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Results 5101-5130 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I inclose you the copy of a letter received from mr̃ Barclay dated Cadiz May 23. by which you will perceive he was still on this side the Mediterranean. has mr̃ Lamb written to you? I hear nothing from him nor of him, since mr̃ Carmichael’s information of his arrival in Spain. mr̃ Randall gave reason to expect that himself would come on. yet neither himself nor any letters from him arrive....
Your Favor of Octr. 17th. came this day to hand by the Post and contains such flattering Sentiments in regard to my subserving your Mission as almost to intoxicate me into a Wish that I had not spurned much personal Honor and family Emolument in pursuing a comparitively evident public Interest. But, nearly drunken as you have made me, depend upon it I am sober enough to distinguish between the...
Since the date of my last Letter, (December 25: 1794.) a revolution has taken place, the substance of which had been for some time expected, but the forms of which have been infinitely milder, than had ever entered the imagination of any man. The french Army of the North, after a brilliant and successful campaign from March till December, had at length reached the banks of the Waal, and was...
Your letter, of the 21st. sprightly and entertaining like all the rest, has been recieved. I participate in all your apprehensions concerning the election. The odium, which has been conjured up against the family, is indeed a formidable motive of national action. Not a reason, not an argument even original; it is a prejudice! and it is a consolation to see that it does not prevail in...
December 11th. Went into Georgetown to see Mrs Otis, was not admitted Called on Mrs Smith and Mrs Frye both very well returned home to dinner Dr Forsythe from South America called in the evening, He too was soliciting a place to which a deaf ear was turned. 12th—Not well and could not go to church; the day cold and disagreeable Mary much better. Evening alone. 13th—Went out and paid visits and...
I have the honor to enclose a copy of the additional Instructions, you were pleased to direct, to be issued to the Commanders of the Public Armed Vessels, in consequence of the outrage committed on the Ship Baltimore, Capt Phillips. In Justice to the general conduct of the officers of the British navy, I take the liberty to observe, that in every instance but the one in question, they have...
On the 4 June last I had the Pleasure of writing you a Letter acknowledging the Reciept of yours of the 15 May—since which none of your Favors have reached me. I have just been reading the Capitulation of Charles Town. I suspect they wanted Provisions. The Reputation of the Garrison will suffer till the Reasons of their Conduct are explained. I wish a good one may be in their Power. They are...
I have received your two Letters of 5 and 22. April—with much pleasure; and it would have been with more, had not the hopes which I had formed from your success at the last term, been somewhat damped by certain accounts which have reached me, of a less favourable character—It has given me great pain to learn that you have in the course of the present term exposed yourself to the censure of the...
I feel how improper it is in so inconsiderable an individual as I am, to be intruding on your Time; much less, obtruding opinions and advice. I shall however, hazard your censure, and be guilty of the impropriety which stares me in the Face. I feel how much the happiness of this Country depends on the confidence the people have in the Government; and I feel that Yourself must be the Rallying...
Supposing that the first Consular convention agreed on with France, and not ratified by Congress, may explain as well as account for some articles in that which was last agreed on & ratified. I take the liberty of inclosing, for the members of the Senate, copies of the two conventions as they were printed side by side, to shew where they differed. These differences are not as great as were to...
Having furnished the respectable Editon of the Medl. Repository with a summary Accot. of the City of Hava. I beg a presumption to request your acceptance of a Copy of that article from their last number. You will perceive Sir that, as there stated, it is but a summary; but as I intend collecting all my Notes into one View, I shall at a future day beg your acceptance, also, of that collection....
If a disinterested wish to contribute to the Glory & happiness of America will sufficiently plead my excuse, for the liberty I take in writing your Excellency, I claim no other advocate. Doubtless Sir you are not unacquainted with the spirit of Emigration that so generally prevails throughout England, Ireland & Scotland, but more particularly in this City; every Vessel is crouded with...
14th December. We were all so exhausted that we determined to keep quiet all day at home. Received a Note from a Milliner requesting I would go and look at his things, this is a thing which has happened several times—Am I so much in vogue? I am solicited to take great care of myself this Winter and not to get sick, Are People afraid of closed doors again? What a hollow hearted World How much I...
Since the Date of my last to you which was the 6 th: September last, I have been honored with yours of the 10 th: & 26 th: June, and 19 th: & 29 th: July with the Papers mentioned to be enclosed. They are now before Congress, and I am persuaded that the strong Marks they bear of Industry and Attention will give them Pleasure.— I perfectly concur with you in Sentiment respecting what ought to...
j’ay eté deux fois chez vous sans vous avoir trouvé mon cher adams; je suis ce matin en impossibilité de sortir par un derangement d’estomac qui m’a tenû Eveillé toute la nuit. Cooper m’a dit vous avoir parlé de mon Sujet de Naturalisation. Mandés moi Ce que j’ay a faire et faites assigner Le jour auquel je preteray le serment d’allegeance; arrangés les choses de maniere que je ne suis pas...
Your letter of the 22d. from Montreuil sur mer is put into my hands this moment, and having received information of your son, and two American gentlemen being to set out for London tomorrow morning, I seize a moment to inform you that he had arrived well at l’Orient and was well on the 20th. when the packet was still detained by contrary winds. Mr. Barclay, who is arrived, had also seen him....
Please allow me to tell you how honored I am to bear your name, and how much more so I would be, had I the honor of being descended from your family. All that one reads or hears about the sublimity of your enlightenment leads one to form such wishes. How happy I would be, sir, if the similarity of our names could make you take an interest in me! I dare flatter myself that under your...
The Law requiring that the sentence of a Court Martial, for the dismission of a comd. officer, shall not be executed until approved of by the President of the United States, I have the honor to enclose for your consideration, the proceedings of a Court on Lt. Marner, of the Frigate Adams. The charges imply a degree of insubordination which cannot be tolerated in the Navy, without producing...
I have been honoured yesterday with your two letters dated the 23 July inst. Inclosed is a letter from Major General Pinckney with a copy of my answer thereto. Also a copy of my letter to Lt. Colonel Rice and Hunnewell, and list of the Candidates which have offered from Massachusetts for the appointment of surgeons and mates. It has appeared to me, that circumstances do not require, at this...
I have received your letters of 31 January and 2 February together this morning. I am very delighted that all’s well in America . In response, I tell you, that all’s well at St. Petersburg , because I heard on good authority the day before yesterday, that an express post arrived the day before that from the minister of that Court in response to the departure of Sir Joseph Yorke, and that the...
Observing by our Gazette of this day, that a resolution, dated, June 7th. had been laid on the Table of the House of Representatives by Mr. Dawson “That the President of the United States be requested, to cause to be laid before this House , such information as he possesses, respecting the Conduct which has been observed by the British Government, or by persons acting or pretending to act, by...
I find by your Letter of 16th. Instant that you had no Expectation of the disagreable News from Canada. Our Accounts from thence are not very perfect. According to these, A Reinforcement for Quebec came up the River before the City on 6th. of this Month. Our Army suddenly retir’d, leaving good Part at least, of Cannon Baggage, and their sick. They had determin’d it is said, in a Council of...
The President of the United States has this day approved and signed “the resolve for establishing the mint;” and “the resolve requesting the President of the United States to cause an estimate to be laid before Congress of the lands not claimed by the Indians.” Printed Source--Senate Journal.
Long Since I Should have acquitted me of my duty in congratulating you with your Safe arrival at your beloved Quincÿ, but the apprehension of interrupting your contentment—the onlÿ reward for all—your Services and Sacrifices—during a long meritorious life, if you could disregard the applauses of enlightened Europe—persuaded me to postpone it a while. Tho in the medden of your friends—in the...
Nothing but an absolute impossibility prevented my seeing you at Quincy before I we came to this place—I was obliged to Employ every moment for a fortnight before I set out in settleing some very important pecuniary demands, wch. the death of any one of the parties (of which there were 6 in number), would have defer’d a close untill after my Death—I had agencys & attornies to attend to, in...
Agreable to Yoúr Excellencys permission, I took the Liberty to introdúce by those few Lines Monsr. Giraúd the painter who copied the greatest Genal. of this age for me, may he be favourd to procúre me the pourtret of the greatest American Minister in that of yoúr Excellency; it will add to the obligation yoúr Excellency conferred on ús. Begging leave to assúre your Excellency of the highest...
I have now the honour to submit to you, in conformity with your desire, the result of my reflexions, upon the most proper principles for regulating the relative rank of the field officers of the twelve additional regiments. It will always be prudent, when no special reasons dictate a deviation, to adopt for cases of this kind, a rule which steers clear, of comparisons of personal merit (as far...
I had the honor on the 2 d Instant of receiving your much Esteemed favour of the 11th of March. you have I hope, already received an Act of Congress which may serve as an answer to your reasoning on the necessity of our having A minister at the Court of London. before this can reach you, the accounts of a sad agitation in the Commercial Circle of your Country, but more Especially in your...
I hope you will excuse me for troubling you with a line relative to the subject on which I called at your house. the remarks which were then made, have left a deep impression on my mind. I say to myself, can it be possible that President Adams is opposed to any exertions, which may tend to enlighten society, & render it virtuous & happy. No, I will not, I cannot indulge the thought. I do...
Thursday post did not bring me one Single Letter from you; tis true I had no reason to complain on the Score of inattention, as the week before I had four Letters but I suppose that I had Letters, and that the blundering Blockhead of a post, either left them in Town, or has carried them to Barnestable as he Did once before; We have got a new Post, one of your under bidders, who can not read...