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Results 511-560 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Saturday April 21 st , I received yours of the 9 th . I wrote to you the 1 st of April in answer to yours of March 20 th , which before this you must have received, and shall always esteem my letters of inestimable value, so long as they purchase yours. The excellent pamphlet you sent me I thank you. The sentiment it contains—the spirit with which it is written prove to me, that the author...
The Post brought me two Letters from you, this Morning, one of the 7th. instant, and one before. You seem to be in fine Spirits—I rejoice at it. General Gates has commanded in Philadelphia, untill about a Fortnight ago, he went to Ticonderoga, where he is to command all Summer. Schuyler is here, where he now commands. We are crouding along Soldiers to the General, as fast as they get well of...
Vanity of vanity! & the conseiquenc of it is vexation of Spirit— who ever is inclin’d to live beyond their income let them enter the House where plenty hospitality & an appearence of wealth used to be display’d at the moment the mask is fallen of, & they will behold a Scene of distress & woe enough to tear the heart of love & Friendship I have long Suspected Doctor Welsh’s affairs were...
Your kind Letter by Cousin Tufts was a pleasing and fresh proof of your Goodsense, Piety of Heart, sweetness of Disposition, and greatness of Mind, which renders you the Object not only of my tenderest Love, but of my veneration. It convinced me that you were actuated by those principles of Virtue which every One should endeavour to cultivate in their own Bosoms, if they wish to enjoy Peace...
Since I had the Pleasure of addressing You, nothing of Importance has occurred in the Concerns of our Friend excepting a Letter from Mr. Jay, wherein he with great Candour and good Sense has endeavoured to do Justice to Mr. Adams’ Character, and recommended him as the most suitable person to represent the united States at the Court of London; declaring at the same Time in the most positive...
It gives me great pleasure to know you are so near me and I should have told you so and condoled with you and our good Friend the President before this time on the loss of his good Mother had I not been much ingaged in moveing into the City. by what I have heard your loss must be much her gain I think She had lived till She could sing the song of good old Simeon I was flattered by the kind...
I dined Yesterday with M r Madison. M rs Madison is a fine Woman and her two sisters are equally so: one of them is married to George Washington one of the two Nephews of the President who were sometimes at our House. M r Washington came and civilly enquired after your Health. These Ladies, whose Names were Pain, are of a Quaker Family once of North Carolina. The Treaty with Spain is arrived...
I had a tollerable Journey hither, but my Horse trotted too hard. I miss my own Mare—however I must make the best of it. I send with this an whole Packett of Letters, which are upon a Subject of great Importance, and therefore must intreat the earliest Conveyance of them. There is but little Business here, and whether there will be more at York or Falmouth is uncertain, but I must take the...
Your Effects, expected in the Alliance, came in the Ariel. Yesterday two Cases were brought to my Chamber, the Size of which I give on the other Side to govern your future Directions as to Transportation. Inches } 54 long } 27 long 18 high 17 broad 16 broad 14 high I received at the same Time a Box for my Friend Gerry and another for Col. Peabody. Having deliver’d the former agreable to his...
This is St. Georges Day, a Festival celebrated by the English, as Saint Patricks is by the Irish, St. Davids by the Welch, and St. Andrews by the Scotch. The Natives of old England in this City heretofore formed a Society, which they called Saint Georges Clubb, or Saint Georges Society. Upon the Twenty third of April annually, they had a great Feast. But The Times and Politicks have made a...
I am once more in the same pleasant situation as that which I described to you twenty months ago from Helvoetsluys. Nine days since, we left the Hague, and I believe you will think I have at least as much occasion for Patience and Philosophy as I had upon the former occasion. I am going to London, where I shall stay no longer than will be absolutely necessary, and from whence I intend to...
I have nothing to do here, but to take the Air, enquire for News, talk Politicks and write Letters. This Town has the best Air I ever breathed. It is very level and there are no Mountains or Hills to obstruct the free Course of the Air, upon any Point of Compass for 8 or 10 Miles. It lies upon the Sea on the south And has a River running through it. The Weather has been inexpressibly fine all...
Doctr. Winship left this City Today and has been so kind as to take into his Care two small Packages. I could not impose more on his Goodness. I hope they will escape Thieves and all Injury from Wet or Rubbing. I have cautioned and he has promised. You will find at Mrs. Lovell’s or Mr. Smith’s after the Doctr. reaches Boston, a Package in a very coarse Wrapper. It contains your Band Box, your...
It was my intention to have written to you earlier after my return than this, but have found my time very much taken up, with puting my house in order.— You will not however think me less sincere for being late in my enquieres after your health, which I am sorry to hear is not yet confirmed. Your friends here regret very much, being deprived of your society this winter and are only reconciled...
Brisler has shipped, on board The Abby Captain Eames, two Barrells of Flour, one hundred Weight of Clover Seed and half a Bushell of Herds Grass Seeds; and the Medallion: all consigned to our Friend M r Smith in Boston. As Captain Eames’s Intention was to Sail to day, I Suppose he is gone. twelve Pounds of Clover seed and two quarts at least of Herds grass seeds must be sown, when the time...
Accidents are often more Friendly to us, than our own Prudence.—I intended to have been at Weymouth Yesterday, but a storm prevented.—Cruel, Yet perhaps blessed storm!—Cruel for detaining me from so much friendly, social Company, and perhaps blessed to you, or me or both, for keeping me at my Distance. For every experimental Phylosopher knows, that the steel and the Magnet or the Glass and...
You are uneasy that I dont write enough. I understand you. You want me to unravel to you all the Mysteries of the Poli ti cks of Europe, and all the Intrigues of Courts. This would make Madam a Lady of Consequence no doubt and enable her to shine in a Circle of Politicians of Either sex.—But in the first Place I dont understand them—in the next if I did I would give the English Leave to laugh...
you put too much value on trifles which are only small marks of real regard & affection to you & yours. I have always conceived it to be more difficult to give than receive. as the sense of obligation sets heavy on minds inflated with riches or pride & not capable of enlarged ideas or of the pleasing sensations which arise from mutual gifts & good offices abstracted from their intrinsick...
I am afraid my dear Mamma, will accuse me again of neglect for not having written to her, since I left her, before now; several Circumstances have concurred to prevent me; and among the rest, the want of an opportunity to convey any Letters; the stagnation of commerce, has of late been so great; that no vessel since my arrival, at Boston has sailed from thence to any port in Great Britain, and...
Having been honored with the Vice Presidents consent to attend the Eulogium in Memory of D r Benjamin Franklin. We in the name of the Philosophical Society, presume to hope you will do them the honor of your presence on the Same important occasion We have the honor to be / with the greatest respect / Madam / Your obedient Servants RC ( Adams Papers ); internal address: “M rs Adams.—” Benjamin...
The Alteration of Post Days or some other Cause has disappointed me of a Letter from you this Week, which is the first time I have failled of a Letter on Monday for several months. The Weather has been very hot and dry here. Yesterday however We had a Light shower: but to day it is very hot again. The House is slow upon the Ways and means the essential Measure which remains— But I think We...
If anything would awake the sleeping Muses or Call Back the Wandering Deities the Imagery of this Delightful Morn (when the hand of Nature has Decorated Every twig with spangles of peculiar Brilioncy) joined with the Repeated Request of my friend would not fail to do it. The subject you point out Requires Heroics. But Alas, Clio is Deaf, perhaps irrecoverably stunned till the Noise of War...
It is an age since I have had the honor of a letter from you, and an age and a half since I presumed to address one to you. I think my last was dated in the reign of king Amri, but under which of his successors you wrote, I cannot recollect. Ochosias, Joachar, Manahem or some such hard name. At length it is resumed: I am honoured with your favor of July 23. and I am at this moment writing an...
I last week heard from all your sons they were well. After this you may read on calmly— We are all well excepting great colds & coughs. I think in this Letter I shall not have to mention the death of any new Friend many very many of my Letters have convey’d the sorrowful tydings of some dear Friend departed, & if you should live to return to us you will find vacancys which will draw Tears from...
The much-desired day is at last arrived: Peace hath crowned both your Wishes and Ours. The dangerous Scourge of War is removed for a long time from your Hemisphere; and, perhaps, for a little while from ours. But This delightfull Period has, at the same time, taken from me all Hope of seeing again the Continent of America. My duty, my personal Interest, and the Love that I bear to my Parents...
I have this morning rec d your kind Letters of 10 & 11 th. of May.— You mention Land bought by D r Phipps which you had mentioned to me: but I have not rec d any Letter from you which hinted at any Land— By this I fear I lost a Letter last monday by some fault in the Post.— however I want no more land at present. A Pew I should like to have, and a double one too if possible.— I shall leave you...
By direction of Mr. Adams We have Consignd to Isaac Smith Esqr. a Case of Merchandize for you, which is Ship’d in the Enterprize Capt. Daniel Deshon for Boston. This encloses the Invoice for it, the Amount being f428:1. H ollan d Curr enc y. We wish the goods may arrive Safe, and to your Approbation. Presenting our Respectful Compliments, We are Madam. Dupl RC ( Adams Papers ); at foot of...
In our absence from home, you was so obliging as to address a line to M rs Gerry, which she has desired me to acknowledge, & to inform you, that in leiu of the first volume of Wraxall, that of Volneys travels was by mistake enclosed to her. this is sent to M r Smiths, & if the volume of Wraxall should be sent there, or at M rs Catharine Davis’ in tremont Street, I will order my servant to call...
1 Nankin Jacket 1 Brown Coat 1 Flannel Drawers 1 Shirt 2 Stocks 1 Pr. Thread Stockings 1 Pr. Worstead Stockings 1 Beaver Hatt 1 Straw Hatt 6 Packets of Papers 1 Raisor Case with 2 whole & 1 broken Razor 1 Letter Book, Manuscript 1 Printed Book latin 1 small Pamphlet 1 Shoe Brush As to the Nankin Jacket it happens most accurately to fit me in the Length and Width, and, having two Pair of B——’s...
I last week had to inform you of the Sudden death of my much value’d Freind Mrs Quincy I Now have to acquaint you that last Sunday afternoon in the midst of his Sermon Doctor Clark was struck with an apoplexy & fell down— after he was got into the carriage to be carry’d home he came a little to but Soon seem’d to fall asleep & into a Suoun out of which he never wak’d & ceas’d to breath about 3...
I am sorry to find by your late Letter what indeed I expected to hear, that my Farm wants manure. I fear by your Expressions that your Crop of Hay falls short. But, there has been an Error in our Husbandry in which We have been very inconsiderate and extravagant, that is in pasturing the Mowing Ground. This will ruin any Farm. The true Maxim of profitable Husbandry is to contrive every Means...
My Letters to you are an odd Mixture. They would appear to a Stranger, like the Dish which is sometimes called Omnium Gatherum. This is the first Time, I believe that these two Words were ever put together in Writing. The litteral Interpretation of them, I take to be “A Collection of all Things.” But as I said before, the Words having never before been written, it is not possible to be very...
I little expected, when writing to You on the 16th. instant, to have so soon congratulated You upon the Signature of the Preliminaries of Peace between France, Spain and England, and upon a Signature of an Armistice by the Ministers of those three Powers together with those of America . This Business was accomplished on the 20th. instant at Versailles, and is the Occasion of my addressing...
My Uncle Smith has been so kind as to send me word this Morning, that a Nephew of Mr Gill’s was to sail for London, in a Vessel from Boston next Saturday. Though I fear I shall not get a Letter into Town soon enough, yet I will write, a few Lines (though I have nothing very particular to communicate,) hoping I may meet with some favourable Conveyance. The State of our publick Affairs engrosses...
I rec d. your several Letters of Jan y. 24. Feb y. 8 t & March the 10 th. by Cushing, Barnard & Scott who all arrived in the latter End of April. Before the Receipt of M r. Adams Letter I had purchased the Half of the House & Land occupied by Belcher at £70— although it appeared to me to be dear— yet as it stood connected with your Land and the other half of y r. Building would go to Ruin...
I have the pleasure of informing You, that Mr. Dana this day recieved a letter from Mr. A dams of the 17th. of this Month, who was well with his two Sons at Amsterdam. He thinks the Air of the Low Countries not so salubrious as that of France. They have too many Canals and too much stagnant Water there to make it the most healthy Spot in the World: The Air and Climate of this Country are...
I returned to the City the night before last on the 18 th: day after my departure. My Father sat off on Tuesday and I found the house turned inside out. My own things were carefully packed up by M r: Briesler and yesterday I had them removed to my lodgings in the same family that I was with last year. M r: Briesler & family will be ready to sett out on Tuesday and will leave the house in good...
I have been honored with your Letter of the 20th Instant, on a Matter of the highest Concern to the Continent, as well as to our mutual Friend, who represents it in Europe. Previous to the Receipt of the Letter I saw a Copy of one from Dr. F ranklin to C ongress , and was soon after confidentially informed by a Gentleman at the southard of the proceedings thereon, which I confess have given me...
Four precious letters from you have come to the hand of your apostate Son Thomas, without any other acknowledgment on his part, than silent gratitude. Such a return neither merits, nor I fear will it receive a repetition of your favors. The dates of those received are the 17. & 18. September 30 November and 12 March. I shall reply to them in their order so far as respects the several...
This Letter, I presume, will go by the brave and amiable General Washington. Our Army will have a Group of Officers, equal to any service. Washington, Ward, Lee, Gates, Gridley, together with all the other New England officers, will make a glorious Council of War. This Congress are all as deep, as the Delegates from the Massachuchusetts, and the whole Continent as forward as Boston. We shall...
May we begg leave to offer our Respects to your Excellency, and to enclose here the list of some particulars His Excellency favourd us with the honour to procure, and which we hope may prove to satisfaction, or if any thing may be wanting, which never will be owing to the least inattention; we most frendly begg to be guided by your Ladyships instructions for the future; and we will pay the...
I am too ill to write much. Your Ease of Mind is what I wish to promote by confirming what I have before said vizt. That Mr. A dams was greatly esteemed here tho’ we have an odd way of discovering it sometimes. He is sole Minister Plenipo to form a triple Alliance between Holland, France and these United States with Discretion to make it Quadruple by joining Spain—for the Purpose of our...
This is the coldest day We have felt this Winter, and if it were not for the hope I have of a Letter from you Tomorrow, I should freeze for what I know, to night. This Month has been all unpleasant Weather but none severe. You have had a North East storm I perceive which raised the Tides And I hope brought in a fresh and abundant supply of Seaweed.— It is the dullest time We have seen this...
The Children made me a Visit to day, and went with me to dine with my old Friends the two Abbys, whom you have often heard me mention, Chalut and Arnoux, who desire me to mention them to you in my Letters as devoted Friends of America, and particular Friends to me and to you, notwithstanding the difference of Religion. The Children are still in good Health, and Spirits and well pleased with...
I was honoured with your letter of Aug. 21. by Mr. Smith who arrived here on the 29th. I am sorry you did not repeat the commission you had favoured me with by Mr. Short as the present would have been an excellent opportunity of sending the articles you wished for. As Mr. Short’s return may yet be delayed, will you be so good as to write me by post what articles you desired, lest I should not...
The House of Joseph Guardoqui and Sons of Bilbao, have sent you some necessaries to the Amount of about 200 Dollars, by Captain Babson of N ewbury Port, belonging to Mr. Tracy, and I have ordered them to send duplicates and Triplicates, by other good Opportunities. I have also written to Mr. Moylan of L’orient to send all the Things of which you gave me Minutes, for yourself, Mr. W ibird , M....
Congress has been sitting several Days and proceeding upon Business. I have been in Town above a Week and have spent much of my Time, in making Inquiries after the cheapest Places in Town for Board and stabling. I have at last removed my Horses from a stable at six and six Pence a Night, to another at three dollars a Week each. So that for the future I am to pay only six dollars a Week for Hay...
I am happy in having it in my power to furnish you with a Copy of Mr. Duche’s Letter, which is inclosed, as also an Extract from the public Ledger of Sept. 10. By the Journals it appears that Mr. Adams has accepted the appointment. The Appointment marks the Wisdom of Congress, and the Acceptation evinces his zeal in “the great and sacred Cause.” Upon those great and important Exertions which...
As the vacation draws near—and consequently the time to settle who are to form our family for the winter Term, I wish to know whether you intend Susan shall stay— I am resolved to keep no other so young—but her Abilities are so good and her constitution so firm, that it will be a pleasure to have her with us if you wish it— She will then have a double advantage as she will be with the older...
We have had for a Fortnight or Three Weeks a Succession of Hot Weather, attended with an unusual Fog, that has been worse for me to bear than were ever the extreamest heats of Philadelphia. My Scorbutic Habit is very ill fitted to bear it. But all this is not so tedious as the mournfull Silence of every Body in America. Not a Line from you or any Body near you Since Christmas. Congress have...