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Results 5101-5130 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
ALS : American Philosophical Society As I see nothing will satiate your unbounded, cruel and merciless Resentment but the entire Destruction of a poor helpless Family, no Branch of whom, I will dare to say, ever Injur’d you in Thought, Word or Deed, I have no Favor to ask at the Hands of a Man who thursts for nothing short of my Hearts Blood: Whet your Poynard Sir, and it is ready for you:...
Draft: American Philosophical Society We have read your extraordinary Letter upon which we shall make no other Observation but this, That it is not in our Power to give a Discharge for your whole Debt to the Post Office on your Payment of a Part; the Debt not being to us but to the Crown: and that If you do not immediately come to a Settlement with us, in which we are willing to give you all...
5103Cash Accounts, October 1764 (Washington Papers)
Cash To Cash of Saml Moxley for Smiths Work £ 3. 5.7 Octr 8— To Ditto from Doctr [Thomas] Cockburn for Smiths Work 1.11.4 16— To Ditto recd of Mr [John] Semple by Mr Macrae 33. 0.0 Contra Octr 9— By 2522 feet Inch Pine Plank @6/6 £8.4. 50 feet Inch & ¼ Do Do @8/4 4[s]. 2[d.] Maryld Cury pd with 4 pists. & 8 Dollars £8.8.2 7. 8.0 By Edward Williams 2. 0.0 15— By Jno. Sheridine 1.10.0 By Jno....
5104[October 1764] (Washington Papers)
1st. Robert Wright began to Work at my Mill. Gathered Apples for Cyder. Robert Wright, a local millwright, finished repairing GW’s mill by 20 Oct. 2. Sowed 7 Bushels of Spelts by the Orchard. Morris & George went to Work at Mill along with the Mill wright. 13. Finishd getting & securing Fodder at Muddy hole & Creek. 15. Finishd Do. Do. at Doeg Run. Finishd Sowing Wheat at Muddy hole & began to...
AD : American Philosophical Society The county elections for members of the Assembly and for local officers took place on Monday, Oct. 1, 1764, and those for representatives from the city on the following day. Both parties put up full tickets for election to the Assembly. The “Old Ticket” (representing what was often called the Quaker Party) supported for county representatives Isaac Norris,...
5106[Diary entry: 1 October 1764] (Washington Papers)
1st. Robert Wright began to Work at my Mill. Gathered Apples for Cyder. Robert Wright, a local millwright, finished repairing GW’s mill by 20 Oct.
5107[Diary entry: 2 October 1764] (Washington Papers)
2. Sowed 7 Bushels of Spelts by the Orchard. Morris & George went to Work at Mill along with the Mill wright.
Letter not found: from John Carlyle to GW, 3 Oct. 1764. On 15 Feb. 1767 GW wrote to Carlyle & Adam : “In a Letter dated Octr the 3d 1764 ... in Mr Carlyles own hand writing ...”
I am much obliged to you for the care you have taken about help. I am very willing to submit to some inconveniences in order to lessen your expences, which I am sensible have run very high for these 12 months past and tho you know I have no particuliar fancy for Judah yet considering all things, and that your Mamma and you seem to think it would be best to take her, I shall not at present look...
MS not found; printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives of Pennsylvania, Met at Philadelphia [October 15, 1764] (Philadelphia, 1764), pp. 6–7. We being appointed a Committee by the General Assembly of the Colony of Rhode-Island, to correspond, confer and consult with any Committee or Committees that are or shall be appointed by any of the British Colonies on the...
Since my last, I have got Six Hhds more of my Tobacco from the Mountains, and have put them on board the Polly Ogle Captn Benja. Dawson to your address—Please to have them Insured—these are all I coud get down for this Ship —there yet remains four or five others which I suppose must continue for the Spring Shipping as there is but little chance of getting them forwarded this Fall. I am Gentn...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have now only time to cover the enclos’d, and acquaint you that I am no longer in the Assembly. The Proprietary Party by great Industry against great Security carried the Election of this County and City by about 26 Votes against me and Mr. Galloway; the Voters near 4000. They carried (would you think it!) above 1000 Dutch from me, by printing part of my...
When I wrote you by the Doctor I was in hopes that I should have been out the next day, but my disorder did not leave me as I expected and I am still confind extreemly weak, and I believe low spirited. The Doctor encourages me, tells me I shall be better in a few days. I hope to find his words true, but at present I feel, I dont know how, hardly myself. I would not have the Cart come a tuesday...
5114[Diary entry: 13 October 1764] (Washington Papers)
13. Finishd getting & securing Fodder at Muddy hole & Creek.
Herewith you will receive Copys of my last Letters (of the 20th of Septr and 8th of October) —also a Bill of Loading for the Six Hhds of Tobacco on board the Polly Ogle Captn Errington (instead of Captn Dawson as I conceived it to be, and accordingly wrote you) —I wish the Tobacco safe to hand, and to a better Market than most of mine hath lately come to, and am Gentn Yr Most Obedt Hble Servt...
5116[Diary entry: 15 October 1764] (Washington Papers)
15. Finishd Do. Do. at Doeg Run. Finishd Sowing Wheat at Muddy hole & began to Sow Spelts.
Printed forms with MS insertions: American Philosophical Society October 18, 1764 Benjamin Franklin’s brother Peter was postmaster of Philadelphia from about the middle of October 1764 until his death on July 1, 1766. He was succeeded by Thomas Foxcroft, brother of the other joint deputy postmaster general. Both the Foxcrofts became Loyalists upon the outbreak of the American Revolution and...
5118[Diary entry: 18 October 1764] (Washington Papers)
18. Finishd securing fodder at Riv. Side.
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives of the Province of Pennsylvania, Met at Philadelphia [October 15, 1764] (Philadelphia, 1764), pp. 14–15. The new Assembly met on Monday, October 15, and elected Isaac Norris speaker once more. On the following Saturday, after taking final action on the instructions to Richard Jackson concerning the Sugar Act and the impending...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives of the Province of Pennsylvania, Met at Philadelphia [October 15, 1764] (Philadelphia, 1764), p. 15; also MS certified copy of the first resolution: American Philosophical Society. After the reading of the Remonstrance against Franklin’s possible appointment as agent (printed immediately above) on the morning of October 26, the...
Printed in The Pennsylvania Journal and Weekly Advertiser , November 1, 1764. After the minority members of the Assembly had failed to get their reasons for opposing Franklin’s appointment as agent entered on the minutes, October 26 (see above, p. 407), they sent their statement to William Bradford for publication in the Pennsylvania Journal with the following introductory note: “Mr. Bradford...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Both yours of the 20th and 25th I received late last Night: I shall endeavour now to answer to both, as well as I can. With Respect to Mr. Strahan: Tho’ I wrote to him a while ago, that I would see he was paid, if he would wait a little longer; I told him the Case and that I was in hopes to get it of Mr. Holt, but if he fail’d, I would at last see it paid:...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Being informed by Mr. Parker that you was going to England next Monday, I take this Opportunity to beg the Favour of you to deliver the inclosed Letter to my Father or to Mr. Cummings, who will deliver it to him, I have several Times wrote to my Father, and to several of my Relations, but have never received any Answer from any of them, which makes me the...
Letterbook copy: Columbia University Library It was no small Mortification to me that you passed by last Fall without giving me the pleasure for a few moments of seeing you. However I doubt not but your reasons were such as I should have allowed sufficient had I known them. It was with great [ word omitted ] that I read the Resolves of your house, and Mr. Galloways Speech, with your excellent...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Osbornes Complyments to Dr. Franklyn and has taken the Liberty of sending him the 15th Vol. of Modern History, with some of his Catalogues which Mr. O. does not doubt but the Dr. will order to be distributed to the best Advantage, and it wou’d give him infinite pleasure if that intricate Account with the Gentleman who had the Disposal of the books was...
5126Cash Accounts, November 1764 (Washington Papers)
Cash Novr 8— To Cash recd of the Treasurer, for pay as a Commissioner, appd to settle the Militia Acct £ 10.10.0 8— To Ditto recd of Ditto for the use of Mr Jno. Kirkpatrick 7.10.0 To Ditto of the Honble Jno. Blair Esqr. 22. 7.6 14— To Ditto Recd of Colo. Basset for a horse sold him 40. 0.0 To Ditto of Mr Josh Valentine &ca as follow to wit—of Mr George Thomas £13. of Colo. [Littleton] Eyres...
Copy: Library Company of Philadelphia The General Assembly of this Province, having appointed Us to be the Committee of Correspondence; And in Pursuance of their Resolves from time to time during their late Sitting; We have Caused to be made out and furnished divers Certified Copys of Resolves and Instructions to Richd. Jackson Esqr. then Sole Agent of this Province to be sent by Us [to] Mr....
LS : Library of Congress The Present Assembly of this Province have been pleased to appoint us, together with the Speaker of the House to be the Committee of Correspondence for the ensuing Year. The late Assembly transmitted to you certain Petitions from the House and Divers Freemen of this Province to His Majesty relative to a Change of Government to be presented only upon Certainty first had...
ALS : American Philosophical Society It is with great pleasure, I hear of thy undertaking a voyage to London, at a time, when not only the province which has deputed thee, but all North America, wants a friend there (and could have no other that I know of) so well qualifyed to serve both the particular and General Interest. May the Divine Blessing attend thy person and Benevolent designs, and...
ALS : Yale University Library The Case of the Armonica came home to Night, and the Spindle with all the rest of the Work seems well done. But on farther Consideration, I think it not worth while to take one of them to London to be fitted with Glasses as we intended. It will be better to send you one compleat from thence, made under my Direction, which I will take care shall be good. The...