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Results 5101-5130 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Le Citoyen Pichon a l’honneur de présenter Ses respects à Mr. Madison et de lui envoyer l’extrait ci Joint de la lettre qu’il a écrite au Cen. Giraud Commissaire de la République à Boston, au Sujet de L’arrestation qui S’est faite à bord du Berceau par un Constable d’un matelot français. Les principes que le Cen. Pichon a consignés dans cette lettre Sont ceux dans les quels il avait eu...
LS : American Philosophical Society We the Subjects of the thirteen United States of America, actually at Bordeaux with all Submission to your Will and pleasure take the Liberty to represent to you that having been taken prisoners and being actually in great Necessity for Supplys to pay our debts as there are no American Vessels here at this time nor No Work to be done, on which Account...
[ Philadelphia, July 8, 1799. On July 9, 1799, Hamilton wrote to McHenry : “I have the honor to acknowlege the Receipt of your letter of yesterday with the list of some new appointments, in the 7th 8 & 9 Regts.” Letter not found. ]
Treasury Department, Revenue Office, January 4, 1793. Discusses a “plan of repairs of the light House on Tybee Island at the Mouth of the Savannah River.” LC , RG 58, Letters of Commissioner of Revenue, 1792–1793, National Archives. According to a notice in the [Philadelphia] National Gazette for December 5, 1792, “Savanna Light House on Tybee island took fire about a month since, when the...
The Secretary of the Treasury respectfully transmits to The President of the United States a paper received from the Commissioner of the Revenue, containing certain propositions of the proprietors of Montack-point on Long Island in the State of New York, relative to a tract of Land intended to be granted to the United States for the use of the Lighthouse now erecting on said Montack-point. It...
Burwell pa. D 124 1816. Apr. 25. 10 128 Nov. 1. 10 131 1817. Apr. 26. 10 139 1818. Apr.
J’ai reçu avec bien de la reconnoissance l’estimable cadeau de l’ Essai sur les Etats unis , que Votre Excellence a eu la bonté de m’envoyer en date du 22 7br. Le témoignage qu’en rend Votre Excellence me le rend très-précieux. Je vois d’ailleurs de combien son Auteur est redevable à vos excellentes notes sur la Virginie. Je n’ai pu encore que le parcourir superficiellement moi-même, parce que...
Whereas by the sudden Movement of the Army to winter quarters it will be difficult to procure the necessary Supplies of Forage, which by your representation Cannot be furnishd unless you are Authorised to impress the same, therefore you are hereby Authorised where Forage & pasture Cannot otherwise be procured, by yourself or Assistants & Forage Masters to impress the Necessary Forage for the...
I have lately received your letter, giving me information of the death of the Right Honble the Countess Dowager of Huntingdon, and accompanied with an engraving of that Lady, from a painting of yours. Although I had not the satisfaction of knowing the late Countess personally, yet having been honored with her correspondence, and learning from others the amiable and benevolent character which...
When you have perused the subjoined testimonials, which I have copied from the originals, you will readily perceive, that nothing I can say, can add to the strong recommendations given to the gentleman, in whose behalf I take the liberty to address this letter to you. The Count de Moelien is desirous of employment in our army the line of his profession; bred a Soldier an inactive life neither...
Abstract of the amount of Goods paying a duty of 7½ and 10 per cent. Also the amount of duties upon Coffee, Cocoa and Coal, imported into the United States from the 1st of January 1793, to the 31st of December following. Dollars. Cents. Amount of Goods paying a duty of 7½ per cent. 15,510,183 81 Ditto do. do. of 10 per cent. 4,832,117 01 Amount of duty on Coffee from 1st January to 30th June...
I have the honor, in fulfilment of my official duty, to transmit to you a copy of the Constitution of a Society, just established, which recognizes the general policy in regard to the Indian tribes in our country, pursued during your administration. From this consideration, I am permitted, sir, to indulge a confident hope, that this Constitution, & the Office under it to which you are...
Enclosed is a Letter from Jesser Lewis which I recommend to your Consideration. General Marshall can probably give you more Information than the Letter contains or is known to your affectionate sert DNA : RG 45--Naval Records Collection.
Observations Made at Cooper’s ferry. the 18. january. 1778. situation of the River. The River Delaware which is frozen at trenton, is not such opposite to philadelphia; the Current being very free, the ferry boat goes & Comes back every day. (that i have seen myself). But the boats Can not Land in any other place, than the wharf of kings-point , & the two of Cooper’s ferry . all the Remainder...
My Letter of the 12th Instant, acknowledged the receipt of your agreeable favours of the 17th & 18th of July;—Since which I have turned my attention, to the several subjects embraced in Queries relative to Louisiana, and I now lay before you, the result of my inquiries and reflections— 1st. What are the best Maps general or particular of the whole or parts of the Province? Copies of them if to...
I take the liberty of addressing a few lines to you, knowing from the Friendship with which you have honord myself, and Family; that it will not be thought an intrusion by you, and I take leave Madam to assure you that it ever makes me happy to hear of your health, and of the welfare of yourself, and Family, and that this Circle in George street are much intrested at this time, for M r: Adams’...
The laborious, tho’ pleasing task of mounting the Mammoth Skeleton being done, gives me leisure to attend to other Interests of the Museum. The constant accumulation of articles not only of this but also of other Countries—increasing my imbarrisments to know how to dispose them for exhibition and public utility—these difficulties I expect will be greatly encreased after my Sons have visited...
Your obliging favours of the 28th Ulto & 1st Instt are now before me, & claim my particular thanks for the polite attention you pay to my wishes, in an early, & regular Communication of what is passing in your Quarter. If my dear Sir, you conceive that I took any thing wrong, or amiss, that was conveyed in any of your former Letters you are really mistaken—I only meant to convince you, that...
5119Orders, 3 September 1756 (Washington Papers)
I congratulate you my dear sir on your safe return to your native country and to that domestic ease and happiness you have so long earnestly wish’d for. Your disinterested virtue and patriotism have raised you to a height of glory which no human being can exceed, and stamp’d a value on your character superior if possible to the laurels you have gaind in the field, and the glorious independence...
24 November 1801, Natchez. Reports his arrival on 23 Nov. after a journey made unduly difficult and dangerous by low rivers and high winds. Describes the land on the Mississippi as “pretty well adapted to Cultivation” but notes that “this extensive Country has been greatly forsaken, or rather, neglected by man,” there being only three small settlements on the Spanish side between the mouth of...
Virginia In the high court of chancery        Between Thomas Jefferson Plt            and John, William, Sally, James, Charles, Isham, Bennett, Killsborough, Eliza, Francis Lucy, and Nancy Crawford Henderson children heirs and parceners of Bennett Henderson deceased Defts. In this cause, the court, on this first day of october, in the year of our lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety...
Yesterday’s Post brought me your Favour of Sepr. 26th. Your dear Boy Charles should most certainly have had half of the Bed of one of his Father’s devoted Friends here, if the Winds had so directed the Ship’s Course in which he is a Passenger; but I am told she is arrived at Falmouth in Casco Bay. I wish you an happy Meeting with him. I shall be rejoyced to find that the Voyage has been...
Letter not found: from James Blanchard, 13 Feb. 1795. On 13 Feb., Bartholomew Dandridge, Jr., wrote Timothy Pickering: “By the President’s order B. Dandridge respectfully transmits to The Secy of War a letter from Jas Blanchard to the President, of this date; & informs the Secy that the President desires an enquiry may be made into the complaint stated in the sd letter, & the result reported...
I take the liberty to inform you that Colo. Robert Rowan the Commissioner of Loans for the district of North Carolina, died on the 26th. Inst. It is, Sir, in consequence of this event that I presume to address you and humbly solicit that appointment in his place. I do not ascribe to myself any uncommon merit on which I might found a claim to such a favor:—A consciousness of being fully...
I am honor’d with your favor of the 17 Instant also with the Observations of Monsieur St. Victouer, to the Contents of both I shall pay every attention. If the Cases arrive the next month they will be in time to go by the Ship Comte d’Artois bound to portsmouth and will be a perfect good safe conveyance. I have to Acknowledge the receipt of your favor of the 24 January, buissness having soon...
In consequence of the removal of M r Granger , there will be many efforts made to remove the subordinate officers in our Dep t especially where their offices are worth having, and already have individuals began to practice their insiduous arts to obtain mine—From, your personal knowledge of me, and from an opinion entertained by myself, that your sentiments have been favorable to me I have...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Baron de Arendt présente Ses trés humbles rêspects et répéte Ses adieux a Monsieur Le Docteur Francklin, il est trés mortifié d’être obligé de l’incommoder encore car il n’aime pas d’être a charge à quelqu’n, mais se trouvant dans la plus grande peine par le refus que M. Le Docteur lui fit hier, il L’invite d’avoir la complaisance de dire seulement au...
Some Resolutions of Congress & proceedings of the Board of War, have been lately transmitted to me, by which it appears that an Expedition against Fort Detroit is resolved on. In order to effect the purposes of it 2000 of the Militia together with Amunition, provisions, Horses, military Stores, Cloathing &c. &c. are requested to be furnished by this State: I should most chearfully exert myself...
Letter not found : from Col. William Malcom, 7 June 1779. GW’s secretary Robert Hanson Harrison wrote Malcom on this date: “His Excellency has been favoured with Your Letter of to day & thanks you much for the information transmitted. He hopes he shall have the pleasure of seeing Governor Clinton to morrow, when he will speak to him, respecting the Militia. The General is exceedingly obliged...