Council of this State, accompanied by a letter to the latter of which the Inclosed is a Copy, with a view to stimulate them to facilitate the advance of the troops, but difficulties arrising in the manner of payment &ca &ca and perhaps an Idea that their services might be...
Tr ( LC : Force Transcripts). Endorsed, “Edmund Pendleton to James Madison.” Another copy is printed in the Proceedings of the Massachusetts Historical Society , 2d ser., XIX (1905), 131–32. An extract from the missing original is in Stan. V. Henkels Catalogue No. 694 (1892). I have yr favr of the 24th past, which contain’d & inclosed much Intelligence —from the various accounts of French &...
I am to desire you to send immediately of your Militia to join the Army under the Marquis Fayette and to continue in Service two Months from the Time of their joining him. Lest the full quota [&c. as in the Letter of May 5th.] I am &c., FC ( Vi ); at head of text: “County Lieutenants of Charles City, King & Queen, Essex, Hanover, King William.” The number of militia to be called from each...
I had the honour of Your Excellency’s letter of 12th. Ult. on the subject of Building a Fort and Blockhouse at this Place and am instructed by the Common Council to inform you that a Considerable part of the work which they conceive necessary towards the Completion of the Battery is already excuted, and one Nine and Two Twelve-pounders mounted on travelling Carriages at the expence of a few of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je profite de l’occasion que me fournit M. de Sonnerat pour vous temoigner ma reconnoissance de la reponse dont vous m’avez honoré & que j’ai trouvé chez moi en revenant d’une Course de 250. lieues: & pour vous aprendre que je viens de recevoir enfin par M. Sewall la Grammaire Indienne d’Elliot que je cherchois depuis si longtems & où j’ai trouvè des choses...
I have the Honour of yours of the 29th. of April, and according to your desire, have inclosed a List of the Bills accepted with the Times of their becoming due, and Shall draw for the Money to discharge them, only as they become payable, and through the House of Fizeaux & Grand. I Sincerely congratulate you, upon the noble Aid obtained, from the French Court for the currant Service of the...
I have received the Letter you did me the Honour to write me, on the 28th. of April. I most Sincerely congratulate you, on the most essential Aid you have obtained from the Court of Versailles, who upon this Occasion have done as much Honour to their own Policy, as essential Service to the United States. By a Conduct like this, which it is easy for France to hold, and which does as much...
Copy: Massachusetts Historical Society I have the Honour of yours of the 29th of April, and according to your desire, have inclosed a List of the Bills accepted with the Times of their becoming due, and Shall draw for the Money to discharge them, only as they become payable, and through the House of Fizeaux & Grand. I Sincerely congratulate you upon the noble Aid obtained, from the French...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am favored with yours of the 25th ultimo with Copies of two Letters from D. also your Power. I see that D. takes no Notice of the receipt of your Letter of the 8th March which I forwarded him according to his own Direction— I wish there was any prospect of my being able to do any thing with this Man, but I fear all is forlorn hope as to what can be done...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I forwarded my bankers Messrs. J. Cottin & fils & Jauge, a small bill drawn by Jas. Clark Esqr on you for 18 dolls—viz No. 2693. dated 28th. Decr. 1780 in favr. Mary Jenkins & indors’d to me by James Daggett— Messrs. Cottin’s advise me that the bill is by some means lost— If you can negotiate the ammount with them in consequence of the above discription...
51535General Orders, 8 May 1781 (Washington Papers)
As the badness of the weather prevented the inspection of the first brigades of Massachusett and Connecticut yesterday they will be inspected on thursday—the second brigades of Massachusett and Connecticut on saturday—and the third Massachusett and Stark’s brigades on Monday next; the time and manner of inspection to be the same as already pointed out. Colonel Hazen’s regiment to be held in...
I have duly received the Letter, which you did me the honor to write at Hartford on the 2nd of this month. In consequence of the application to Congress, respecting the appointing of Colonel Champlin Barrack Master to the French Army; the Quarter Master General has been authorised to make out that Appointment , which I have the pleasure of transmitting to His Excellency the Count De...
I have been honored with your favors of the 30th April and 1st Instant. After a conference with Mr Cornel I ordered as much Cloathing as could possibly be shared from hence to be immediately forwarded to the southward with one thousand Muskets and one thousand Cartouch Boxes which appeared as many as could be sent from hence upon a comparison of our own probable wants with our stock on hand....
I came to this Place Last Night before Last, On my way to Camp I met your Excellencies Orders of the 19th Ult. I had all the men with me Excepting two that were so Lame that they were not Abel to March Out but on Reicet of your Excellencies orders Respecting those that had Families that their Circumstances were Dystressing I Sent back Eight men whose Particular Circumstances I Shall make A...
Distressed beyond expression, at the present situation & future prospect of the Army, with regard to provisions; and convinced with you, that, unless an immediate and regular supply can be obtained, the most dangerous consequences are to be apprehended, I have determined to make one great effort more on the subject—And must request that you will second & enforce my representations to, and...
His Excellency (who has just rode out with Colonel Menonville first Deputy Adjutant General of the French Army) desired me to inform you, that he will be at West Point tomorrow Morng if the weather is fair : that he must return before dinner, and will expect the pleasure of your company up the river, if your health, & occasions will permit. I have the honor to be With perfect respect Dear Sir...
Five Months, this day, having elapsed, since you had permission to visit your freinds; I find myself under the indispensable necessity of calling your attention again to your Command. I must request there fore You will be pleased to repair to the Army as soon as may be, after the receipt of this Letter. I am Dear Sir Your Most Obedient Hble Servant. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
I have been honored with your Excellency’s favors of the 26th and 29th ulto with the inclosures to which you refer—They shall be duly attended to. Under cover of the letter of the 26th is one from General Gates to Congress, indorsed by the Secretary "Ordered to be transmitted to the Commander in Chief." without any particular directions respecting the subject of it. Congress have been informed...
There is no fighting Here Unless you Have a Naval Superiority or an Army Mounted upon Race Horses. Phillip’s plan Against Richmond Has Been defeated, He was Going towards Porsmouth, and I thought it Should Be enough for me to oppose Him At Some principal points in this State—But now it Appears I will Have Business to transact With two Armies and this is Rather too much. By letters from North...
Having received the answer his Excellency honored me with for the second time, I think I have no more now to do, but to continue my journey to Philadelphia, when furnished with the letter his Excellency has offered me, to introduce me to his Excellency the President of the Congress. I think when arrived there, I’ll follow closely the intentions of his Excellency, (which is a special part of my...
I have the Honor of your Excellency’s Letter by Capt. Walker. The Detachment at Danbury shall march as soon as the Quarter Master has provided Teams for transporting the Provisions from Danbury, which I hope will not exceed two or three Days. the prisoners which cannot be tried before they march will be sent with them to Fishkill. inclos’d are the Proceedings of a Court Martial against,...
The Board have been honoured with your Excellency’s Letter of the 26th Ulto inclosing a Representation from Genl Knox against breaking up the Post at Fishkill: These Reasons appear to be Sufficient to induce a Repeal of our Order on that Subject & are very different from the Ideas we had of the Matter from Representations made to us; by which it seemed to be evident that the Post, if kept up...
I this moment received a billet from the Consul of France at Boston in the following words "The frigate La Concorde is arrived at Boston; Sunday at night, after a passage of 42. days; The Commodore De Barras is on board with the Viscount de Rochambeau" I expect they will arrive here to morrow and your Excellency may well think that I wait for them with great impatience. I believe it will be...
I would inform Your Excellency that Judge Wynkoop had procured Fifty four Barrels of Shad the 5th Instant which I have ordered brought to Fish kill Landing and proportionably distributed amongst the Troops at New Windsor, West Point &ca together with what Mr Morrell may have procured, except the sixteen Barrels that went to Albany. I have no knowledge of Salt meat, Cattle or Rum being on the...
RC (Historical Society of Pennsylvania). Addressed to “His Excelly. Thos. Jefferson Esqr. Govr. of Virginia.” Except for Meriwether Smith’s signature, the entire letter is in Theodorick Bland’s hand. In the editors’ opinion, this dispatch was from JM as well as his two colleagues, and the omission of his signature reflects merely his momentary absence at the time the letter was sealed. Having...
Ld. Cornwallis being on his march for Virginia and Genl. Phillips setting out from Brandon to join his forces to those of the former, obliges us to call every man into the feild for whom arms can be procured, and to require the reinforcements of militia from below the Blue ridge intended for Genl. Greene or such of them as have not actually marched to rendezvous at Prince Edward C. H. or...