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Results 51-60 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I desired very much to have had the pleasure of paying my respects to yourself & Mrs. Madison on my way to Washington, but the necessity of my being there with as little delay as possible & the almost impassable state of the roads, (which has compelled me to leave Mrs. Rives behind, to follow me when she can), have deprived me of that satisfaction. It has given me great pleasure to learn that...
Will you do me the favour of informing me whether or not the correspondence between yourself & my illustrious fellow country man Jeremy Bentham on the codification of American laws was ever published. If so when, where, and under what title it was given to the world. An answer will oblige. Your Excellency’s hle Sert. RC (DLC) .
I did not recieve until last evening your letter of the 22d. Feby. communicating the late proceedings of the "American Historical Society of Military & Naval Events", and "asking leave to present my name as an honorary Member". I have too much respect for the object of the society, and for the names composing it, to be insensible to the honor of an association of mine, with them. I must not...
While I feel that, as an utter stranger, I am taking a very great liberty with you when I address you upon a subject in which you cannot be supposed to feel the smallest interest yet am I assured that if it be in your power to serve me you will take pleasure in doing it. The object of this is to learn from you if you can give me any information respecting an individual who was employed by you...
J. Madison with his thanks to Mr Van Buren for the Copy of the Presidents Message of the 22d. reciprocates his congratulations on the event, which terminates the difficulties with France. It is a happy denouement of an embarrassing controversy, apparently working itself into a knot, for which the sword alone might be a match. The following ommitted [None perhaps, rejoice on this occasion, more...
I have recd. Sir your letter of the 16. inst. requesting such information as I might be able to give pertaining to a Biography of your father in Law the late Chief Justice Ellsworth. My acquaintance with him was limited to the periods of our cotemporary services in public life, and to the occasional intercourse, incident to it. As we happened to be thrown but little into the familiar...
J. M. with his respects to Professor Rogers, returns many thanks for the Copy of his Report on the "Geological Reconnaissance of the State of Virginia." Unskilled as he is in the subject; he cannot but regard the Report as an able & instructive commencement of a task, which if duly prosecuted under the auspices it merits, cannot fail to amplify greatly the resources of the state, & to afford...
J. Madison with friendly salutations to Mr Southard thanks him for the copy of his speech on the 25th of Jany. In his present condition he can read but little. He has however borrowed from other claims on his attention, the time required for a perusal of the Speech. Whether regarded as a test of debating powers, or as a material for the political history of our Country, it is a Document, that...
James Madison having reason to believe, that in the Autograph lately furnished to Mr. Freeman, there was a lapsus of attention, in the reference to the year of his age, which instead of 84th. ought to have been 85th. which will soon be completed from the date of his birth in March 1751. Mr. Freeman will be so good as to alter the figure 4 into 5, after which this note may be destroyed. RC...
Your letter introducing the Earl of Selkirk was duly delivered and I soon found that his intelligence, and social merits—justified the reception asked for him. Mrs. Madison and myself cannot forego the occasion to thank you for the kind & friendly terms in which you express your sentiments towards us, & to assure you that there are affectionate reminiscences between the two families which will...