George Washington Papers

From George Washington to David Waterbury, 29 April 1781

Head Quarters N. Windsor 29h April 1781


Captains scudder and Dean inform me that you had, from not being acquainted with circumstances, detained a Boat in which they had been over to Long Island. These Gentlemen were employed under my orders at that time and will have occasion to cross the sound every now and then as the business upon which they are engaged may require—You will therefore be pleased to give them up the Boat, and as I have now, in a confidential manner, intrusted you with their business, I shall hope that you will not only keep it a secret, but endeavour to assist them in the prosecution of a plan in which the public good is much–interested. I do not mean to protect or countenance them in any manner of trade—should they attempt to carry it on. I am &ca

P.S. It may very probably lay in your way to obtain intelligence from New York, should any thing material occur, you will oblige me by communicating it to me.

DLC: Papers of George Washington.

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