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Results 51-60 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
New York, November 30, 1787. On this date at the annual assembly of the St. Andrew’s Society of New York State, Hamilton and five other men were elected managers of the Society for 1788. The [New York] Independent Journal: or, the General Advertiser , December 1, 1787.
Your letter of yesterday came duly to hand. I am aware of the difficulties there would be in the way of surprising the enemy, and I approve the caution you discover. Nothing (as I before intimated ) will at present warrant the attempt, but a moral certainty that they are much off their guard, whic⟨h⟩ by your information does not appear to be the case. If there is only a subalterns party at...
on the forth of February I rote you Respecting some ornaments for a Frize and Incloasd a Letter to Cpt. Andrews under cover to you which am fearful has bin miscarried: the drawing of one of the modillions which I incloasd to you was for to now of Cpt. Andrews what would be the cost of composition for each Modillion: The agreement with Mr. Hudson and my self was, that he should furnish his...
Count de Montauto Governor of this City has informed me of the Commissioners having made propositions to the Court of Tuscany respecting a Treaty of Commerce between this Country and America: The Governor requests me to inform the Commissioners, that he has lately received instructions from the Grand Duke relative thereto, which leaves him no doubt but a commercial Treaty may be formed to the...
I enclose you some lines which were written very hastily yesterday morning immediately after receiving the news of the death of poor Florida Pope after nine months of severe suffering—She was beautiful and a child of the fairest promise and there is some thing remarkable in the serenity and sweetness which closed her dying moments—She was calm collected and happy and distributed her little...
I am honor’d with your kind Favor of 28th Ulto, which I only receiv’d by last sundays Post —it gives me the most pleasing satisfaction to find, that those who were endeavoring to Injure you in the Public Esteem, are become sensible of their own insignificance & earnestly hope they may feel the contempt & Scorn of all good men in proportion to the Iniquitous Scheme which they expected to...
You have very much gratified me by the collection of choice fruit trees you have been so good as to forward on. it is gone on to Monticello to which place I shall follow it in a few days. thither also I am withdrawing all my views as a place of rest from the labors & contentions of public life which I must turn over to younger hands. sincerely do I pray for a coalition between the two...
Malgré toute ma diligence je ne fais que d’achever la traduction que j’ai L’honneur de vous envoyer. Il n’étoit pas très facile d’en Concilier Les diverses parties: Cependant je Crois y être parvenu. Je desire que vous en portiez le même jugement. Il me semble que Le génie de notre langue Se refuse au titre que vous destiniez à cet ouvrage. Ne suffiroit il pas de mettre tout Simplement, abrégé...
59General Orders, 3 May 1776 (Washington Papers)
A General Court Martial of the Line, consisting of one Colonel, one Lieut. Colonel, one Major, and ten Captains, to sit to morrow morning at Ten O’Clock, to try all such Prisoners as shall be brought before them—All Evidences, and Persons concerned, to attend the court. Frederick Roach, a Matross in the Regiment of Artillery, tried at a late General Court Martial, whereof Col. Baldwin was...
Since my Letter of April 26th. yours have been received of March 12. 12. 13. 13. and 19. Before the receipt of these, one of which covered the form of your passports , it had been determined here that passports should be issued in our own ports only, as well to secure us against those collusions which would be fraudulent towards our Friends, and would introduce a competition injurious to our...