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Results 51451-51500 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Mr Fowler having in a later letter to the president of Pennsylvania made several charges against...
Since my letter to you of yesterday in which I mentioned the measure I had taken respecting...
His Excellency the president of Congress has lately transmitted to me the Copy of a letter from...
I was last evening favored with your Letters of the 3d and 4th Instant. I am pleased to find the...
I take the liberty to enclose you the proceedings of a general court-martial on several soldiers...
I have received, with exceeding great satisfaction & pleasure your favor of the 18th of April,...
His Excellency has determined to have the Quarter Master at Fort pitt and all persons of proper...
I have been honored with your Excellency’s favor of the 14th of April, inclosing a remonstrance...
I received Last night your Excellency’s two Letters of the 30th Ulto. Till now, that article of...
Two days after I had the honor of addressing you my last the Marquis arrived with his Detachment...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Addressed to “His Excellency Thomas Jefferson Esqr” and marked...
RC (Historical Society of Pennsylvania). Written and signed by JM, “By order of the delegation.”...
The Executive, having determined that future Tours of Militia Duty should be of two months length...
I am to inform you [&c. as in the preceding Letter of May 5th] I am &c. FC ( Vi ); at head of...
In compliance with your request I have procured and now send you a copy of the Constitutions &c....
Agreeable to last Octbr. act of assembly for Recruiting this States Quota of troops to serve in...
My application to the Honbl. Majr. Genl. the Baron Steuben (the nature of which Your Excellency...
I am honoured with your letter of the 3d. instant desiring a suspension of the Draught law. I...
I Did my self the pleasure of writing to you yesterday by Colo. Davies advising you of the...
Before I had received your letter of 11 April I had discharged part of the Regiment Guards at...
The Executive of New Jersey in consequence of authority vested in them by the Legislature for...
La même personne qui m’avoit donné l’avis, que vous m’aviez en partant laissé le maître de...
The same person who notified me that you left me in charge of forwarding the démarche, told me...
LS : Pierpont Morgan Library; AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress This will be delivered to...
Copy: Library of Congress I received the Letter you did me the honour of writing to me the 28th....
Copy: Library of Congress I received your respected Letter of the 28th. past and shall duly...
L , AL (draft), and copy: Library of Congress The Bearer Mr. Grieve, goes to Virginia, with an...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai reçu avec autant de reconnoissance que de plaisir le...
AL : American Philosophical Society Your dear delightfull letter made me most exceedingly happy;...
51480[Diary entry: 6 May 1781] (Washington Papers)
6th. Colo. Menonville, one of the Adjutt. Generals in the French Army came to Head Quarters by...
51481General Orders, 6 May 1781 (Washington Papers)
John Powel soldier in the New Hampshire line who was tried by a General Court martial the 27th of...
I enclose your Excellency a Copy of Information delivered by Mr Fish (some Time since at Head...
The Bearer Mr Grieve, goes to Virginia, with an Intention of settling there, where he has also...
Your favor of yesterday has been handed to me—You will be persuaded, that, at the same time, I...
I am honored with yours of the 5th and 6th to which I shall duly attend. I hoped I should not...
The enclosed news-paper came to hand the last evening; although of an elder date than the one I...
as I think myself intitled to hope the plainess and cander his Excellency has seen in my way of...
I am this day Officially honored with my Apointment from Congress, for which, & the polite &...
Information given by John Flood who formerly lived at Maroneck & followed the water. The harbour...
I inclose for your inspection, Original Letters from Major General Heath & Brigadier General...
I find that one great cause of the failure of transportation of the salted provisions from...
As there is a sum of money sent on from the Eastern States, for the Payment of the Detachments...
I have been favored with your Letter of the 9th of April, am glad your health is such as to...
I had the honor to receive Your Excellency’s favor of the 30th ulto a few days past, the Contents...
1st General Washington presumes that Congress has taken measure for the Completion of the...
This will be delivered to your Excellency by Mr. Grieve , who goes to America with a View of...
Two Persons have applied to me on Behalf of a certain John Allison, a Citizen under Confinement,...
Your Excellencys Favours of the 17. and 18. Ult. have been duly received and claim our particular...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Sent to you the Copy of the Certificate, and too that of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I send your Excellency the Estimate of the Board of War with...