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Results 50831-50840 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
ALS : Library of Congress; incomplete copy: American Philosophical Society I am always pleas’d with a Letter from you, and I flatter myself you may be sometimes pleas’d in receiving one from me, tho’ it should be of little Importance, such as this, which is to consist of a few occasional Remarks made here and in my Journey hither. Soon after I left you in that agreable Society at Bromley, I...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Last Night your good Mother receiv’d the enclos’d Letters from Mr. T. Henckell, and answer’d him that we should all be happy to have his Company, and appointed him to be at our House in Craven street at ½ after 7 on Saturday morning that we might set out by 8. Our Reason for going so early is, that having the Day before us, we may do our Business and dine...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I have received your kind Letters of Augt. 30. and Nov. 16. Please to return my Thanks with those of my Friend, to Mr. Stanley for his Favour in the Musick, which gives great Satisfaction. I am glad to hear of the Welfare of the Blunt Family, and the Additions it has lately received; and particularly that your Dolly’s Health is mended. Present my best...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I see I must overcome the Indolence so natural to old Men, and write now and then to my dear good Girl, or I shall seldom have the Pleasure of a Line from her; and indeed it is scarce reasonable in me to expect it. I receiv’d your kind Congratulations on occasion of the new Year; and though you had not mine in writing, be assured that I did and do daily...
ALS : Yale University Library I received your Favour of the 27th. past, and have since expected your intended philosophical Epistle. But you have not had Leisure to write it! Your good Mama is now perfectly well, as I think, excepting now and then a few Rheumatic Complaints, which however seem gradually diminishing. I am glad to hear you are about to enjoy the Happiness of seeing and being...
Draft: Library of Congress; copy: American Philosophical Society Did you ever see People at work with Spades and Pickaxes, digging a Cellar? When they have loosen’d the Earth perhaps a foot deep, that loose Earth must be carried off, or they can go no deeper; it is in their way, and hinders the Operation of the Instruments. When the first foot of loose Earth is removed, they can dig and loosen...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. Franklin did not know of the Message this Morning till the Servant was gone; he has since been ready to beat Mrs. Stevenson for declining any Occasion (especially so joyful an one) of meeting the good Family of Kensington. Having made up the Quarrel, they now jointly beg to be favour’d with the Company of that Family this Day in Cravenstreet, June 15....
ALS : Yale University Library Your pleasing Favour of Nov. 11 is now before me. It found me as you suppos’d it would, happy with my American Friends and Family about me; and it made me more happy in showing me that I am not yet forgotten by the dear Friends I left in England. And indeed why should I fear they will ever forget me, when I feel so strongly that I shall ever remember them! I...
ALS : Mrs. Herbert May, Washington, D.C. (1963) I received your kind Letter by Dr Shuttleworth. It always gives me great Pleasure to hear of the Welfare of you and yours. As to my self, I continue as hearty as at my Age could be expected, and as chearful as ever you knew me, hoping ere long to see Peace and my Friends, whose continued Regard for me after so long and so thorough an Acquaintance...
ALS : American Philosophical Society My Son I know intended writing to you this Morning, so as to send per this Days Post; but sundry unexpected Hindrances have prevented him as well as me. He is gone to dine abroad, and I doubt will hardly be able to disengage himself before the Post goes. Therefore, as well as to acknowledge the Receipt of your kind Favour of the 18th. I snatch a Moment from...