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Results 51331-51380 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No. Author Recipient Title Date Context
51331 Madison, James Claiborne, William C. C. From James Madison to William C. C. Claiborne, 20 July … 1803-07-20 I have the honor to request you to forward the enclosed letter to Mr. Clark. I have left it open...
51332 Madison, James Clark, Daniel From James Madison to Daniel Clark, 20 July 1803 1803-07-20 I have the pleasure to inform you that the Treaty & Conventions, entered into on the 30th. of...
51333 King, Rufus Madison, James To James Madison from Rufus King, [ca. 20] July 1803 1803-07-20 I take the Liberty to add a few miscellaneous articles by way of supplement to my last dispatch....
51334 Monroe, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Monroe, 20 July 1803 1803-07-20 I am too recently on this theatre to give you any information of the state of public affairs...
51335 Norris, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Norris, 20 July 1803 1803-07-20 I recd. your esteemed favour of the 23d. ulto. since which have been waiting to see Capt...
51336 Auldjo, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Auldjo, 20 July 1803 … 1803-07-20 20 July 1803, Cowes . Received the laws passed at the last sessions of Congress on 9 June and...
51337 Lamson, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Lamson, 20 July 1803 … 1803-07-20 20 July 1803, Trieste . Since his last of 4 Apr. has received JM’s of 22 Feb. Acquiesces in the...
51338 Power, Robert Madison, James To James Madison from Robert Power, 20 July 1803 … 1803-07-20 20 July 1803, Tenerife . Was authorized by McElroy to act as U.S. consul in his absence. Has...
51339 Auldjo, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Auldjo, 20 July 1803 1803-07-20 On the 9th. of June I had the pleasure to receive the Laws passed at the last Sessions of...
51340 Lamson, John Madison, James To James Madison from John Lamson, 20 July 1803 1803-07-20 Since my last of the 4th. April, I am honored with your esteemed favor of the 22d. Feby. last, By...
51341 Power, Robert Madison, James To James Madison from Robert Power, 20 July 1803 1803-07-20 In the absence of Mr. G. W. Mc.Elroy, who h a s authorized me to act as representative of the...
51342 Carr, Peter Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Peter Carr, 20 July 1803 1803-07-20 We arrived here on the 14th, all well, and found the accomodations on the road by Stevensburg,...
51343 du Pont de Nemours, Éleuthère Irénée Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Éleuthère Irénée du Pont de … 1803-07-20 Vous avez été prevenu par mon Pere que J’etais occupé d’etablir dans les Etats-Unis une grande...
51344 Lear, Tobias Madison, James To James Madison from Tobias Lear, 19 July 1803 1803-07-19 I reached this place yesterday, after a pleasant journey from Washington, and had the pleasure to...
51345 Lear, Tobias Madison, James To James Madison from Tobias Lear, 19 July 1803 1803-07-19 Since I had the pleasure of writing to you this forenoon, I have been favored with your...
51346 Monroe, James Madison, James To James Madison from James Monroe, 19 July 1803 1803-07-19 I left Paris on the 12. and arrived here last night very much fatigued with the journey. I have...
51347 Dearborn, Henry Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Dearborn, 19 July 1803 1803-07-19 I have the honor to propose Reuben Chamberlin for an Ensign in the 2d. Regt. of Infantry in the...
51348 Galloway, Benjamin Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Benjamin Galloway, 19 July … 1803-07-19 The General Assembly of Maryland at their last Session gave Entertainment to a Bill entitled An...
51349 Waterman, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Thomas Waterman, 19 July 1803 1803-07-19 The object of this letter is respectfully to solicit the appointment as one of the Commissioners...
51350 Yznardi, Joseph, Sr. Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Yznardi, Sr., 19 July … 1803-07-19 It certainly causes me great uneasiness that your Excellency had received none of my letters; as...
51351 Madison, James Newton, Thomas, Jr. Circular Letter to Members of Congress, 18 July 1803 1803-07-18 The Proclamation by the President, of which a copy is inclosed, will inform you, that in...
51352 Morton, Perez Madison, James To James Madison from Perez Morton, 18 July 1803 1803-07-18 I have to acknowledge the receipt of your kind favor, which covered the penal Laws of Virginia....
51353 Pinckney, Charles Madison, James To James Madison from Charles Pinckney, 18 July 1803 1803-07-18 I informed you in my last that I was preparing to send by Mr Yard & Mr Young a detail of our...
51354 Stevens, Ebenezer Madison, James To James Madison from Ebenezer Stevens, 18 July 1803 1803-07-18 I am advised by Mr. Cotton that he is now about making a claim on Government for certain...
51355 Wichelhausen, Frederick Jacob Madison, James To James Madison from Frederick Jacob Wichelhausen, 18 … 1803-07-18 18 July 1803, Bremen . Wrote last on 12 June of the occupation of Hanover by French troops....
51356 Wichelhausen, Frederick Jacob Madison, James To James Madison from Frederick Jacob Wichelhausen, 18 … 1803-07-18 On the 12th: June I had last the honor of writing to you, wherewith I informed you of the French...
51357 Jefferson, Thomas Austin, Jr., Benjamin From Thomas Jefferson to Benjamin Austin, Jr., 18 July … 1803-07-18 This serves to acknolege the reciept of your favor of the 7th. inst. and the pleasure I derive...
51358 Jefferson, Thomas Claiborne, William C. C. From Thomas Jefferson to William C. C. Claiborne, 18 … 1803-07-18 I wrote to you yesterday, and in the evening recieved your favor of June 23. as I am just now...
51359 Crew, Robert Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Robert Crew, 18 July 1803 1803-07-18 A person here has lately obtained a patent for a Churn on a new construction & Mrs Crew’s...
51360 Dearborn, Henry Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Dearborn, 18 July 1803 1803-07-18 I have the honor to propose William L. Brent of Maryland, and Charles M. Taylor of Pensylvania...
51361 Dearborn, Henry Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Henry Dearborn, 18 July 1803 1803-07-18 I have the honor to propose the following persons for promotion in the Army of the U. States,...
51362 Duvall, Gabriel Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Gabriel Duvall, 18 July 1803 1803-07-18 About three months ago, I received a letter from Mr. Storey, of Salem, declining the appointment...
51363 Gates, Horatio Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Horatio Gates, 18 July 1803 1803-07-18 Let the Land rejoice, for you have bought Louisiana for a Song. never was a happier moment...
51364 Jefferson, Thomas Mansfield, Jared From Thomas Jefferson to Jared Mansfield, 18 July 1803 1803-07-18 Since the reciept of your favor of the 7th. inst. I have had a full conversation with mr...
51365 Jefferson, Thomas Muhlenberg, J. P. G. From Thomas Jefferson to J. P. G. Muhlenberg, 18 July … 1803-07-18 This will be delivered to you by mr Barnes, who being personally unknown to you, has asked of me...
51366 Peale, Charles Willson Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Charles Willson Peale, 18 July … 1803-07-18 Yesterday General Proctor called on me with the enclosed Letter to make what use I pleased with...
51367 Wistar, Caspar Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Caspar Wistar, 18 July 1803 1803-07-18 I beg leave to trouble you with the inclosed for Captain Lewis , they do not include many points,...
51368 William Clark to Meriwether Lewis, 18 July 1803 1803-07-18 I received by yesterdays Mail, your letter of the 19th. ulto: The Contents of which I recived...
51369 Gallatin, Albert II. Albert Gallatin’s Queries, with Jefferson’s … 1803-07-09 < 2. What is the distance from Manchac to the Western boundary? > < 4. Are any of the officers...
51370 Jefferson, Thomas III. Jefferson’s Revision of Original Draft, 12–17 July … 1803-07-12 Queries [1. What are the best maps, general or particular, of the whole or parts of the province?...
51371 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James To James Madison from Thomas Jefferson, 17 July 1803 1803-07-17 It was agreed yesterday 1. that a copy of the proclamation should be inclosed to each member in a...
51372 Harvie, Lewis IV. Final List of Queries, 17 July 1803 1803-07-17 Queries  1 What are the best maps general, or particular of the whole or parts of the province?...
51373 Jefferson, Thomas Claiborne, William C. C. From Thomas Jefferson to William C. C. Claiborne, 17 … 1803-07-17 Before you recieve this you will have heard thro’ the channel of the public papers of the cession...
51374 Jefferson, Thomas Clark, Daniel From Thomas Jefferson to Daniel Clark, 17 July 1803 1803-07-17 You will be informed by a letter from the Secretary of state of the terms and the extent of the...
51375 Jefferson, Thomas Dunbar, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Dunbar, 17 July 1803 1803-07-17 Before you recieve this you will have heard thro’ the channel of the public papers, of the...
51376 Jefferson, Thomas Falconer, William From Thomas Jefferson to William Falconer, 17 July 1803 1803-07-17 An old man of the name of Duncan Brown, who exhibits respectable attestations of character,...
51377 Gallatin, Albert Jefferson, Thomas Gallatin’s Comments on Address from Philadelphia Ward … 1803-07-17 + Lewis Rush — carver, a respectable & firm republican—not known personally + Sallows Shewell—...
51378 Jefferson, Thomas Madison, James From Thomas Jefferson to James Madison, 17 July 1803 1803-07-17 It was agreed yesterday 1. that a copy of the proclamation should be inclosed to each member in a...
51379 Peale, Charles Willson Jefferson, Thomas To Thomas Jefferson from Charles Willson Peale, 17 July … 1803-07-17 I have just received a letter from my Son Raphaelle at Norfolk, in which he says, a Doctr....
51380 Vasse, Ambrose and Others Jefferson, Thomas Petition of Ambrose Vasse and Others, 17 July 1803 1803-07-17 We the undersigned Inhabitants of the Town of Alexandria most respectfully beg leave to lay...