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Results 50821-50830 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Reasons to believe that the enemy intend a movement across the Country towards Carolina have induced Majr. General Baron Steuben to desire anxiously to have made up of a sudden a body of 200 cavalry. It is probable they will not be wanting a fortnight, but in any event they shall be discharged at the end of one month from their rendezvousing at Petersburg. Supposing it would be in your power...
You are not unacquainted with the Desire which Government has long had of erecting some defensive works at Hoods in your County which might protect so much of the river as lies above that place. The late Incursion of the Enemy up the river, their Acknowledgements of the Obstructions which that Post, well prepared, might have been to their Enterprize, their taking permanent post at Portsmouth,...
I do myself the honor to inclose to your Excellency an extract of a letter which I have received from Major General Baron Steuben respecting the horses at Petersburg. These are the horses that have been impressed and purchased for the late expedition against Portsmouth and have been collected agreable to the Baron’s orders. Some of the owners are willing to take them back and give up their...
In answer to your Excellency’s letter of March 31st. referred to the Board by Congress they beg leave to observe, that they think it will be proper for the flag vessel to proceed round from James River to Potomack, and land their Cloathing, refreshments Money &c., designed for the Prisoners at George Town in the State of Maryland; there to be received by two Officers of the Convention Troops...
HAVING received an application from the Commanding Officer to strengthen our army below, and being very unwilling to harrass the Militia more than shall be absolutely unavoidable, we are in hopes an immediate and sufficient accession of force may be obtained by application to the several Counties for their delinquents in Militia duty whom the Law sentences to six months service. Every County,...
As your Militia is now returned or on their return home we have thought it necessary to take off the Suspension of the Act of October 1781 for recruiting this States Quota of Troops to serve in the Continental Army and to desire you to proceed to the raising the New Levies required from your County by that Law, and sending them to the Rendezvous as directed in my Letter of January 19th. 1781....
I was desired by the Baron before his leaving town to lay before your Excellency, an extract of a letter from General Greene, which unintentionally he omitted to present to you yesterday, altho’ I think he said he had conversed with you on this subject. His great anxiety for an immediate supply of ammunition to be forwarded on to General Greene has induced him to press this matter with so much...
From the negligence of Col. Munford the issuing continental commissary general in this State, there is the most shameful waste of provision and scandalous abuses in that department that can well be conceived. He has not for many months paid the least attention to his deputies, and has even refused to appoint the necessary issuers to the troops below. The provisions delivered by Mr. Brown [John...
I had the Honour of an Application from yourself and others of the Town of Alexandria for enabling you to mount some Cannon for the Defence of your Town. This Letter was not delivered ’till after one on the same Subject from Colo. Waggoner had been delivered and answered and the Sum of £5,000. ordered, which I afterwards found was considerably necessary. It was long ago determined to erect a...
I have the honour of your Excellency’s favor of March 23d and shall with great pleasure communicate to our Citizens our prospect of Aid from his most Christian majesty to whom we are already so infinitely indebted. I assure you Sir that these Prospects are necessary to inspirit them under the present Aspect of their Affairs. We suppose one half of the enemys force in the United States to be to...