George Washington Papers

To George Washington from Major General Horatio Gates, 12 April 1779

From Major General Horatio Gates

providence 12th April 1779.


As nothing Material has happened in this Department since General Glover wrote last to Your Excellency.1 I have not thought it necessary to dispatch an Express to Head Quarters. this, now returning thither, gives me an Opportunity of acquainting Your Excellency, that The Troops are uneasy for want of Their pay, being upwards five Months in Arrear; The paymaster Generals Deputy has been gone to philadelphia upwards of a Month to get Money, I suppose he will not be much longer delay’d; as the Roads are now Good, I hope the bread Magazines will soon be plentifully Supply’d. I am Sir Your most Obedient Servant

Horatio Gates

ALS, DLC:GW; ADfS, NHi: Gates Papers.

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