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Results 51331-51360 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society Your Favour of October 5. is just now brought to me, and I beg your Excellency to accept of my Thanks for your Congratulations on my Recovery, which is however, as yet but imperfect. I am much Surprized to find, So many appearances, which Seem to Shew that certain neutral Powers of whose Sagacity and great Spirit, the World had formed an high...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library This will be presented to you by Mr Foster March Penny the son of one of my Friends in Boston. His Fathers Estate lies in the Island of Jamaica and He desires me to send this young Gentleman to London whence he is to embark for that Island. I take the Liberty of reccommending Mr Penny to your friendly notice while in Paris, and I request you to assist...
LS : Massachusetts Historical Society I received the Letter your Excellency did me the honour of writing to me the 4th. Instant. I have never known a Peace made, even the most advantageous, that was not censured as inadequate, and the Makers condemn’d as injudicious or corrupt. Blessed are the Peacemakers , is I suppose to be understood in the other World: for in this they are more frequently...
L : American Philosophical Society Je reçois hier au soir la precieuse Lettre de ma chere fille, datée à Lyon le 6e. & je renvoyois tout de suite celle qui a été incluse pour Made le Veillard. Vous vous plaignez de nous que vous n’aviez pas de nos Nouvelles. C’est que nos Lettres sont envoyées à Nice, pour vous rencontrer là, ou j’espere que vous serez bientôt, afin d’y vous reposer aprés les...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As a child of Science, & a person who owes to you a protection & numberless attentions during my Stay at Paris which will do me profit & honor all my life—I feel toward you more than that duty & veneration which would be due to a natural parent for such obligations— Those advantages afforded me by the many learned & honorable acquaintances wh. which your...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having occasion to be absent a few days on business, I gave orders to reply to the Letter you honor’d me with of the 14th Ulto: & concluded untill this day, it had been duly answer’d.— My surprize & vexation was extreme to find it had not. One of the Packets for America, I have forwarded by the Ship Anne, Captain Josiah, who sail’d the 3d Inst., the other...
AD : American Philosophical Society I the underwritten do hereby certify, that the within Writing appears to me to be a genuine Deed, being in all the Forms customary in Philadelphia, where it purports to have been executed. Based on a certificate d’Autun himself had drafted in French for BF to use as a model. It began by asserting that the signature of John Miller, “un des Juges de paix pour...
Two ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the Honour of addressing Your Excellency the 30th. Past since when we have refitted our Ship as well as the conveniencies of this Port & Circumstances would admit, & have now our Supplies on board paid for, by part of the State of South Carolina’s effects on board, & the Ballance in Your Accepted Bills which I was happy enough to pass...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mon illustre Docteur avez vous beaucoup de monde à dîner aujourdhui dites moi le Sans façon parceque si vous n’en aviez pas beaucoup Je vous demanderois à dîner pour ces Dames qui glorieuses de vous connoître et s’en allant ce Soir à Paris souhaiteroient de passer encore quelques momens avec vous. J’imagine et J’espere que la Jeunesse de Monsieur votre petit...
LS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Yale University Library The Interuption given to the Progress of Learning, the Distresses which the several Seminaries in this Country, have undergone, the various lucrative Employments, to which Masters, and Tutors, have been invited, in the Progress of the present War; are Circumstances, which operate powerfully to the Disadvantage, of the...
ALS and two copies: Sheffield Central Library; two copies: Library of Congress I received but a few days ago your very friendly Letter of August last, on the Subject of General Burgoyne. Since the foolish Part of Mankind will make Wars from time to time with each other, not having Sense enough otherwise to settle their Differences, it certainly becomes the wiser Part, who cannot prevent those...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères I have just received a Letter from Corunna of which I take the Liberty of enclosing a Translation. Your Excellency will see by it, that you formed a right Judgment of Gillon’s Intention in leaving behind him the Vessels that he had agreed to take under his Convoy, viz. That instead of going directly to America, he would Cruise for his own...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I am got thus far on my Journey, much fatigued by the Vehicle in which we travelled; We set off from Paris at 12 the Night I left you, & have been, ’till an hour ago, on the Road to this Place. No stopping for Sleep, & no means of taking any in so Rough a Machine. It is the first, & I hope will be the last time, I shall ever climb into such a Thing. I made,...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Je m’empresse de faire hommage a votre Excellence, des nouvelles que vient de m’envoyer un frere que j’ai en Amerique et qui a le bonheur de travailler avec notre Armée au grand ouvrage de la liberté que vous preparés a votre Pays: Je me flatte qu’il se rendra digne des bontés que vous avés eues pour lui a la recommandation de M. l’abbé de Chalut et de...
AD : American Philosophical Society <Rue Jean-Robert, hôtel d’Estrées, Paris, October 15, 1781, in French: Thibouzet dedicates to Franklin three pages of rhymed couplets, unequal in length and erratic in spelling. The poet wishes to rally a discouraged America, unhappy victim of more than four centuries of tyrannical oppression. He praises France as America’s courageous defender and Franklin...
AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress I received yours of Sept. 26. from Corunna. The Conduct of Gillon tho’ it provokes does not surprise me. I have not yet the second Letter you promise me, but in the mean time have wrote to Mr Jay & have obtain’d a Letter from M. le Comte de Vergennes to the French Ambassador at Madrid, requesting them to assist you in what they can, for securing the...
LS : Columbia University Library; AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress I received yours by Major Franks, which I shall answer fully per Saturday’s Post. The Letters you sent me of Capt. Gillon & Mr. Searle, give me, as you expected, abundance of Chagrin. I am afraid that Gillon will loiter at Corunna as he did at Amsterdam, and sell the Goods of the United States as he did those of the...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library I beg leave to refer to the letter I had the honour of addressing your Excellency the 24th. Sepber. last, per which I Sent two receipts for £.672.—.— paid to Sundry american prisoners, and advised your Excellency of my draft for £.1530. 3. 9. in favour of Vandenyver freres & Cie. A Severe attack of the gout which has kept me confined to my room for near...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mrs. Montgomerys Respectful Compliments wait on Doctr. Franklin. and takes the liberty of Introducing Her Son. As fatigue & a Slight Indisposition prevents Her paying Her Compliments to the Doctr. at present, flatters Her self with having that Honor in a few Days, Her Compts. attend Mr. W— Franklin. Addressed: His Exellency / Benjn. Franklin Esqr / Passy...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mrs Stewart’s Respectfull Compliments attend Dr Franklin she wrot to Calais the day after she had the honor of Seeing him; for a Copy of the Work, as Mr Wallop; Lord Portsmouths Brother had one that was not paid for; but she hears, he has left Calais; therefore has wrot to England for one, which was bound for a Younge gentleman, that is dead; the berrer of...
Copy: Library of Congress Enclosed is a Letter I have just receiv’d for you under my Cover from Sweden. There is another for your Son which I shall forward. I suppose you have heard of his safe arrival at Geneva, & of his Welfare, of which he has acquainted me. I would advise you not to depend in the least on obtaining a Passage in a Ship of War. The Permitting them to take Passengers is found...
LS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society Thomas Beer, with his Wife and two small Children came to my House this forenoon, and presented me a Letter from Mr. Coffyn of Dunkirk of the 2d. of Octr, recommending Beer to me as a Person who had been obliged to fly from England, for having assisted American Prisoners to escape; and inclosing a Copy of a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Notwithstanding I left Orleans on Tuesday Morg, I did not get here ’till this Day at 11 .00— The shortness of the Days, & the Loire being at this Time extreamly low, occasioned our being so long on the Water: there are so many Sand Banks in the River that it was impossible for us to proced but from Sunrise to sunset: & notwithstanding; our Boat often got on...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I take this opertunity to write to Return you my most Humble thanks for your kind favor which was of grate sarvis to me in my Dredfull Distress which is out of my power to Describ. I had Ben in a Bad state of Health all the winter with a slow Nervous fevor and had Ben in the Country for 2 or 3 weeks which was of grate sarvis to me. I had Ben at home But a...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania; AL (draft [partial]): Yale University Library The Gentleman who brings you this, I beleive you are acquainted with, as I have often heard him speak of you, he has been obliging enough to call on me, and has promised to deliver my letters into your own hands, Mr Morris’s Sons go under his care to Geneeva, how delighted little Benjamin will be to have...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Not long since I had the pleasure of forwarding a letter from my Father to your Excellency, but as the casualties attending the receipt of letters in War time are many, it may not reach you Sir before this, if at all— And being furnished with a very favorable opportunity by the gentleman who will honor me with the care of this, I hope you will excuse...
AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress I received the Letter you did me the Honour of writing to me the 16th Instant, inclosing the Invoice of some Clothing shipt by M. Leray de Chaumont on board the Themis Capt. Griffet, & which he offers for Sale, if it should be agreable to purchase them as a Part of the Supplies you are now providing for the United States, on which you desire my Opinion....
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the Honor the 4 Instant to write you and to request you would favor me with a Commission for the Brig Sally Capt James Tucker which I flatterd myself to have receiv’d in Course of Post and as the Armament is greatly advanct and will soon be ready to proceed on her intended Voyage I take the liberty to renew my Application praying you will please to...
AL : American Philosophical Society J’ai reçu a mon arrivée ici mon bon papa votre léttre du 1er octobre, elle m’a fait un sensible plaisir, j’y ai retrouvé des marques de votre amitié, et une teinte de cétte gayeté et de cétte galanterie qui fais que toutes les fémmes vous aiment parceque vous les aimés toutes; votre proposition de me portér sur vos aisles si vous étiés l’ange gabriél m’a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Celuy qui s’Est Recomandé De Ma part aupres De Vous Mon Cher Docteur Sous le nom De st. Jean Est Le même que Celuy dont j’ay Eû L’honneur de Vous parler sous Le nom de Crevecoeur que porte son pere Dont je suis L’amie Depuis plus De Vingt Cinq ans. Comme Le fils n’habitait pas ce paÿs cy je n’ay de luy aucunne Connaissance personnelle mais j’En ay toujours...