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Results 51311-51320 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
AL : University of Pennsylvania Library Mr. Perregaux has the honour to Convey the enclosed letter to Doctor Franklin which Came under his cover. Jean-Frédéric Perregaux (d. 1808), a banker from a Neuchâtel family, was associated with Isaac Panchaud (for whom see XXV , 424; XXVII , 37n): Lüthy, Banque protestante , II , 718–21. The writer of the present letter also wrote twice to WTF ,...
(I) LS : American Philosophical Society; AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; (II) copies: Massachusetts Historical Society, National Archives (two), Columbia University Library; press copies: National Archives (two), Library of Congress; transcript: National Archives Since the 25th of August, when I had the honor to write You, this is the first Time that I have taken a Pen in hand to...
(I) and (II) ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I hope this will be handed you by my very particular & worthy Friend Mr. Thomas Barclay, who being appointed Consul General to the United States, goes with his Family to reside in France— I wish to recommend him, not only to your Acquaintance and Civilities, but to your Friendship & Esteem, being well assured, you will find him deserving of...
ALS : American Philosophical Society There being at this Port many American Seamen and officers lately arrived from England and other Parts have engaged us to purchase a fast Sailing Brig at this Port of which we have given the Command to Captain James Tucker. I request the favor that you will please to send me by return of Post a Commission for the said Brig as I intend to Arm her as a Letter...
ALS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Massachusetts Historical Society Your Excellency knows so well all my Occurrences in Holland, particularly my Contract with Lieutt. Colonell Laurens, that I need say but little about Major Jackson, whom I early acquainted that on the Troops coming on board I found there was but little room left. Ships were Chartered, and I got out to Sea as soon as I...
AL : American Philosophical Society Madame Le Veillard souhaite le bonjour a Monsieur franklin, elle a recu avis des lettres de change qu’il a sur sa personne, mais elle a lhoneur de l’avertir qu’elle ne les payera qua condition qu’il viendra demain Lundy avéc monsieur son petit fils diner avéc elle. Addressed: A Monsieur / Monsieur franklin ministre / plenipotentiaire des Etats unis de...
LS : American Philosophical Society We are without any of Your Excellency’s Favors Since we had the honor of writing in date of the 20th. Ulto. The inclosed are particularly recommended to our Care, and came to hand yesterday per the Brigg Firebrand, Captn. Trowbridge from Newhaven Which place he left about the 20th. of Augt.— when hopes were high in America on Accot. of the expected arival of...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Mr Dotun calld upon me and has made a propesetion—that He would buy the Hole trackt of land On condetions that Your Exelency will Give him a Certefacte that he bought the land of me At Paris That in case of deth he May Not meet with Aney deficcultes in Obtainning it in America After proving his deed— I Hope your Exelency will Not refuse him the...
LS : Massachusetts Historical Society; AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress I congratulate your Excellency on your Recovery. I hope this Seasoning will be the means of securing your future Health, by accommodating your Constitution to the Air of that Country. Here are Advices from Admiral de Grasse, which left him the 13th of August coming out of Straits of Bahama, with 28 Sail, of the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai l’honneur d’addresser la presente a votre Excellence Laquelle luÿ sera remise par le Capitain William Gibbons cydevant commandant le navire americain les quatre amis de Boston Lequel a eu le malheur d’Etre pris par les anglois allant d’amsterdam a Boston, il vient d’arriver ici d’Angletterre, et il se propose de se rendre aupres de votre Excellence...