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Results 5101-5150 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
How shall I excuse myself for my long neglecting to write to you? Should I offer any other...
Mr. Le Roy the Bearer of this is a native of N. York but has lived nine years in Amsterdam with...
I have already acknowledged the Receipt of your Letter of May 10th covering a Copy of March 17th,...
I am exceedingly oblig’d to Mrs. Adams for her condescention, in the communications she has made...
I have long promis’d my self the Honor of a Correspondence with you Madam, and now I cannot in...
I am told that a Vessell will this Day sail for Holland. I know not how to neglect so fair an...
I wrote you by Doctor Dexter on the 28th Ulto. which I hope will come safe to hand. Tho’ I have...
And is there no medium Sir, between terms which might be misconstrued, and the cold formal adieu...
The Alliance may have brought you Letters: neither that nor the Franklin have given us any from...
At length the mistery is unravelld, and by a mere accident I have come to the knowledge of what...
Your favour of june 17 was put into my Hands last Evening, and tho not realy intended for me, I...
I am honoured with your very polite Favour of the 10th of June, which arrived in my Absence.—No...
The Gentleman by whom I meant to send the inclosed was obliged unexpectedly to return to...
I am called to this Place, in the Course of my Duty: but dont conceive from it any hopes of...
I have already acknowledged the Receipt of your Favour of June 10th. Severely as it concluded in...
Your favour by General Ward was not deliverd me till this day or I should have replied to it by...
I have enclosed to you a Copy of certain Letters lately transmitted to Congress by B:F:...
I have the honor to inclose You the 23d. No. of the Politique Hollandais. I have this moment...
The Dates of my Letters connected with the Time of the Receipt of yours are become somewhat...
When I looked for your Name among those who form the Representative Body of the people this year...
Your two Letters of june 26 and july 2d came safe to hand together with the resolves which would...
Ten months have I been waiting for an opportunity to forward my Letters, but none has presented,...
We regret that your Ladyship’s letter of 25th April should not have Came to our hands soon enough...
I have been honored with your Letter of the 20th Instant, on a Matter of the highest Concern to...
O that I could realize the agreable reverie of the last Night when my dear Friend presented...
The very quick reply with wish which you honourd my Letter together with the Friendly contents of...
I am persuaded to believe that I have acknowledged the Receipt of your Favor of June 30th tho it...
I am too ill to write much. Your Ease of Mind is what I wish to promote by confirming what I have...
I feared moths—have opened your Goods—aired and shook the Wollens—added good Tobacco leaves and...
After giving a few Lines for you yesterday to the Commissary General of Prisoners who was going...
I was yesterday honoured with a Letter from Braintree dated the 25th of May last, and tho’ an...
You may possibly wonder at my Silence in not writing you during so long a period and which might...
Agreable to the Request contained in your Letter of the 4th, I have the Pleasure of transmitting...
I rejoice at any circumstance that begins a correspondence with a lady whose acquaintance I have...
I am almost ashamed to intrude another Letter by this Conveyance, which, if it should prove a...
We arrived here on Monday the 16/27 instant having left Amsterdam the N.S. 7th of July And rode...
Supposing Col. Laurens to have arrived at Rh. Island, I was greatly chagrined when he told me he...
I cannot swallow your prohibition with a good grace and yet I am glad I know the real cause of...
Itt is sometime since any of your friends have had a line from you though many Vessells have...
Under a Date of Aug. 24 I did myself the Pleasure to endeavour to convey to you later Information...
We arriv’d here the 16th of August old stile, (which is universally used yet, all over this...
In truth Friend thou art a Queer Being—laugh where I must, be candid where I can.—Your pictures...
Tho’ I have often wrote to your Excellency, yet I have not had the Happiness of a Line from you...
Lest the date of my letter should alarm your Excellency, I am happy in prefacing it with an...
Three days only did it want of a year from the date of your last Letter, when I received by Capt....
I imagine You heard by the last Post of our being at this Place, and the reasons of our coming...
I doubt not Madam, you have Letters from Mr. Adams of later Date than what we have received but...
This is the first Time, I have been able to write you, since my Sickness.—Soon after my Return...
Yesterday’s Post brought me your Favour of Sepr. 26th. Your dear Boy Charles should most...
Since the above duplicatte of our last Respectts to you has Kissed our hands your allways...