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Results 51-60 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
In the great mass of our country Middle Southern & Westward The progress towards a final consolidn of sentiment in matters of government has reached that ultimate term beyond which perhaps it is not desirable it should extend. that there should be some difference of opn, some opponents to the prevailing one is certainly wholsome. they are as watchmen over every department of the government,...
Extract printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 15, 1756. I arrived here last Night. We met a Number of Waggons on the Road, moving off with the Effects of the People of Lehi Township. All the Women and Children are sent off out of that Township; and many of them have taken Refuge here; all in great Confusion. The Substance of the Action at Gnadenhutten, as we have received it from...
1805. June 4 . in bank 56 .69 Salary for May 2083 .33 borrow bk US. 1979 . borrow bk Columb. 1484 .25 5608
Heads of a lease to Richard Gamble. 5. fields North of the road, of 40 acres each. to wit 4. on the Shadwell tract now leased to J. Perry, and one on the Lego tract, adjoining to the Upper field of Shadwell, including the ground already open there & about Reynolds’s house, & as much more to be opened adjacent as will make up 40. acres. the lease to commence Oct. 15. 1804. (being John Perry’s...
Notes of Wabash Salines. on Saline creek which empties into Ohio 16. mi. below Wabash the Saline is 16. miles up the creek, which is navigable, & 16. miles across from the nearest part of Wabash. the bed or saline marsh is about 20. yards square. it ought to be so worked as to make 100. bush. salt a day. this would require boilers of 15,000. galls. contents. containg. 40. galls. each, they...
Notes on a Draught for a second inaugural Address. The former one was an exposition of the principles on which I thought it my duty to administer the government. the second then should naturally be a Compte rendu, or a statement of facts, shewing that I have conformed to those principles. the former was promise : this is performance . yet the nature of the occasion requires that detail should...
Altho’ the Legislature of Virginia declared at a late Session almost unanimously, that S. Carolina was not supported in her doctrine of nullification by the Resolutions of 1798, it appears that those Resolutions are still appealed to as expressly or constructively favoring the doctrine That the doctrine of nullification may be clearly understood, it must be taken as laid down in the Report of...
All Govts. hitherto bad: either tending to despotism, or to anarchy & thro’ that to despotism. The expedt. of fedl. repub: aiming at a security agst both, merits a fair experiments, and the good wishes of all. [It h]as worked well as yet. It has controul’d the Genl Govt. thro the States, as in al: & sedn. laws, and the States when flying individually out of [thorn] yr. orbits have under the...
The plan proposed by the gentleman from Northampton, freed as it has been from one of its Elements, (taxation), appears to be entitled to a favorable consideration: It is not liable to objections which are so decisive with those, who oppose the rival plan. The original and real ground of opposition between the two parties, is that one basis of representation for both Houses of the Legislature,...
Saturday, July 12. The Board met, present the same as yesterday. Resolved That James Monroe & John H. Cocke compose a committee for the purpose of examining & reporting on, the minutes of the Faculty proceedings. Resolved That Chapman Johnson & W. C. Rives compose a committee for the purpose of enquiring into & reporting on the state of the Funds. Resolved as follows: Professor Long having...