To George Washington from William Livingston, 14 April 1781
Trenton 14th April 1781
Dear Sir
I have to acknowledge your Excellency’s favour of the 8th instant, & thank you for the intelligence it contains. The account is so similar to that which I had by a man direct from New york, & who had it from a person in their confidence, that I cannot doubt the truth. The only variation is, that of the four persons intended to be taken or assassinated the three which he remembred, were your Excellency, President Reed & me. Governor Clinton therefore must be the fourth who was not mentioned to him; & President Reed the fourth who was not mentioned to your Excellency. With th[e] greatest esteem I have the honour to be Dear Sir your Excellency’s most obedient and very humble Servant
Wil: Livingston
DLC: Papers of George Washington.