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Results 511-520 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Yours of the 3d. came to hand yesterday morning. I shall be happy to hear of the arrival of the groceries &c. in Richmond, as we are much in want of them: so also of the glass when shipped from Philadelphia—a mr Andrews , who lives near the former post office in Washington & works on ornaments for architecture, was to make for me some Doric ornaments, which should be ready before this time. he...
Tho I have already acknowledged all your Letters, I will not let captain Scoet sail without a few lines from me, I had not time to write you by Barnard, but Cushing had Letters for you I write now to inform you, that the more quarrelsome and turbulent you grow, the more anxious I am to be with you, not that I think it pleasent fishing in troubled waters, but because immagination paints higher...
I am honour’d with yours of the 19th. Inst. I received a Letter from Capt. Jackson dated at Bilbao the 12th. in which he mentions nothing of his departing thence for America, so that I should have continued to expect him here, if he had not written positively to you of that Intention. Mr: Barclay, the Consul, too, I thought would have been here before this time, and I know not what detains him...
At a meeting of the Officers of the Continental line in October last to appoint officers of the State Society of Cincinnati; It was there resolv’d, that no officer not holding a Continental Commission should be entitled to become a member —As I saw it in a different light from the Gentlemen that compos’d that Body; I beg leave to lay before your Excellency the State & progress, of the Regiment...
26 January 1802, Hamburg. Wrote on 2 Dec. acknowledging receipt of JM’s 1 Aug. circular letter “together with those for the Consuls in this neighbourhood which have been forwarded to them.” Has written U.S. minister at Paris about accounts for 1802; encloses those for 1801. Has drawn on JM for $600.72 to cover expenses, which are heaviest during the winter. Also encloses list of U.S. ships...
Cadiz, 2 Jan. 1793 . Contrary winds having detained the vessel by which he intends to proceed to Setúbal on his way to Lisbon, he may go by way of Ayamonte. He encloses “a letter of some Consequence” he has just received from Gibraltar and hopes to reach that place this month. RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD ); 1 p.; endorsed by TJ as received 25 Feb. 1793 and so recorded in SJL . FC (disassembled Lb in...
Copy: American Philosophical Society Your mind is too enlarged, as well as your Genius too extensive for your Mind to be wholy absorbed in public cares, hence I dare hope that the woes of your Amelia will be listened to;— They shall not detain you long. My dear Mr. Barry is no more!— he died at this Place (whither we came for the recovery as we hoped, of his health,) the 15th of Octr. and has...
John Dickinson accepts with many Thanks the Copy of the late Resolution of the Legislature of Virginia. It is an inestimable Contribution to the Cause of Liberty; and, if it was possible, that any thing could be justly compared with the Importance of Truth, it might be said, that the Manner is equal to the Matter. How incredible was it once, and how astonishing is it now, that every Measure...
Your favor of Aug. 12. is duly recieved, covering the letter of mr Reynolds and some printed sheets containing solutions of Mathematical questions by him. these last I re-inclose presuming he would wish to keep possession of them. on the subject of Professors we are unable to say a word. the University has contracted a great debt, by permission of the legislature , for the repayment of which...
I have received your letter of March 23rd and have forwarded to the Secretary of War Capt: Babbits resignation the acceptance of which I shall no doubt be shortly enabled to inform you of. The Post[s]cript of your letter has been communicated to the Deputy Paymaster General; he informed me that the delay in sending on the money was occasioned by some perplexity as to the mode of remittance,...