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Results 51-60 of 184,431 sorted by author
On the 18th. Instant Mr. Thomas had the Honor to address you on the Subject of the pensions paid to invalids by the state of N. Carolina, since which we have found that payments made by that State to Widows & orphans of deceased officers are in the same predicament. We therefore respectfully request that with your answer to Mr. Thomas’s letter you will favour us with your sentiments on the...
As there are sundry Credits to the State of N. Carolina existing on the books of the Treasury of the U.S. The vouchers of which the undersigned Agents of said State are not in possession of whereon to Support the claims of said State for such credits, We take the liberty to solicit that you will be so good as to direct the proper Officer to furnish us on or before the 30th instant with an...
The letter of M r Sec y Smith (lately published) has fully exposed the diabolical views, & Strange fallacy of the democrats of America in fine the above letter will do more for the Cause of Federalism than all their own writers Combined could have done—to use a Cant & Vulgar phrase “when theives fall out, honest Men Come by their own”—the above speaks more than volumes—in fine you must Shrink...
Ca. 28 October 1811, Washington. The memorialists have learned that “in the allotments of the military Divisions of Washington City,” they have been assigned to the command of Joseph Wheaton. They point out that “efficient organization” requires that “those who are appointed to places of Command, should enjoy the respect and esteem of those who by law are bound to obey,” and that “without this...
I have to inform you of my arrival from Cayenne, which place I left on the 9th. of April last. On my arrival at that Port which was on the 5th. Feby. 1802 I waited upon the Governor Victor Hugues and acquainted him of my appointment as Vice Commercial Agent of the United States for the Port of Cayenne &c. The Governor observed to me that he was not authorised to receive an Agent from the...
28 June 1802, Providence. Informs JM that he left Cayenne on 9 Apr. “On my arrival at that Port which was on the 5th. Feby 1802 I waited upon the Governor Victor Hugues and acquainted him of my appointment as Vice Commercial Agent of the United States.… The Governor observed to me that he was not authorised to receive an Agent from the United States, as he conceived the American Government had...
I have the honor of acknowledging the receipt of your letter enclosing my Commission as vice Commercial Agent for the Port of Cayenne, and agreeable to your directions I herewith transmit the Bond required by Law previous to entering on the execution of the trusts of said office, the duties of which I shall endeavor to execute to the best of my abilities. I have the honor to be very...
18 August 1801, Warwick, Rhode Island. Acknowledges receipt of JM’s letter enclosing his commission as vice commercial agent for Cayenne. Sends required bond. RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Cayenne, vol. 1). 1 p.; docketed by Wagner as received 26 Aug., with his notation: “for the Secretary of state’s approbation.” Enclosure not found. Aborn had probably received a copy of JM’s 10 June 1801 standing...
Your REPLY to the merchants of the respectable City of New-Haven has just come to hand—Your boasted majority who are they. why Negro’s or what in New England are there cattle as the majority by whom you have been chosen. as you will see dele[…] in a peice in a late centinel of this town?—Let your Vengence of which you intimate as much fall on this spirited town. the first to avenge its...
At this time I am in very Great Distress and Now Sir Beg your assistance if you please I am oweing abought one hundred and Forty Dollars and have no way of Raising it without Borrowing it. and I thinke you to be the moste proper Gentleman of my acquaintances to aske a Favour of that Kinde of if you will be so Good as to Lende me one hundred and Fifty Dollars untill march next you Shall Surely...