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Within 6. hours after we had all dispersed yesterday to our several homes, the inclosed most unwelcome letter came to hand. I have never recieved a greater damper on my hopes and spirits. It is so contrary to the state of things as given us by Ticknor, a state which I cannot but still respect, because he had staid many months at each of those places. Gilmer says there are Professors who...
Within 6. hours after we had all dispersed yesterday to our several homes, the inclosed most unwelcome letter came to hand. I have never recieved a greater damper on my hopes and spirits. it is so contrary to the state of things as given us by Ticknor, a state which I cannot but still respect, because he had staid many months at each of those places. Gilmer says there are Professors who...
Commonwealth of Massachusetts. Suffolk ss At a Court of Common Pleas begun and held at Boston, within and for the County of Suffolk on the first Tuesday of October, being the fifth day of said month, in the Year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty four. Upon the recommendation of the standing committee of Suffolk Bar, that Mr. George Washington Adams may be admitted an Attorney...
To the President and Directors of the Literary fund. In obedience to the law requiring that the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia should make report annually to the President and Directors of the Literary fund (to be laid before the legislature at their next succeeding session) embracing a full account of the disbursements, the funds on hand, and a general statement of the...
some iron to be chosen by the bearer Joe. ViU : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
At a meeting of the Visitors of the University, at the University on Monday the 4th. of October 1824. at which were present Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Breckenridge, John H. Cocke, George Loyall and Joseph C. Cabell. Resolved that the board ratify two purchases of land in front of the Rotunda purchased of Daniel A. Piper, and Mary A. F. his wife. Resolved that permission be given to...
That pledge you have left to your country and which will ever render your name dear to America I have made a feeble effort to translate into Latin, and hereby present you with it—I am a native of Ireland, and should this version claim any merit from classical Acquirements, I would be glad to obtain a situation as a teacher in some part of your neighbourhood; well knowing that the sentence of...
I have made only the following draughts on Gowan & Marx, on account of the University—none of the money having ever passed thro my hands. viz. 20 th Sep £80. 0.0 29 th Sep. 21.16.6 15 t octr 1129. 7.6 do 50. 0.0 do. 50.
About this time last year I sent you a copy of a discourse before the philosophical Society, flattering myself, I will acknowledge, that it would have elicited an answer from a pen whose performances I so much admire I beg leave now, by my friend M rs Harris, to trouble you with another similar tract—in which I have endeavoured to convince the prevailing enthusiasm that without the principles...
Sales of Fifty Barrels flour by Bernard Peyton for a/c Thomas Jefferson Esqr— 1824 Rich d 4 Octo: To M r Treadwell for Cash on Basin— 49 Barrels Superfine flour at $4⅞ $238.87 1 do. Fine do. 〃 4½ 4.50
I recieved in due time your letter of Sep. 16. covering my accounts with you to Aug. 16. last past, and having delivered over to my Grandson Th:J. Randolph the management of all my affairs and the latter part of these dealings having been since he undertook the management and within his knolege only, I sent him the papers for his examination. his business prevented his returning them to me...
I would accept the appointment of Professor; of Anatomy, and Physic in the University of Virginia, and am willing that my qualifications should be tested in any way that the Visitors may think proper to direct:— ViU .
At a meeting of the Visitors of the University, at the University on Monday 4 th of October 1824. at which were present Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Breckenridge, John H. Cocke, George Loyall and Joseph C. Cabell. Resolved that the board ratify two purchases of land in front of the Rotunda purchased of Daniel A. Piper, and Mary A. F. his wife. Resolved that permission be given to...
Knowing as I do, how every letter adds to the burthen which every mail you I have postponed perhaps longer than I should otherwise have done to have informed you of my arrival here, & to have enquired as to the health & present situation of yourself & your interesting family around you. Owing to the wet season & the state of the roads in consequence thereof, I had a most tedious & disagreeable...
I have the honor to transmit to Your Excellency a Copy of a “Manifesto” with two accompanying Methods of Carrying it into effect, which I had the honor to Publish to the Good People of the United States of America for Your Excellencys most serious Consideration of the propriety of Your Excellency Supporting and propagating Such Measures, as will tend to promote the probable “Recognition” of...
I have the honor to transmit to Your Excelly a Copy of a “Manifesto” with two accompanying methods to carry it into effect, which, I had the honor to publish to the Good People of the Unites States of America, for the purposes therein contained for Your Excellency’ most serious consideration of the propriety of Your Excellency. Supporting and Propagating such mesures as will tend to promote...
UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. A MANIFESTO, TO THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. “FELLOW CITIZENS—When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers of the earth the separate and equal station to which the law of nature and of nature’s God entitle them, a decent...
I return by Mrs. Cutts, the volume of the Hist: Gen: de la Diplo. France, having waited for such a conveyance, on the supposition that the delay would produce no inconvenience. The acct given in the work of the Mission of Reyneval to England, accords with his explanations of it to Mr. Monroe as I recollect them. The view taken of it by Mr. Jay, if the true one, is certainly not in itself the...
Some important events have taken place in this Country since I last had the pleasure to address you. On the 17th. June the war with Gaudalajara which threatened to involve the whole Country in Civil Strife, was successfully terminated by General Bravo, one of the Executive three. On the 19th July Iturbide, who had landed at Soto la ma[r]ina, from On board a Brig Merchant Brig, was publickly...
By a resolution of the standing Committee for the county of Albemarle, we have been deputed in the name of our fellow-citizens, to solicit your attendance on friday next at a public dinner to be given to general La Fayette at the university of Virginia. We trust you will do us the honor to attend and unite with us in manifesting to this distinguished benefactor of our country, every evidence...
Here I am on My Visiting progress, delighted With the improvemens I Every Where Witness, and penetrated With Gratitude for the Welcome it Has Been My Happy Lot Every Where to Meet. The Extraordinary Circumstances of a Reception So Superior to Any individual Merit Have However, to My Great degree Mixed With Much delight, prevented My fulfilling the most pressing duties of a Correspondence With...
I am informed that you have used Tin for the roof of the University of Virginia. with th e Greate success, it has been used in this place in some instances, and has not answered, owing I suppose to the manner in which it is put on—I must ask the Greate favour of you to Give me some instructions how it is put on if you can find a few leisure minutes from your other ingagements. I could...
It is so long since I recd. your Volume on the English Constitution with the letter accompanying it that I must add to my thanks for the favors, an apology for the delay in returning them. I perceived at once that to do justice to such a work, it ought to be read with a continued attention which happened to be impossible till within a short time past. I am now able to say that I have found in...
I believe, Sir, that neither you nor myself have done anything blameable in the transaction which is the subject of your lre of the 21 st in applying for the office in question the will of the father, the son and family in your favor was surely a full justificn for you. recieving myself a request from an antient and intimate friend to interest myself for D r Patterson the son, who was at the...
Cistern N o 3. f I June 14. 2–  1 June   22. r=1.04  2–  1.¾ 23 2– 11
You are respectfully informed, that at a meeting of the NEW-YORK HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY, held on the 31st day of August 1824, you were elected an HONORARY MEMBER. By order of the Society, MHi : Adams Papers.
I have recd. yours of the 17th. inst. Be so good as to mention the amount of interest required for the 2d. note to the Bank in order to a Credit for 90 days and I will forward it in time for the occasion. Let me know also & forward whatever paper will require my signature for it. Respects & good wishes RC ( MHi ). Letter not found.
You are respectfully informed, that at a meeting of the New-York Horticultural Society, held on the 31st day of August 1824, you were elected an Honorary Member. By order of the Society, RC ( DLC ). A printed certificate with manuscript additions; signed by Hosack. Docketed by JM .
The English Newspapers will probably have by this time informed you of the death of my excellent Uncle, with whose exalted character you are already well acquainted. It is impossible for me after so recent a calamity, to dwell on the particulars of his illness, I will therefore only say that the decline of his health was gradual, ‘till within the last 3 weeks, when a cold on the lungs hastened...
The final constitutional and Federal Instrument of the Republic of Virginia Section I. ( Primary Preamble ) Whereas the establishment of Anglo-American Independence by the original thirteen states of the Union, which under the protection of Divine Providence was, on the day of July in the year 1776, happily declared and proclaimed, was unquestionably the most beneficial event, and...
I have this day handed to John Vaughan Esq. who has kindly undertaken to forward them, three vols. of the Memories de la Societé Royale d’Agriculture ,” together with three pamphlets, which were sent me from Paris by M. Michaux, with a request that they should be sent to you. MHi .
NEW-YORK HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY. You are respectfully informed, that at a meeting of the NEW-YORK HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY, held on the 31st day of August 1824 you were elected an HONORARY MEMBER. N. H. Carter, Corrresponding Secretary. MHi .
The inclosed bill of lading informs me of the shipment from N.Y. of 2 parcels of books for me to your address, and I must pray you to remit to M r Jonathan Thompson Collector of that port 10.64 duty, fr t from Havre & other charges which he has paid on them for me. the books to be forwarded to Raphael by waggon. I owe Edmund Bacon of K y 33. D. which he wishes me to have lodged in som bk. of...
You must know that in the year 1800 I took an active part in your election and left Philadelphia the 17 day of May for Baltimore at Annapolis I put into M r Greens paper a card that brought out G G Duwald to write essays that w hent through a great many papers in the U States and I consider that it was those essays of G.G Duwald made you the President of the US as I am growing in years I thin...
I take the liberty as heretofore by instruction of mr J. Appleton Consul of the US. at Leghorn to remit to him thro’ your hands the sum of 500. D. for which sum Col o B. Peyton my correspdt at Richmond will forward you a bill of exchange with this letter praying you to remit the proceeds to mr Appleton. be pleased to accept the assurance of my great respect & esteem DLC : Papers of Thomas...
The list of books you have made out will do very well as a nest Egg for the Library. May not the high prices of some of them have been occasioned by a scarcity since removed by Editions both better & cheaper. I know nothing of Fayette’s movements, but through the Newspapers, from which it appears that he cannot leave Philada. before the 1st. of October. It becomes questionable I think whether...
Being personally quite unknown to you I have not ventured to make this application to so eminent a character without having consulted an American gentleman M r Gilmer who has the honour of being acquainted with you. and who encourages me to believe that you will not be unfavourably disposed towards my request— It is Sir that you would permit me a few months hence to give a young friend of mine...
This covenant entered into at London, this 28 th day of September in the year 1824, between Francis W. Gilmer attorney in fact for the university of Virginia, of the one part, and George Long, of the other part Witnesseth that the said Gilmer attorney in fact as aforesaid, doth hereby appoint the said Long, a professor in the said university of Virginia, and covenants with the said Long that...
This covenant entered into on the 28 th day of September in the year 1824, at London, between Francis W. Gilmer attorney in fact for the university of Virginia of the one part, and Robley Dunglison of the other part, Witnesseth; that the said Gilmer attorney in fact for the Rector and visitors of the university of Virginia, doth hereby appoint the said Dunglison a professor in the said...
This covenant entered into sat London, on this 28th day of September in the year 1824, between Francis W. Gilmer attorney in fact for the university of Virginia of the one part, and Thomas Hewett Key of the other part, Witnesseth, that the said Gilmer attorney in fact for the rector & visitors of the university of Virginia doth hereby appoint the said Key a professor in the said university,...
The list of books you have made out will do very well as a nest Egg for the Library. May not the high prices of some of them have been occasioned by a scarcity since removed by Editions both better & cheaper. I know nothing of Fayette’s movements but through the newspapers from which it appears that he cannot leave Philad a before the 1 st of October. It becomes questionable I think whether he...
On behalf of the Committee of arrangements lately assembled at York town, and by their direction; I have the honour to request the pleasure of your Company at that place on the 19th of October next: to unite with your fellow Citizens in celebrating the Surrender of York; and in testifying to General Lafayette the gratitude and affection, Virginia still feels for one of her oldest and ablest...
The Volunteer Companies of the State, intend Celebrating at York the 19th. day of October next, and have invited General La Fayette to that Village on that day. By the request and authority of a delegation from these Companies, I beg leave to solicit your Company, to unite with the Volunteers and Citizens of the State on that occasion in giving evidence of our gratitude, towards this...
As the Small pox has made its appearances, in this city, and is now spreading on the James River Canal, it may in all. probability reach the county of Albemarle—. With to arrest its progress—I beg your a ce of the two in closed Vaccine crusts.—one of which I will thank you, to present to Con l Th s M. Randolph—If I can be of any service to the inhabitants of my native country, by so doing I...
By invitation from the Volunteer Companies of the state, General La Fayette will meet them and their fellow Citizens at york town on the 19 th day of October next, there to Commemorate the Signal Success of the Combined American and French Troops over the English forces at that Spot, and to manifest the gratefull rememberance in which the services of this friend to human liberty and rights are...
In august ult. I wrote you a long letter from Lexington Kentucky informing of the complete triumph of the people there, over the partizens of an irresponsible Judiciary—Great exertions were making among the federalists and their connivants , to carry an electoral ticket for Jackson in opposition to the Clay ticket. It was not difficult, however, to discover, that Adams wou’d be prefered. I do...
I intended before this time to have acknowledged the reciept of your kind letter It was extremely interesting to me No one could have a better idea of the pleasure afforded by a minute account of the situation of friends than yourself, who have been so much seperated from them persons who have never like you and and myself resided in foreign countries can form very little idea of how much the...
of my Respects Persented to you This Coms Calling on you for your in fermation in Regard who Shd Be our Next preacedent and vise precedent Crofort or g r Janson or addams as for galliton for vice present I think it is a pitty he was ever Namd with M r Crofort for in My Settion of Country The peapel dont a per to wont a furner and it is much more unplessent one that was in The in Surrecttion of...
I am sorry to learn by a letter from M r Gilmer which I received yesterday, that he proposes to leave England the first of October. I had flattered myself with the hope, that he would take his departure from a Scotch Port, and that I should still be able to indemnify myself for the great disappointment I met with in not having the pleasure of seeing him while he was in my neighbourhood. As...
It being my intention to apply for permission to practise as an attorney in the Court of Common Pleas in Suffolk I have obtained the certificates which accompany this application, which are herewith respectfully submitted. MaBoHNE .