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Results 50801-50850 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Reprinted from Rivington’s New York Gazette and Universal Advertiser , December 24, 1783 The...
50802General Orders, 12 April 1781 (Washington Papers)
A Fatigue party consisting of one subaltern one serjeant and twenty five rank and file to march...
I have received your favor of the 5th by Mr Gamble. Nothing gives me greater pain than being...
I have received your several Letters of the 9th 10th & 11th Instant. It will be proper upon the...
The officer whom I sent down the river with the families in the flag sloop, was not permitted to...
I am favored with your Letter of this day. No means in our power, to have the supplies you...
I arriv’d Yesterday at this Place and intend taking a View of th ose Parts of this country worthy...
You may Remember that in Conversation with you yesturday that I informd your Excellensy the...
I have been honored with your Excellencys letter of the 7th inclosing the copy of a peice of...
your Excellency will remember that you received a letter by me from his Excellency Governor...
Owing to a very Heavy Rain and a Most Stormy Night I was yesterday obliged to Counter Mand the...
Since Mr Montange the Phila. Post Rider was taken in the Clove, I can get no person, fit for the...
I enclose to you the Extract of a Letter from Major General Heath, of this day; and must again...
J’ai Reçu la lettre du 7. de ce mois dont votre excellence m’a honoré, je suis charmé que les...
I have examined your report of the 10th of March with the papers accompanying it. I do not see...
I have been favd with yours of the 21st instant and am much obliged by the general information...
I have before me the several Letters you have honour’d me with dated Feb. 27. March 11. and April...
MS ( NA : PCC , No. 36, I, 137–40). Docketed, “Motion of Mr Madison April 12. 1781 Referred to Mr...
The Executive will advance £20,000 to Messrs. Lewis and Thornton on the 12th. of March, and will...
Middlesex, 12 Apr. 1781 . Was appointed with Col. George Daniel a commissioner of the specific...
Reasons to believe that the enemy intend a movement across the Country towards Carolina have...
You are not unacquainted with the Desire which Government has long had of erecting some defensive...
I do myself the honor to inclose to your Excellency an extract of a letter which I have received...
In answer to your Excellency’s letter of March 31st. referred to the Board by Congress they beg...
HAVING received an application from the Commanding Officer to strengthen our army below, and...
As your Militia is now returned or on their return home we have thought it necessary to take off...
I was desired by the Baron before his leaving town to lay before your Excellency, an extract of a...
From the negligence of Col. Munford the issuing continental commissary general in this State,...
I had the Honour of an Application from yourself and others of the Town of Alexandria for...
I have the honour of your Excellency’s favor of March 23d and shall with great pleasure...
Yesterday on my Arrival at Alexandria I found the town in much confusion occasioned by a small...
Williamsburg, 12 Apr. 1781 . Encloses a recommendation from the officers of the Fauquier militia...
About ten or twelve daies ago I lost two very valuable Fellows, and Mr. James Ball lost three,...
In the Order, Your Excellency pleases to send to the County Lieutnant of Prince George County ,...
I informed you in my last , that the major part of the Soldiers belonging to the Regiment of...
We have no Continental Money on hand, and do not think any can be procured. There stil remains...
We have this moment Recv’d your favour of ye 11th Inst., the one you Refer to in this we have not...
I inclose to your Excellency an Extract of a letter which I have just received from Captain...
It will be necessary for me to have, Tea Geer and Coffee Geer and Knives and Forks and Table...
I received your note concerning Mr. Garanger. I am no further interested for him than as a...
You have intirely misunderstood me. I said I knew you too well not to be convinced, that you...
New Windsor [ New York ] April 13, 1781 . Asks Board to supply hard money to officers on Long...
AL (draft) and copy: Library of Congress I received your Letter requesting Information relating...
50844General Orders, 13 April 1781 (Washington Papers)
At a Division General court martial held in the Connecticut line the ninth instant by order of...
I am order’d by Congress to proceed immediately as far as Dover in the Delaware State, and...
The Commissary of Prisoners informs me that there are still a number of officers on Long Island...
The last evening I was honored with yours of the 12th to which in its several parts I shall pay...
Had Your Excellency’s Answer to my letter of the 8th Been forwarded with an Equal Celerity with...
I Have Received Your Excellency’s Letter Relating to Clel Gouvion—it would Have Been Very...
I was Yesterday honored with your Favor of the 4th Inst. Every attention is paid to collect and...