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Results 51301-51330 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Your Excellency will recieve enclosed a Resolve of Congress of the 26th Instant, authorizing the quarter Master General to appoint Col. Champlin of Newport a Barrack Master to the French Army agreeable to the Sentiments expressed in your Letter of the 21st Instant. Also a Resolve of the same Date with the above mentioned, affixing the Pay of Captain Lieutenant of Artillery, and of Lieutenants...
I beg pardon for delaying so long to return a thousand thanks to your Excellency for your polite & obliging Letter of February 14th. Since I left the public service I flatter myself I have been useful in qualifying young gentlemen for your hospitals & army as well as for private life—I impatiently wait to execute any commands you may still honor me with, & beg your & your good Ladys acceptance...
Captains scudder and Dean inform me that you had, from not being acquainted with circumstances, detained a Boat in which they had been over to Long Island. These Gentlemen were employed under my orders at that time and will have occasion to cross the sound every now and then as the business upon which they are engaged may require—You will therefore be pleased to give them up the Boat, and as I...
Your’s of the 7th. was handed to me a few days ago by Mr. Newman who is to call on me this evening for an answer. 700 dollars were enclosed in it. As I cannot get any wire of the description you direct, nor indeed any but a little fitted for bolting according to the flour model, and that at a price more than double the old one I have declined laying out the money. Should you be in great want &...
Non o potuto resistere alla tentazione di scriverle, e toglierle in conseguenza un poco del tempo da Lei destinato agli affari in queste calamitose circostanze. Jo non so cosa i’ mi sia, nè che cosa sia per esser di me se io resto più qui; mi pare per altro ch’io sarò Suddito non più alle leggi di questo Stato, ma a quelle d’un Quadrumvirato. Questa idea solamente è piu che bastante a rendere...
Amelia, 29 Apr. 1781 . Encloses “a Return of Men and Arms sent from this County to join Genl. Green in Feby. last.” Brooking having been sick at the time, the return is signed by Col. [James] Jenkins. The enclosed Return, dated 24 Feb. 1781 and signed “J Jenkins Colo. 2 B, A[melia] M[ilitia], lists 222 officers and men, 204 guns, 32 bayonets, 21 lbs. of powder, 24 lbs. of lead, 14 cartridge...
I have been Waiting with grate anxiety to receive Your Excellency answer to my Letter of the 27th. March last, which Your Excellency was pleasd to inform me You had forwarded to Congress for their Determination. I beg leave to Inform Your Excellency I am verry desirous to get the Bussiness of the Flag of Truce Settled as soon as possible, and to propose if it can be done without any Trouble to...
“Pohattin [ Powhatan ] Court hous,” 29 Apr. 1781 . On 27 Apr. five prisoners under Gibbs’ care at this place escaped from jail, and “from Every Circonstance we [have] Reason to Believe the Sentinals which ware on their Post At that time ware pryvy to it.” The sentinels have therefore been jailed but are not yet tried. RC ( Vi ); addressed and endorsed.
The Bearer Mr. Thomas Boush waits on you with a proposition , the Nature of which he will explain to you. Nothing but a Conviction of an almost Impossibility of complying with your Excellency’s Requisition for two hundred & fifty men from the County, could induce the Officers to trouble you on the Subject. I can only say that I am satisfy’d the Difficulty of getting provisions here & on the...
Harodsburg, 29 Apr. 1781 . Since arriving at the Falls of Ohio, Rogers has “been much Surprised to find that some Persons have wrote aspersions against my Character during the time of my Command at the Illinoys last Winter. Richd. Winston and Richd. McCarty I am informd are the Persons.” TJ should know that McCarty “has ever since Septr. last been under an Arrest for Treason,” and Winston,...
Philadelphia, 29 Apr. 1781 . Encloses a 20 Apr. 1781 resolution of Congress recommending that certain states make good the depreciation of monthly pay to the officers and soldiers belonging to the regiment of Colonel Moses Hazen who are considered part of their quotas in the same manner as they have done for the officers and soldiers in their respective state lines. FC ( Lb in DNA : RG 360,...
Arriving this moment, I received your Favour of 26; and am happy to find that you continue in the Same Sentiments. I am Still of the Same mind too, and I Shall call on you, tomorrow, when we will arrange all Things. I wish you would loose no time, in getting a certain Paper, well translated into Dutch. Tr ( PCC , No. 101, II, f. 181). JA ’s memorial of 19 April , above, was translated into...
I had yesterday the Honor of receiving your Excellencys Letter of the 27th. Instant, which afforded me the greatest pleasure, as it assured me of your Excellencys Health, which I was fearful was affected, and shewed at the same time that you were in Spirits. The natural and political Climate of the Country, where your Excellency now is, being foggy a Man must have a stout Heart and strong Body...
I was among the first who were convinced, that an administration by single men was essential to the proper management of the affairs of this country. I am persuaded now it is the only resource we have to extricate ourselves from the distresses, which threaten the subversion of our cause. It is palpable that the people have lost all confidence in our public councils, and it is a fact of which I...
New Windsor [ New York ] April 30, 1781 . Regrets the publication of an intercepted letter. Df (photostat), in the handwriting of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress, from the original in the Château de Rochambeau, France. Although H was no longer on Washington’s staff and was living at De Peyster’s Point at this time, he did return to New Windsor to assist Washington on this day.
Copy: Library of Congress On my return home from Mr. Jay’s, I find that a Courier for France is expected to pass thro’ Madrid this Night, I profit of the Occasion to inform your Excellency that Mr. Jay has this Day drawn a Bill on Mr. Grand in favour of the Marquis D’Yranda for 487,320 livres Tournois to pay the Bills of Congress which will become due the ensuing Month— There is some...
Copy: Library of Congress I have this Day drawn upon Mr. Grand, in favour of the Marqs. D’Yranda for 487,320 liv. Tournois at ninety Days after Date, in order to enable me to pay Bills drawn upon me by Congress which will become due next month. I have by this Days post advised Mr. Grand of this Draft, & have desired him to carry it to your Account. The enclosed is a Copy of the Marquis Acct....
51318General Orders, 30 April 1781 (Washington Papers)
John Powel a Soldier in the New Hampshire line tried the 27th instant by the Brigade General Court Martial whereof Major Scott was president charged with "repeated Desertion" was found Guilty and sentenced to suffer Death more than two thirds of the Court agreeing. The Commander in Chief approves the Sentence. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
I was honored with your Excellency’s Favor of the 17th inst. yesterday. I have communicated its Contents to Mr Rensselear, and expect in a few Days to have a satisfactory Account from him. It gives me peculiar Pain to be obliged to fill my Letters with Accounts which I am persuaded must be very disagreeable to you; but a Reguard to my Reputation and a Sense of the Duty I owe to my Country...
His Excellency apprehensive that many of the men returned Sick Absent and in the service of the Hospitals are not now in being or cannot be particularly accounted for, has desired me to request you would furnish him as soon as possible with accurate returns from all the Hospitals under your direction on this side Susquehannah River. specifying the men’s names the Corps they belong to and time...
I had the Honor of writing your Excellency on the 12th ulto & 3d Inst. advising of my purchase of a quantity of Soldiers Cloathing for Accot of the United States & inclosing Invoice for the same—The whole are now shipped and this is only intended to convey you a note of the Vessells in which they went, that your Excellency may know where to apply in case of delay, or want of proper...
I have had the pleasure to receive Your Letter of the 20th Inst. and am glad to find by it, that You are in a fair way of recovering Your health again, and that the measures You had taken previous to Your illness have been attended with some degree of success. As soon as the circumstances will possibly admit, I wish the Detachment of Continental Troops at Danbury may be sent back to the Army:...
The Fever by which I have been confined has left me exceedingly weak, and unable to attend to any business of importance, nor do I expect to recover my strength soon unless a Journey to which I am advised, shall restore me—I hope to be able to join the army by the forepart of June, but have no expectation of being sooner able to do my Duty there—Two severe Fevers in Six months are very...
We trust General Cornell will have informed your Excellency of the Measures we have taken from Time to Time on the Subject of Supplies & will have presented to you Copies of the Estimates we have made in which will appear to be included Demands for Articles necessary for the Campaign for all the Corps in the Army. We wish it had been in the Power of Congress to have complied with our Requests;...
I enclose to you a Letter for Major General Parsons; in which I have mentioned the return of a Detachment of about 80 Continental Troops, now at Danbury, and have suggested their being employed as an Escort to the Provisions to be forwarded from thence. The Commanding Officer will have Orders to afford every possible assistance to facilitate the transportation; and I must desire you will make...
I have had the honor of receiving your Excellency’s and the Chevalier des Touche’s joint letter of the 25th and your own of the 26th. The absence of your light Frigates renders the plan which Major Tallmadge proposed impracticable for the present. We will, however, keep the enterprise in view, and may, perhaps, at some future time, find an opportunity of carrying it into execution with...
I assure your Excellency, that I feel extreme pain at the occasion of that part of your letter of the 26th Inst. which relates to an intercepted letter of mine published by the enemy. I am unhappy, that an accident should have put it in their power to give to the world any thing from me, which may contain an implication the least disagreeable to you or to the Chevalier Des-Touches. I assure...
Mr De Menonville, first Deputy-Adjutant-General, whom I have announced in my Last to your Excellency, will have the honor of delivering you this Letter. he shall receive your Excellency’s orders and instructions about the Letter of credit of Mr Franklin which We have upon Congress, and about the offers which we have had made to us by Congress for the Supplying with provisions the French corps....
It gives me great satisfaction, My Dear Baron, amidst the innumerable sollicitudes and embarrassments, with which I am surrounded, that I can unbosom myself with perfect security, to my confidential friends, and at the same time assure myself of their best advice & assistance in the management of the most delicate matters. At this moment, I will frankly confess to you, I am extremely perplexed...
Your two favors of the 24th & 25th have been duly received. Fully impressed with the idea of the Utility of early, regular & accurate communications of the kind in contemplation—I shall make no difficulty in acceding to the proposal contained in Your Private Letter from N. Port of the 25th—But at the same time, I am engaging in behalf of the United States, a liberal reward for the services of...