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Results 50801-50850 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have received your letter of the 6th & have examined the list of officers & read all the...
13 July 1801, Department of State. Encloses list of French ships taken by U.S. naval vessels and...
According to your wish, I take the liberty of writing this in French, but as this language is not...
[ New York, November 22, 1797. Hamilton endorsed the letter Condy wrote to him on November 21,...
The inclosed $20 is the nearest possible viz No 122. T. of the 2d. Augt. 1800—B. US. which I...
[ Newport, Rhode Island ] March 26, 1792 . “On the 24th of this month I received your letter of...
Being persuaded, that your extended Rank will prevent you from attending to the distresses even...
J’ai reçu la Lettre de votre Excellence du 11. de ce mois, le raport du nombre de Vaisseaux de...
I have just returned from Richmond & send the inclosed for yr. inspection in the hope that you...
I receiv’d on the 5 th of October, your letter of the 10 th & 11. of August—the bill you remitted...
I am favoured with yours of the 12th instant. I am informed, that Colo. Moylan has provided...
I take occasion to inform you, that an ⟨attempt⟩ was yesterday made to suprize Bound Brook. It...
I have the pleasure to enclose you the particulars of Colo. Clarkes success against St Vincenne...
50814Proclamation, 24 January 1791 (Washington Papers)
By the President of the U. States of America A Proclamation Whereas the general Assembly of the...
The inclosed is a copy of my address to the two Houses of Assembly. On yesterday General Adair,...
I recvd your Letter of the first Instant and was happy in having it in my power to converse with...
The Resolution of the House of Representatives of the 4th inst: requesting the President to cause...
50818[Diary entry: 2 October 1786] (Washington Papers)
Monday 2d. Mercury at 67 in the Morning—78 at Noon and 75 at Night. Morning lowering but clear...
Mr Gore came out this afternoon to see me; and informd me that Mr Dexter proposed to sit out...
I have taken the liberty of addressing few lines to the president of the U.S. to lay before him...
50821[Diary entry: 16 May 1772] (Washington Papers)
16. Very Warm, and but little Wind, that Southerly.
Yr Letter of the 4th I recd & note it’s Contents —I observe You have been much engag’d in...
50823General Orders, 31 July 1775 (Washington Papers)
The Continental Congress having been pleased to appoint Joseph Trumbull Esqr. to be Commissary...
On what we call western circuit, and whence I returned yesterday, I have had intercourse with...
50825[Diary entry: 10 January 1770] (Washington Papers)
10. Mr. W[ashingto]n & Mr. Thruston set of home. I went a hunting in the Neck & visited the...
The very quick reply with wish which you honourd my Letter together with the Friendly contents of...
I am tolerably well over the bilious indisposition which confined me at the date of my last. The...
I. f sawing sq. f. Grist 22  108 = 198 20  90 150 14  144
Your letter of the 20th. instant, inclosing one from General Washington came to hand this day....
I this day disposed of the Bill of Exchange I brought down to Col. Zane at 42%. and filled up the...
I am an officer lately returned from service and residence in the U.S. of America. I have fought...
The difference between a communication & sollicitation is too obvious to need suggestion. while...
50833[Diary entry: 24 November 1770] (Washington Papers)
Saturday 24th. When we came to Stewards Crossing at Crawfords, the River was too high to Ford and...
La Confiance que m’in[s]pire votre Caractere, et tous les actes de bienfaisance dont vous avez...
In my Negociations with M r . Gardoqui I experience certain difficulties which in my Opinion...
ALS (letterbook draft): Library of Congress <West Wycomb, at Lord Le Despencer’s, August 3, 1773:...
your Letter of the 20 I am favour’d with, I have communed with Mr Baur on the Several parts of it...
AD : Yale University Library During his stay at Newport in July Franklin had an opportunity to...
Your letter of the 17th instant in answer to mine of the 14th, has been received. I have already...
Your Excellency will pardon the liberty of this address, tho’ the author of it has not the honor...
It does not appear on a strict examination of the papers in this Office, that any documents...
508421771. Saturday. June 22nd. (Adams Papers)
Spent this Week at Ipswich in the usual Labours and Drudgery of Attendance upon Court. Boarded at...
5084325th. (Adams Papers)
The river begins at length to fall, but rose, continually, till this morning; and was much higher...
Enclosed I have the Honor of submitting a Letter this day received from Mr. Samuel Davis and...
50845[Diary entry: 27 March 1786] (Washington Papers)
Monday 27th. Thermometer at 46 in the Morning at Noon and 56 at Night. Cloudy all the...
The inclosed papers should have been annexed to the documents of my letter of Aug. 16. but were...
ALS : American Philosophical Society As an unfortunate Countryman I take the liberty onst more to...
The threatening posture of our Foreign relations has not failed to engage my profound attention...
In acknowledging your favor of Sepr. last, an interval between that date & this, presents itself...
(I) AL : The Rosenbach Museum & Library; AL (draft) American Philosophical Society; (II) Passy,...