51311From Thomas Jefferson to the Senate and the House of Representatives, 2 February 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
I now lay before you 1. a return of Ordnance , arms, & military stores the property of the US. 2....
51312From James Madison to the House of Representatives, 31 January 1811 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
31 January 1811. Transmits a report of the secretary of war in compliance with the House...
51313From James Madison to the House of Representatives, 28 December 1810 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
28 December 1810. Communicates a report from the secretary of state in compliance with the House...
51314From James Madison to the House of Representatives, 16 December 1809 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
16 December 1809. In response to a 13 Dec. House resolution, transmits extracts from the...
51315From Thomas Jefferson to the Senate and the House of Representatives, 17 February 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
I lay before both houses of Congress, for their information, the report from the Director of the...
51316From Thomas Jefferson to the Senate and the House of Representatives, 16 February 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
I now transmit a statement of the expences incurred by the US. in their transactions with the the...
51317From Thomas Jefferson to the Senate and the House of Representatives, 18 February 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
In a message of the 2d. instant, I inclosed a letter from the Secretary at War on the subject of...
51318From James Madison to the House of Representatives, 14 January 1811 (Abstract) (Madison Papers)
14 January 1811. Transmits copies of the documents requested in the resolution of 4 Jan. 1811. RC...
51319From Thomas Jefferson to the Senate and the House of Representatives, 25 February 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
No occasion having arisen, since the last account rendered by my predecessor, of making use of...
51320From Thomas Jefferson to the Senate and the House of Representatives, 11 January 1802 (Jefferson Papers)
I now communicate to you, a memorial of the Commissioners for the City of Washington together...