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Results 51301-51330 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I thought, when you were here, I should certainly have got my crop of flour to Richmond in the...
I have this day desired mess rs Gibson & Jefferson to remit to the bank of Fredericksburg subject...
Your letters of Aug. 13. and Sep. 10. were each of them 23. days getting to this place. the...
It escaped my recollection yesterday that it was the day on which my acceptance of mr Jarvis’s...
Your Letter of the 17th did not get to my hands ’till yesterday, or it should have received an...
Hearing that you have a Vessel bound to some port in Spain, I am induced to ask if it is safe &...
I have duly received your Letter of the 1st instant, enclosing Mister Bennett’s claim against...
The plank I want is to floor a room 24 by 32 feet. It must be 24 feet long & 1½ inches thick—all...
Your favor of the 23d inst: came to my hands by the Post of yesterday. I agree to take your offer...
The Commiss[ioner]s having given it as their opinion that one hundred & fo[r]ty pounds Virga Cury...
Letter not found: to Robert Townsend Hooe, 29 Mar. 1785. On the same day Hooe wrote to GW : “I...
To the best of my recollection, when you paid me for my flour of last year, you asked the refusal...
Your letter of the 25 Ulto came duly to hand. The enclosed to Mr Keith (which I take the liberty...
If you are among the purchasers of Flour, be so good as to let me know what you would give for...
Letter not found: to Robert Townsend Hooe, 3 April 1785. On the same day Hooe wrote to GW : “Your...
The Commissioners of the public buildings in the federal territory having expressed to me their...
The distress of the Army for Rum and the impracticability, or at least the difficulty, of...
A change of Quarters from N York to this place has prevented an earlier attention to your letter...
I have received your letter of the ninth instant with it’s enclosure—The Account has been sent to...
The state of the roads has been such as to have occasioned some delay in the passage of your...
I came here on the 4th. & shall leave it on the 25th. inst. for Washington after compleating some...
Your servant arrived here this afternoon with the horse , [and I] have only this moment been able...
Your favor of the 16th. has been duly recieved. I am not in immediate want of the horse; and if...
New Windsor [ New York ] February 25, 1781 . Orders delivery to director general of hospitals all...
I expect Capt. Hutchins of New Hampshire with three Waggons load of Stores from Boston will be at...
I have directed the Serjeant who will deliver you this, to proceed with his party of horse to...
The Subject, on which you was pleased to request my Sentiments, is of infinite Importance to...
You will be pleased to cause the two companies, which have been put under marching orders, to...
I send you the enclosed letter. You will make enquiry into the character and circumstances of the...
You will cause McGregor to be furnished with the requisite Certificates from the Capt. of his...