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Results 51301-51330 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I thought, when you were here, I should certainly have got my crop of flour to Richmond in the course of that month. I have not however got one third of it down even yet. but I avail myself of it’s first proceeds to desire Mess rs Gibson & Jefferson to remit to the bank of Fredericksburg for your order 131. D 50 c including interest to the last of this month. this remittance you may...
I have this day desired mess rs Gibson & Jefferson to remit to the bank of Fredericksburg subject to your order 131.D. for the hire of Tom & Edmund the last year, to wit, 74.D. for Tom , and 57.D. for Edmund . his death taking place on the 18 th
Your letters of Aug. 13. and Sep. 10. were each of them 23. days getting to this place. the former came while I was in Bedford during an absence of between 2. & 3. weeks. I did not write an immediate answer because a very little delay, added to what had preceded would enable me to do it with effect. within the course of 3. weeks I am to recieve a quarter’s rent of my mill (now in more punctual...
It escaped my recollection yesterday that it was the day on which my acceptance of mr Jarvis’s bill was become due. I now inclose you a check on the bank of the US. at this place for it’s amount, 242.71 presuming the course of your transactions makes money in this bank as convenient as in Alexandria: if it does not, on saying so by return of post I will draw the money myself & remit it. Accept...
Your Letter of the 17th did not get to my hands ’till yesterday, or it should have received an earlier acknowledgment. Mr Hiebert either mistook me, or Messrs Valk, Berger & Schouter have misunderstood him: for acquainting the former that a company of which I am a member was desireous of employing a number of hands to drain the great Dismal Swamp near Norfolk, & that I had been requested by it...
Hearing that you have a Vessel bound to some port in Spain, I am induced to ask if it is safe & practicable to bring from thence a good Jack Ass, to breed from—The late Don Juan de Miralles, resident from the Court of Spain at Philadelphia, promised to procure one for me; but in his death I met a disappointment. Another Gentleman of his nation, not long since, has also given me a promise—but...
I have duly received your Letter of the 1st instant, enclosing Mister Bennett’s claim against Mister Colville’s Estate, and requesting to know when you can receive any part of the money. It is true that Judgment was obtained against the Assignees of John Semple for the Debt due the Estate of the late Colo. Colville; but I have been informed since, that they either have applied, or mean to...
The plank I want is to floor a room 24 by 32 feet. It must be 24 feet long & 1½ inches thick—all of a colour, and entirely free from Knots & sap. More than the nett quantity is requisite, for allowances. If it were seasoned, so much the better; but this is hardly to be expected in plank of this particular kind. If Mr Swift can supply me, it will be better than to send to the Eastern shore; if...
Your favor of the 23d inst: came to my hands by the Post of yesterday. I agree to take your offer for my flour; & will order mister whitting (my manager) to see & make arrangements with you for the delivery in Alexandria of the part which is at my mill. I wish, however, as Hay-time & harvest is, or soon will be heavy upon me, it had suited you equally, to have received it at my mill, or in the...
The Commiss[ioner]s having given it as their opinion that one hundred & fo[r]ty pounds Virga Cury wd be a proper compensation to Mr Keith for the trouble he has had with the Accts relating to Colo. Colville’s estate—I have given him a draught upon you for that sum, wh. you will be good as to pay out of the balce that may remain in yr hands due to me after settling the Acct of Mr Bennets. As...
Letter not found: to Robert Townsend Hooe, 29 Mar. 1785. On the same day Hooe wrote to GW : “I had the honor of receiving Your Excellency’s favor of this date.”
To the best of my recollection, when you paid me for my flour of last year, you asked the refusal of it this year. By the report from my Mill, I perceive about 3,000 bushels of Wheat has been manufactured; but how much flour it has made, and of what sort, I am yet to learn. If you incline to purchase what there is, let me know the best price you will give; or to make the matter short, and to...
Your letter of the 25 Ulto came duly to hand. The enclosed to Mr Keith (which I take the liberty of putting under cover to you as there is no postage to pay, because as he does not seem to be in the habit of sending regularly to the Post Office letters to him sometimes sleep there) is expressive of my consent to his receiving from Mr Wilson, & paying to you on Acct of Mr Bennett all the money...
If you are among the purchasers of Flour, be so good as to let me know what you would give for about 600 barrels—nearly half, superfine, 290 of which are in your own Warehouse—the rest at my Mill, but might be delivered as above. all of it, if reported to me truly, is of the best quality, of their respective sorts. I would allow a credit of Sixty days—or, to enhance the price 90 days for the...
Letter not found: to Robert Townsend Hooe, 3 April 1785. On the same day Hooe wrote to GW : “Your favor of this Date I have just rec’d.”
The Commissioners of the public buildings in the federal territory having expressed to me their desire to have their accounts settled, I have to ask and to authorize you in conjunction with mister David ross of Bladensburg (& vice versa), as I hereby do, to undertake to examine their accounts and vouchers relative to the expenditure of the monies appropriated to their trust, & to certify to me...
The distress of the Army for Rum and the impracticability, or at least the difficulty, of procuring a Supply in any reasonable time, has induced me to consent that a quantity shall be drawn from the Hospital Stores, where I have been informed there is much more than can be wanted for the sick. I have therefore to desire that you will deliver to Colo. Wadsworth Commissary General, or to his...
A change of Quarters from N York to this place has prevented an earlier attention to your letter of the sixteenth instant. I have made such observations on the subject of it as appeared to be proper to the Pay and Master Gener and Assistant Quarter Master Generals on the subject. ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress). On the verso of the letter there...
I have received your letter of the ninth instant with it’s enclosure—The Account has been sent to Mr. Miller the AQM General, with such remarks as appeared to be proper— It has appeared to me I have supposed that an Officer, upon receiving his appointment, bears the expense of repairing to his station. Afterwards, if he is detached on service, travelling expenses are allowed him—I have...
The state of the roads has been such as to have occasioned some delay in the passage of your letter to me, and some matters of importance which have pressed upon me since the receipt of it has retarded my acknowledgement thereof until now. It was not because I had any doubt of the collection for the services of Royal Gift for I allow no credit—nor that I inclined to receive a specific sum for...
I came here on the 4th. & shall leave it on the 25th. inst. for Washington after compleating some arrangements previous to my final removal there. but for fear any accident of health or weather should detain me here longer, I forward you the inclosed order for paiment for the horse , which mr Barnes will pay to your order in Washington, Philadelphia, or Richmond, or remit to your own house in...
Your servant arrived here this afternoon with the horse , [and I] have only this moment been able to go and see him. I am quite satisfied with his first appearances, & have no doubt I shall continue [to be?] so. the servant wishing to go immediately to Georgetown to take […] passage for tomorrow morning, I give him dollars to cover your [advances] for his expences, & those of his return &...
Your favor of the 16th. has been duly recieved. I am not in immediate want of the horse; and if your stay at Richmond should be longer than expected, or my want of him should become urging, I could send some person from this place for him. it is more likely that your return may be quite early enough for my want, and your then sending him on at my expence will be sufficient. There is no change...
New Windsor [ New York ] February 25, 1781 . Orders delivery to director general of hospitals all articles procured for hospital uses. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. James and Horace Hooper were hospital storekeepers at Windsor, Connecticut.
I expect Capt. Hutchins of New Hampshire with three Waggons load of Stores from Boston will be at Easton in a few days. Inclosed you have a letter for him, which directs him to proceed to Reading where he will be releived by another party. Be pleased to inform me, by Express, of Capt. Hutchins’s arrival at Easton, that the Releif may be ready to meet him at Reading. I am Sir Your most obt...
I have directed the Serjeant who will deliver you this, to proceed with his party of horse to Easton for the purpose of Guarding James Ohara & the Deserters mentioned in your letter of the 30th Novr to Lord Stirling, to this place—You will be pleased therefore to have them delivered to the party —The frends of Ohara have solicited that he may be indulged with coming in a sled—should they...
The Subject, on which you was pleased to request my Sentiments, is of infinite Importance to Mankind. Politicks is the Science of human Happiness—and the Felicity of Societies depends entirely on the Constitutions of Government under which they live. That puerile famous Couplet of a very great Poet, “For Forms of Government let Fools contest That’s best administered, is best,” Shows him to...
You will be pleased to cause the two companies, which have been put under marching orders, to proceed on Monday next to New Town in Bucks County Pennsylvania, where they will receive further orders either from the Secretary of War or from General Mc.Pherson. The Contractor is directed to provide a boat to convey them to Amboy—whence they will march to Brunswick and thence by the most...
I send you the enclosed letter. You will make enquiry into the character and circumstances of the writer, and report verbally. to m ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
You will cause McGregor to be furnished with the requisite Certificates from the Capt. of his Company and the Acting Surgeon in order an Application to me for a discharge. The service is best rid of such men. I am desirous of seeing in practice the French Manual of the Artillery in order to a comparison of it with our own. the necessary apparatus if not in the Garrison will be provided by Col:...