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Results 51451-51500 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
In a letter to you of this day’s date, sent viâ Richmond , I took the liberty of desiring my correspond t there to inclose one to mr Coffee containing a remittance to him. that now inclosed is to inform him of it’s application. not knowing certainly that he is in N. York , I am obliged to trespass on your kindness by putting them under your cover, which I pray you to pardon on the score of...
The copy of your "Memoir of De Witt Clinton" which I owe to your politeness, found me under the influence of an oppressive indisposition, from which I apprehend a slow recovery. In this feeble state of my health, at my advanced Age, and with arrears of pressing claims on my attention, it is uncertain at least when I shall be able to give the memoir such a perusal as would be agreeable to me....
I thank you, dear Sir, for the 2 d edition of the biography of D r Williamson . I suppose we have now the full information as to the letters of Hutchinson E t c S r John Temple ’s knolege of the offices, and their character might be necessary to suggest to D r
I recieve with due thankfulness the proof which your letter conveys of the mark of attention shewn me by the N. York horticultural society by electing me an honorary member of their society. I love the art, but age has taken from me the power of proving it by any services I can render them in return for the honor done me. with my best wishes for their success and the expressions of my thanks...
I am greatly indebted to you for the honour you have done me by sending me your Biographical Memoir of Dr. Williamson, an Elegant work which I have read with great interest and Satisfaction—It has excited so many reminiscences as the French call them, that I know not where to begin, nor where to end—My first acquaintance with Dr Williamson, was in Boston in 1773, when he made a Strong...
Th: Jefferson presents his compliments to D r Hosack and his thanks for his very instructive pamphlet on yellow fever. without competence to decide the question which ha s so much divided the Medical faculty here, Whether that fever is produced by an atmosphere specially vitiated solely or with the aid of infection from a diseased body, in other word s whether it originates here, or is...
Since the Letter which I did myself the honour to write to your Lordship, relative to the Construction of the Armistice, I have received further information from America, which I beg leave to Communicate to your Lordship. The first Judgement rendered on a mistaken Interpretation of the Armistice, appears to have been at New York where all American Vessells, taken within the second Month were...
C’est aujourdhui, Madame la comtesse, le premier jour depuis plusieurs semaines que des affaires m’auroient permis de sortir de chez moi. J’avois le projet de m’en profiter pour aller vous rendre mes devoirs à Sanois. Mais un tems pluvieux me defende d’avoir cet honneur la d’aujourdui, et d’autres engagemens pour les quatre jours à venir. Monsieur Short croit que vous devez quitter Sanois...
Being called by our government to assist in it’s domestic administration, instead of paying my respects to you in person as I had hoped, I am to write you a letter of Adieu. Accept I pray you, Madam, my sincere thanks for the manifold kindnesses by which you added so much to the happiness of my stay in Paris. I have found here a philosophic revolution, phylosophically effected. Yours, tho a...
Une indisposition, Madame la Comtesse, qui m’a obligé de garder la chambre plusieurs jours, m’a empeché de me profiter de l’invitation que vous avez eu la bonté de me donner pendant que vous etiez à Eau bonne et sa voisinage. Actuellement je suis tout occupé de mon départ, qui aura lieu à 10 jours d’ici. Monsieur Short vient d’etre nommé chargé des affaires pendant mon absence. J’espere que je...
Copy: Library of Congress It has been a great Mortification to me that I have not been able this last Summer to pay my Respects to my Respectable and dear Friend at Sanois. The Journey has been often talk’d of among us at Madam Helvetius’s, but some obstruction or other has always interfer’d and occasion’d it to be delay’d: I have from time to time enquired concerning your Welfare, and had the...
LS : Vicomte Foy, Paris (1957) J’ai reçu, ma chere Amie, votre Lettre infiniment obligeante, et depuis ce temps Je n’ai fait que songer au charmant Projet d’aller à Sanois, passer quelques Jours avec vous. Je souhaiterois de tout mon coeur être en état de l’exécuter; mais plus J’y pense, et plus il me paoit impraticable: car Je me sens moins en état de marcher que la derniere fois que J’eus le...
En fixant l’epoque du second paiment à dix huit mois après la signature du contrat, il etoit entendu que l’ouvrage seroit alors à moitié finie. Monsieur Jefferson ne fait pas cette observation à Monsieur Houdon que pour se justifier de ce qu’il ne lui a pas jusques ici proposé le second paiment. Il sçait trop bien apprecier les principes de Monsieur Houdon pour le laisser en butte à une...
By a letter which I have lately had the honor to receive from Dr Franklin at Philada, I am informed of your arrival at that place; many letters from very respectable characters in France, as well as the Doctors, inform me of the occasion—for which, tho’ the cause is not of my seeking, I feel the most agreeable & grateful sensations. I wish the object of your mission had been more worthy of the...
As soon as you shall have received your instructions from the Pay Master General for the government of your conduct, you will repair to Fort McHenry, where which you will consider as your general station. That point is conceived to be the most convenient for the receipt and transmission by you of all the monies which shall be furnished for the Regiment With great consideration I am Sir Yr Obed...
I am authorized to offer you the appointment of Pay Master to the first regiment of Artillerists. You will signify your acceptance, should you think proper to accept, to the Pay Master General, and immediately enter upon the duties— With great consideration I am, Sir ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
You will be pleased to take charge, under the direction of the Pay Master General, of the pay of the Infantry at Fort McHenry, at Norfolk, and at West Point. With consideration I am— ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
Mr Washington reported, That the Committee to whom the Petition of Christopher West was referred, had examined into the Allegations thereof, and found them to be true, and had come to two Resolutions thereupon, which he read in his Place, and then delivered in at the Table. JHB H. R. McIlwaine and John Pendleton Kennedy, eds. Journals of the House of Burgesses of Virginia . 13 vols. Richmond,...
We, the Officers of the Virginia Regiment, are higly sensible of the particular Mark of Distinction, with which you have honoured Us, in returning your Thanks for our Behaviour in the late Action: and can not help testifying our grateful Acknowledgments, for your high sense, of what We shall always esteem a Duty to our Country, and to the best of Kings. Favoured with your Regard, We shall...
Mr Washington reported, That the Committee to whom the Petition of Daniel M’Neil was referred had examined into the Allegations thereof, and found them to be true; and had come to a Resolution thereupon, which he read in his Place, and afterwards delivered in at the Table, where the same was again twice read, and agreed to by the House. . . . JHB H. R. McIlwaine and John Pendleton Kennedy,...
Summary of DS : House of Lords Library In late March three petitions against the bill, from Americans in London and a few Englishmen with American connections, were presented to the three branches of the legislature. All were the handiwork of Arthur Lee, and Franklin was a signer. The first was delivered to the House of Commons on the 25th, the second to the Lords on the 28th, and the third to...
According to the Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 31st of December, delivered to me yesterday, I have the honor to lay before you a list of the several persons employed in my Office, with the Salaries allowed to each, as follows Dollars George Taylor Jr. (of New York) Chief Clerk , his salary fixed by law 800 Jacob Blackwell (of New York) Clerk 500 George Pfeiffer (of...
31 December 1810. Communicates a supplemental report from the secretary of state with information received since his message of 28 Dec. 1810. RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 233, President’s Messages, 11A-D1). RC 1 p. In a clerk’s hand, signed by JM. Enclosure (5 pp.) is Robert Smith to JM, 31 Dec. 1810, forwarding a letter from John Armstrong to Robert Smith, 29 Dec. 1810 (marked D), which...
9 February 1810. Transmits the secretary of state’s report in response to House resolution of 22 Jan. RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 233, President’s Messages). RC 1 p. Enclosure (4 pp.) is a report of 8 Feb. 1810, signed by Robert Smith, concerning American efforts since 1801 to provide free access to Mobile harbor and to protest Spanish duties of 12 percent exacted on U.S. commerce clearing the...
The pleasure I derive from an assurance of your attention to the objects I have recommended to you, is doubled by your concurrence in the testimony I have borne to the prosperous condition of our public Affairs. Relying on these sanctions of your enlightened Judgment, and on your patriotic aid, I shall be the more encouraged in all my endeavours for the public weal; and particularly in those...
Be it Enacted by the Senate and Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that when any person shall have invented any new and useful art, machine, or composition of matter, or any new and useful improvement on any art, machine, or composition of matter, and shall desire to have an exclusive property in the same, he shall pay into the Treasury of the United States...
According to the pleasure of the House of Representatives expressed in their Resolution of Feb. 23. 1791. I now lay before them a Report on the privileges and restrictions on the Commerce of the United States in foreign Countries. In order to keep the Subject within those bounds which I supposed to be under the contemplation of the House, I have restrained my Statements to those Countries only...
Agreeably to the request of the Senate and House of Representatives delivered me by their joint committee of inrolled bills, I now return the inrolled bill, intituled ‘An act for the relief of the captors of the Moorish armed ships Meshouda & Mirboha’ to the House of Representatives in which it originated. RC ( DNA : RG 233, PM , 8th Cong., 1st sess.); endorsed by a clerk. PoC ( DLC ). RC (...
Your very affectionate Address produces emotions which I know not how to express. I feel that my past endeavors in the service of my Country are far Overpaid by its goodness: and I fear much that my future ones may not fulfill your kind Anticipation. All that I can promise is, that they will be invariably directed by an honest and an ardent zeal. Of this resource my heart assures me. For all...
Having received information, on the first Wednesday of February, from the Vice-President of the US. that the list of Votes of the state of Kentuckey for President and Vice-President was not then received at the seat of government, I immediately, according to the injunctions of the law, dispatched to the district judge of that state a special messenger, to desire the list of votes lodged in his...
12 January 1810. Transmits a report from the secretary of state in response to the House’s resolution of 3 Jan. 1810. RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 233, President’s Messages). RC 1 p. In a clerk’s hand, signed by JM. Enclosures are Robert Smith’s 11 Jan. report (2 pp.) (misdated in Annals of Congress Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States ... (42 vols.; Washington,...
In compliance with your resolution of the 2d. inst. I have to inform you that, early in the preceding summer, I took measures for carrying into effect the act passed on the 19th. of Feb. 1799. chapter 115. and that of the 13th. of May 1800. mentioned in your resolution. the objects of these acts were understood to be, to purchase, from the Indians south of the Ohio , some portions of land...
25 January 1811. Transmits a report of the superintendent of the city stating the expenditures under the act of 28 Apr. 1810 for the better accommodation of the Post Office and Patent Office and for other purposes. RC and enclosure ( DNA : RG 233, President’s Messages, 11A-D1). RC 1 p. In a clerk’s hand, signed by JM. Printed in ASP American State Papers: Documents, Legislative and Executive,...
1 July 1812. “In compliance with the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 26th of June, I transmit the information contained in the documents herein enclosed.” RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 233, President’s Messages). RC and enclosures printed in ASP American State Papers: Documents, Legislative and Executive, of the Congress of the United States … (38 vols.; Washington, 1832–61)....
19 February 1811. Transmits a report of the secretary of state in compliance with the resolution of 18 Feb. 1811. RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 233, President’s Messages, 11A-D1). RC 1 p. In a clerk’s hand, signed by JM. For enclosures, see Robert Smith to JM, 19 Feb. 1811 , and n. 1.
I have the honor to enclose you copies of the Laws adopted and published by the Governor and Judges of the Territory North-west of the Ohio, according to the Resolution of the House of Representatives of the United States of the 10th. instant. The six last of these only have come to hand since the commencement of the present Government, all those preceding the year 1790 having been received by...
In pursuance of the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 3d. of May last, desiring a statement of expenditures from Jan. 1. 1797. by the Quartermaster General and the Navy agents for the contingencies of the Naval & Military establishments and the Navy contracts for timber & stores, I now transmit such statements from the offices of the Secretaries of the Treasury, War, and Navy,...
15 January 1812. In compliance with their resolution of 29 Nov. 1811, transmits “a report of the Secretary of State … of American seamen impressed into the service of Foreign Powers.” Printed copy ( Annals of Congress Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States … (42 vols.; Washington, 1834–56). , 12th Cong., 1st sess., 794). Tr of enclosure ( DNA : RG 233, Reports and...
27 April 1810. Transmits a report of the secretary of state in compliance with the House resolution of 23 Apr. RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 233, President’s Messages). RC 1 p. In a clerk’s hand, signed by JM. Enclosures are Robert Smith’s 26 Apr. report (2 pp.) on U.S. consular and commercial agents in foreign countries, “together with the Salaries and compensations that have been allowed to...
I now transmit a report from the Secretary of state with the information requested in your resolution of the 17th. instant. In making this communication , I deem it proper to observe that I was led by the regard due to the rights and interests of the United States and to the just sensibility of the portion of our fellow citizens more immediately affected by the irregular proceeding at New...
Since the date of the letter of Feb. 22. which I had the honour of writing you, covering the acts of the North-Western government, as called for by the Resolution of the house of representatives of Feb. 10. the acts of the same government passed in the year 1791. have come to the hands of the President and have been deposited among the records in my office. Supposing that these also might come...
The Secretary of State, to whom was referred, by the House of Representatives, the Petition of Charles Colvill, praying to be paid the Amount of his Ransom from the Algerines, and of his Travelling Expenses, and that Measures be taken for procuring the Ransom of his late Fellow-Captives, with Instructions to examine the same, and report his Opinion thereon, has had the same under Examination,...
4 April 1810. Transmits report of the secretary of state in compliance with the House resolution of 26 Mar. RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 233, President’s Messages). RC 1 p. Enclosures are Robert Smith’s 4 Apr. report (2 pp.), transmitting an abstract of returns on impressment of 903 American seamen by the British navy between 1 Oct. 1807 and 31 Mar. 1809 (1 p.) and an extract of G. T. Ladico,...
1 February 1810. Transmits a report of the secretary of the treasury in response to House resolution of 18 Jan. RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 233, President’s Messages). RC 1 p. Received and tabled on 1 Feb. ( Annals of Congress Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States ... (42 vols.; Washington, 1834-56). , 11th Cong., 2d sess., 1367). Printed in ASP American State Papers:...
I have the honor to inclose you a Report of the assays and experiments made on the gold and silver coins of France, Spain, England and Portugal, in pursuance of the resolution of the House of Representatives of Nov. 29. 1792. and of assuring you of those sentiments of respect & esteem with which I am Sir Your most obedient & most humble servt PrC ( DLC ); at foot of text: “The Speaker of the...
The House of Representatives, about the close of the Session before the last, referred to me the Report of a Committee on a message from the President of the United States of the 14th. of Feb. 1791, with directions to report to Congress the nature and extent of the privileges and restrictions of the commercial intercourse of the United States with foreign Nations, and measures for it’s...
14 January 1811. Transmits reports of the superintendent of the city and the surveyor of the public buildings on the subject of the House resolution of 28 Dec. 1810. Printed copy ( Message from the President of the United States, Transmitting Reports of the Superintendent of the City, and of the Surveyor of the Public Buildings … [Washington, 1811; Shaw and Shoemaker R. R. Shaw and R. H....
Having considered the bill, this day, presented to me, entitled “An Act to set apart and pledge certain funds for internal improvements” and which sets apart and pledges funds “for constructing roads and canals, and improving the navigation of water courses, in order to facilitate, promote and give Security to internal commerce among the several States, and to render more easy and less...
Having examined and considered the Bill entitled “An act for the relief of Richard Turvin, William Coleman, Edwin Lewis, Samuel Mims, Joseph Wilson, and the Baptist Church at Salem Meeting House, in the Mississippi Territory” I now return the same to the House of Representatives in which it originated, with the following objection: Because the Bill, in reserving a certain parcel of land of the...
In compliance with the desire of the House of representatives expressed in their resolution of yesterday , I have to inform them that by a letter of the 30th. of May last from the Secretary at War to Samuel Hammond a member of the house, it was proposed to him to accept a commission of Colonel Commandant for the District of Louisiana when the new government there should commence. by a letter...