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Results 51-80 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I desired very much to have had the pleasure of paying my respects to yourself & Mrs. Madison on...
Will you do me the favour of informing me whether or not the correspondence between yourself & my...
I did not recieve until last evening your letter of the 22d. Feby. communicating the late...
While I feel that, as an utter stranger, I am taking a very great liberty with you when I address...
J. Madison with his thanks to Mr Van Buren for the Copy of the Presidents Message of the 22d....
I have recd. Sir your letter of the 16. inst. requesting such information as I might be able to...
J. M. with his respects to Professor Rogers, returns many thanks for the Copy of his Report on...
J. Madison with friendly salutations to Mr Southard thanks him for the copy of his speech on the...
James Madison having reason to believe, that in the Autograph lately furnished to Mr. Freeman,...
Your letter introducing the Earl of Selkirk was duly delivered and I soon found that his...
I beg leave to refer you to the foregoing statement of the organization of our Society, and of...
I have received fellow Citizens, your letter inviting me to a public dinner, at Cincinnatti, on...
I have recd. your letter of the 6th. instant. The number relating to my religion addressed to me...
In attempting to write the Life of my Father in law, the late Chief Justice Ellsworth, I am under...
In acknoledging the receipt of your letter of January 30. and thanking you for your kind wishes,...
J. Madison has duly received the Copy of the President’s Message of the 8th. inst., enclosed by...
Private I have just received your letter of Feby. 4th. The petition to Congress was returned with...
I have received your letter of the 3d. Instant, enclosing a copy of your speech on the right of...
I feel extremely obliged to you for the polite manner in which you have been pleased to notice my...
Permit a friend & relative, though a stranger, to address you upon a subject deeply interesting...
I am requested by the Board of Managers of the Washington National Monument Society to ask the...
I had the honor, yesterday, to receive your favor of the 31st. ulto. enclosing a letter from Mr....
I beg leave to present to you the accompanying speech, in which I have endeavored to maintain the...
The friends of free principles in the first Congressional district of Ohio in manifestation of...
Your long intimacy with Mr. Jefferson, your accordance with him in the principles of civil...
a paper prepared by Mr. Madison a short time before his death, in which he re-examined the...
I enclose a letter from Mr. McCleland, of whom I have no knowledge, containing a plan for the...
I have received Sir your letter of Jany 23d. containing a plan for the proposed Washington...
I have received the copy of your address to the two branches of the Legislature, which I have...
I return with thanks the papers you kindly favored me with an opportunity of perusing. They are...