51001To Benjamin Franklin from Madame ——— Letellieur Benard, 18 September 1781 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society La joye que je ressentie au mois de mars dernier de revoire un fils qui Etoit party depuis Sept année redoubla quand il maprit qu’il avoit eû L’avantage de captivér La confiance de vos concitoyens Et celuÿ de votre honorable protection; je desirée á Lors donnér á votre Exélence un mot de má Sensible reconnoissance; mon fils m’engagá au Silance: il est...
51002To Benjamin Franklin from ——— Du Mourier with Franklin’s Note for a Reply, 18 September 1781 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’etais dejà penetré depuis longtems de veneration pour vos connaissances, votre patriotisme & vos vertus. Mr. Nixon Eclesiastique vient de me confier sa position & votre generosité, je luy ay payé sur le champ la lettre de Change qu’il tire sur vous. Mr. Le Mis. de Clarac qui se trouvait chez moy vous la remettra, & recevra de vous le comptant, il a voulu...
51003To Benjamin Franklin from William Hodgson, 18 September 1781 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I did myself the pleasure to write you on the 4th Currt to which I refer— Yesterday the Commissioners of Sick & Hurt sent to desire to see me, I waited on them & they wished me to write you to discharge from his Parole Major Cowley of the 22d Regt taken by the Black princess & carried into Cherburg & now on Parole at Vellona [Valognes], they offered to...
51004From Benjamin Franklin to Palteau de Veimerange, 20 September 1781 (Franklin Papers)
AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress I received the Letter you did me the Honour of Writing to me the 17th Instant, together with a State of the Effects & Merchandizes which you are collecting at Brest in order to be sent to America. As we have no Agent at Brest, and I have the fullest Confidence in a principal Commissary employed under your Orders, I think it best to continue the...
51005To Benjamin Franklin from Jean de Neufville & fils, 20 September 1781 (Franklin Papers)
LS : American Philosophical Society We were honor’d with your ever esteem’d favor’s of 31st. Ulto. and 4th. instt., the first with one inclosed for his Excellency Mr. Adams to whom we deliver’d it of Course and the latter in reply to that with Which we troubled you in date of the 30th of last month. We are extremely Sorry that we Cannot yet acquaint you with the perfect re’establishment of the...
51006From Benjamin Franklin to St. John de Crèvecoeur, 21 September 1781 (Franklin Papers)
AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress I should have answered sooner your Letter of the 7th. but that it happen’d to mislaid.— Inclos’d I send the Letter you desire for Govr. Hancock. I have now no Acquaintance left in New York Government, but its Delegates to Congress, to whom you mention being already known. Made. la Comtesse d’Houdetot has warmly recommended to me a M. Crevecoeur who had...
51007From Benjamin Franklin to John Hancock, 21 September 1781 (Franklin Papers)
LS : Yale University Library, Smith College Library; AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress Five Captains of Vessels from Boston who had been carried Prisoners into England, made their Escape from thence lately in an open Boat and arrived on the Coast of Normandy in France. Being Strangers there, destitute of all Acquaintance, they had the good Fortune to meet with M. St. John, a French...
51008From Benjamin Franklin to the Comtesse d’Houdetot, 21 September 1781 (Franklin Papers)
Copy: Library of Congress It has been a great Mortification to me that I have not been able this last Summer to pay my Respects to my Respectable and dear Friend at Sanois. The Journey has been often talk’d of among us at Madam Helvetius’s, but some obstruction or other has always interfer’d and occasion’d it to be delay’d: I have from time to time enquired concerning your Welfare, and had the...
51009To Benjamin Franklin from Madame Brillon, 21 [September 1781] (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society Adieu mon bon ami mon aimable papa, je pars je vous quitte pour bien longtems, mais je ne puis croire que mon áme entiére me suive, une portion voltigera sans césse autour de vous— adieu aimés moi, écrivés moi souvent que vous m’aimés, et croyés que rien n’égallera le regrét que j’ai de vous quittér, que le plaisir que j’aurai a vous revoir:/: Addressed: A...
51010To Benjamin Franklin from Joseph Cornell et al., 21 September 1781 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania We your humble Pertationers do Desire your Assistence. We are put here by Capt. Hardwine Commander of the Black Egal Luggar privateteer and for whot we cannot tell for we Shipt with him in Dunkark to Sarv Six Weeks at Sea Which we have Faithfully perform:d and taken A Number of prises. Since We have been here he has Sent offers for Some us to go With...